39 research outputs found

    Lectins and Their Roles in Pests Control

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    Cellular immune reactions of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps, to the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveriabassiana and its secondary metabolites

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    In this study, five morphological types of circulating hemocytes were recognized in thehemolymph of the adult sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae),namely prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, adipohemocytes, and oenocytoids. Theeffects of the secondary metabolites of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana oncellular immune defenses of Eurygaster integriceps were investigated. The results showed thatthe fungal secondary metabolites inhibited phagocytic activity of E. integriceps hemocytes andhampered nodule formation. A reduction of phenoloxidase activity was also observed. The datasuggest that B. bassiana produce secondary metabolites that disable several immune mechanismsallowing the fungus to overcome and then kill its host. This characteristic makes B. bassiana apromising model for biological control of insect pests such as E. integriceps

    Qualitative assessment of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky 1901) stocks in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea (1991-2011)

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    The main objective of the present study was qualitative assessment of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky 1901) stocks by using indicators of overfishing, condition factor and relative weight in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea during a long period (1991- 2011). Three fisheries indicators in catch were: 1) percentage of mature fish, with 100% as target; 2) percent of specimens with optimum length, with 100% as target; and 3) percentage of mega-spawners, with 0% as target, and if no upper size limit exists, 30-40% as representative of reasonable stock structure. Over this period, the condition factor and relative weight had a decreasing trend. The range of length with optimum yield was between 40 and 48 cm. The mega-spawner measured as fish a size larger than 48 cm. According to these three indicators, the percentage of mature (fork length>40cm), optimum size and mega-spawners were 62.0, 40.9 and 12.5% in 1991-92 which decreased less than 50, 38.2 and 8%, in the years 1992-2011, respectively. The length structure is a matter of concern. Therefore, for reservation and rebuilt of kutum in the Caspian Sea, the target was to let all (100%) fish spawn at least once, using bigger mesh size in cod end (e.g. 35mm, during whole fishing season). The aim was also to implement a fishing strategy that result no (0%) mega-spawners being caught, and the main catch focus on optimum length

    Photoperiod Effect on Fecundity, Longevity and Sex ratio of Trichogramma brassicae (Hym: Trichogrammatidae)

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    The effect of photoperiod on parasitization of the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lep: Pyralidae) by Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hym: Trichogrammatidae) was investigated under several photoperiodic regimes of L: D = 0: 24, 3: 21, 6: 18, 9: 15, 12: 12, 15: 9, 18: 6, 21: 3 and absolute light on. Fecundity of T. brassicae females (the number of parasitized E. kuehniella eggs) was independent of photoperiod in the whole life time of females. However, photoperiod had a significant influence on the longevity of T. brassicae females. The least fecundity and longevity was for those that developed and were kept under 18L: 6D and the highest fecundity and longevity was for those that developed and were kept under 21L: 3D and absolute darkness, respectively. On the other hand, the proportion of T. brassicae females was dependent of photoperiod and the highest proportion of females was observed under 18L: 6D. It seems that long term photoperiods may stimulate a particular gland to secret a special hormone which results in more longevity and female proportion of parasitoid. As a conclusion, long term photoperiods may improve efficiency of the parasitoid by increasing longevity and sex ratio

    Stock assessment of bonyfishes in the Iranian coastal water of the Caspian Sea (2004-2005)

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    For gathering of data on biometry and catch statistics, 5 mobile working group in the regions of Anzali, Kiashahr , Noshahr , Babolsar and Torkmen were involved from the start (2004.10.23) to the end of fishing season (2005.04.10). Gathered data were entered to the computer based on species. For data analysis different methods were undertaken such as Bertallanfy equation for growth parameter Beverton and Holt for total mortality rates, pauly's imperical model for natural mortality rate and cohort Analysis for biomass estimation. Total catch with taking into account of poaching, was estimated 15140 tons reported by scientific committee of catch and fishing harbor relief of Iranian Fishery Company. The total recorded catch of beach seine cooperatives was 10644 tons that comprise 70.2% of the total catch. Total catch of Caspian Kutum was estimated 6612 tons that had 1856 tons (22%) decrease with comparison of the last year. Biomass of Caspian kutum in Iranian coastal Water of the Caspian Sea in 2003-2004 estimated about 20400 tons. The total catch of golden gray mullet was estimated 4425.6 tons that constitute 29.2% of total catch of bony fishes. Biomass of this species was estimated 12200 tons and based on this amount of biomass, Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) was calculated as 3577 tons. Long nose mullet comprised only 1.4% of the mullet catch. The catch of common carp in 2004-2005 fishing season continued its increasing trend and caught in amount of 3087 tons by beach seine cooperatives that had 2.2 fold increase in comparison of previous fishing season. Most of the catch occurred in Golestan province and was immature and undersize and the length frequency modes showed moving towards bigger size and older age groups in comparison of previous fishing season. The catch of pick perch in 2003-2004 decreased with comparison of the last year and estimated about 22.5 tons. Most of the catch of pick perch was immature and undersize. Approximately all of the catch is due to releasing of fingerling of this species by Fishery Company especially in Guilan province. Total catch of bream was estimated 27.4 tons and most of which was immature and undersize. Population of asp is critically endangered and the catch of this species is very low (500 kg). Restocking of this species must be considered by Iranian fishing company

