195 research outputs found

    Коррекция состояния иммунной системы крыс с адъювантным артритом введением липидной фракции плаценты

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    Введення ліпідної фракції плаценти, отриманої методом кріогенного молекулярного фракціонування, на фоні розвитку ад’ювантного артриту оказує корегуючий вплив у відношенні як вмісту, так і функціональної активності регуляторних Т-клітин регіональних лімфовузлів, що призводить до зниження інтенсивності клінічних ознак захворювання.Injection of placental lipid fraction obtained by cryogenic molecular fractionation method on the background of adjuvant arthritis development has a correcting influence in relation to both content and functional activity of regulatory T-cells of regional lymph nodes which leads to a decrease in intensity of clinical signs of the disease

    Определение интервалов квазистационарности экономических систем

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    В работе рассмотрен вопрос определения оптимального интервала адаптации алгоритма динамического управления капиталом для нестационарного случая методами расчета показателя Херста и построения автокорреляционной функции для анализа временных рядов. Проведен анализ влияния выбора интервала адаптации на эффективность алгоритма. Из анализа полученных результатов следует, что метод расчета показателя Херста позволяет более эффективно, чем метод построения автокорреляционной функции, определить интервал стационарности модели функционирования экономической системы.Робота присвячена питанню визначення оптимального інтервалу адаптації алгоритму динамічного керування капіталом для нестаціонарного випадку за допомогою методів розрахунку показника Херста і побудови автокореляційної функції задля аналізу часових рядів. Проведено аналіз впливу вибору інтервалу адаптації на ефективність алгоритму. Порівняння результатів проведеного аналізу дозволяє стверджувати, що метод розрахунку показника Херста дозволяє більш ефективно, ніж метод побудови автокореляційної функції, визначити інтервал стаціонарності моделі функціонування економічної системи

    Non-dispensing pharmacist integrated in the primary care team:Effect on the quality of physician's prescribing, a non-randomised comparative study

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    BackgroundEspecially in elderly with polypharmacy, medication can do harm. Clinical pharmacists integrated in primary care teams might improve quality of pharmaceutical care.ObjectiveTo assess the effect of non-dispensing clinical pharmacists integrated in primary care teams on general practitioners' prescribing quality.SettingThis study was conducted in 25 primary care practices in the Netherlands.MethodsNon-randomised, controlled, multi-centre, complex intervention study with pre-post comparison. First, we identified potential prescribing quality indicators from the literature and assessed their feasibility, validity, acceptability, reliability and sensitivity to change. Also, an expert panel assessed the indicators' health impact. Next, using the final set of indicators, we measured the quality of prescribing in practices where non-dispensing pharmacists were integrated in the team (intervention group) compared to usual care (two control groups). Data were extracted anonymously from the healthcare records. Comparisons were made using mixed models correcting for potential confounders.Main outcome measureQuality of prescribing, measured with prescribing quality indicators.ResultsOf 388 eligible indicators reported in the literature we selected 8. In addition, two more indicators relevant for Dutch general practice were formulated by an expert panel. Scores on all 10 indicators improved in the intervention group after introduction of the non-dispensing pharmacist. However, when compared to control groups, prescribing quality improved solely on the indicator measuring monitoring of the renal function in patients using antihypertensive medication: relative risk of a monitored renal function in the intervention group compared to usual care: 1.03 (95% CI 1.01-1.05, p-value 0.010) and compared to usual care plus: 1.04 (1.01-1.06, p-value 0.004).ConclusionThis study did not demonstrate a consistent effect of the introduction of non-dispensing clinical pharmacists in the primary care team on the quality of physician's prescribing. This study is part of the POINT-study, which was registered at The Netherlands National Trial Register with trial registration number NTR-4389

    Alternative Living Kidney Donation Programs Boost Genetically Unrelated Donation

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    Donor-recipient ABO and/or HLA incompatibility used to lead to donor decline. Development of alternative transplantation programs enabled transplantation of incompatible couples. How did that influence couple characteristics? Between 2000 and 2014, 1232 living donor transplantations have been performed. In conventional and ABO-incompatible transplantation the willing donor becomes an actual donor for the intended recipient. In kidney-exchange and domino-donation the donor donates indirectly to the intended recipient. The relationship between the donor and intended recipient was studied. There were 935 conventional and 297 alternative program transplantations. There were 66 ABO-incompatible, 68 domino-paired, 62 kidney-exchange, and 104 altruistic donor transplantations. Waiting list recipients (n=101) were excluded as they did not bring a living donor. 1131 couples remained of whom 196 participated in alternative programs. Genetically unrelated donors (486) were primarily partners. Genetically related donors (645) were siblings, parents, children, and others. Compared to genetically related couples, almost three times as many genetically unrelated couples were incompatible and participated in alternative programs (P<0.001). 62% of couples were genetically related in the conventional donation program versus 32% in alternative programs (P<0.001). Patient and graft survival were not significantly different between recipient programs. Alternative donation programs increase the number of transplantations by enabling genetically unrelated donors to donate

    Missed Acute Coronary Syndrome During Telephone Triage at Out-of-Hours Primary Care: Lessons From A Case-Control Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Serious adverse events at out-of-hours services in primary care (OHS-PC) are rare, and the most often concern is missed acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