    Stock assessment of the bony fishes in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea (2005-2007)

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    Exploitation of bony fishes resources started on 12 October 2005 and finished on 9 April 2006 in 2005-2006. 142 beach seines caught about 14333.4 tons of bony fishes by 47101 hauling. The total catch was estimated 21844.7 tones (Includes illegal fishery). Kutum, mullets and common carp comprised more than 97 percent of total catch. Length classes 39-40, 31-32 and 40-41 cm predominated for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively. Age groups 3 to 5 year comprised 84.2, 74.8 and 83.7 percent for Kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively and age group 4 year was dominant with 42.0, 35.9 and 43.0 percent, respectively. K value and L_∞ calculated 0.26 (/year) and 58.3 cm for Kutum and 0.15 (/year) and 61.5 cm for golden grey mullet, respectively. The total biomass and MSY estimated about 24733.7 and 8550.4 tones for kutum and about 16948.0 and 4999.0 tones for golden grey mullet, respectively. Exploitation rate (E) calculated 0.71 and 0.70 for Kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively. In 2006-2007, the exploitation of bony fishes resources started on 12 October 2006 and finished on 7 April 2007 in 2006-2007. 134 beach seines caught about 14120.0 tons of bony fishes by 48470 hauling. The total catch was estimated 23801.8 tones (Includes illegal fishery). Kutum, mullets and common carp comprised more than 98.5 percent of total catch. Length classes 39-40 and 38-39 cm predominated for kutum and common carp, respectively and length classes 27-28 and 29-30 cm predominated for golden grey mullet. Age groups 3 to 5 year comprised 80.2 and 71.8 percent for kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively and age groups 4 to 6 year comprised 71.8 percent for common carp. Age group 3, 4 and 5 year was dominant with 35.5, 32.1 and 27.1 percent for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp respectively. K value and L∞ calculated 0.27 (/year) and 60.7 cm for Kutum, 0.2 (/year) and 58.4 cm for golden grey mullet and 0.19 (/year) and 66.7 cm for common carp, respectively. The total biomass and MSY estimated about 46654.9 and 14801.4 tones for Kutum, about 19549.0 and 5748.4 tones for golden grey mullet and about 10584.3 and 2186.0 tones for common carp, respectively. Exploitation rate (E) calculated 0.69, 0.53 and 0.52 for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively

    The study on fishing and resource management of bony fisheries within southern Caspian Sea

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    The project of the Study on fishing and resource management of fisheries within Southern Caspian Sea was conducted on the base of an agreement made between fisheries organization (Shilat) and the Iranian fishery research organization (IFRO) signed in 2010. In this library-based study the current situation of bony fish fisheries and biology of these species has been surveyed in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea . In this survey internal and external environmental factors of bony fishes activities were considered. Using SWOT analysis method, current situation of fisheries was investigated..One of the most important strategies for conserving anadromous species such as Caspian kutum , common carp, roach, bream and …. is rehabilitation of the natural spawning ground in rivers, coastal lagoon specially Anzali lagoon .By conducting this strategy not only restocks of bony fishes is done ,but also reduced the cost of artificial restocking programs and releasing fingerlings .In short term , it is nessesary to enhance the stocks of the species that have low catch is done by huge releasing of the fingerlings and study the qualification of the program

    Investigation of the midgut structure and ultrastructure in Cimex lectularius and Cimex pipistrelli (Hemiptera, Cimicidae)

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    Cimicidae are temporary ectoparasites, which means that they cannot obtain food continuously. Both Cimex species examined here, Cimex lectularius (Linnaeus 1758) and Cimex pipistrelli (Jenyns 1839), can feed on a non-natal host, C. lectularius from humans on bats, C. pipistrelli on humans, but never naturally. The midgut of C. lectularius and C. pipistrelli is composed of three distinct regions—the anterior midgut (AMG), which has a sack-like shape, the long tube-shaped middle midgut (MMG), and the posterior midgut (PMG). The different ultrastructures of the AMG, MMG, and PMG in both of the species examined suggest that these regions must fulfill different functions in the digestive system. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the AMG fulfills the role of storing food and synthesizing and secreting enzymes, while the MMG is the main organ for the synthesis of enzymes, secretion, and the storage of the reserve material. Additionally, both regions, the AMG and MMG, are involved in water absorption in the digestive system of both Cimex species. The PMG is the part of the midgut in which spherites accumulate. The results of our studies confirm the suggestion of former authors that the structure of the digestive tract of insects is not attributed solely to diet but to the basic adaptation of an ancestor

    Production and function of metabolites by entomopathogenous fungi, Tolypocladium spp.

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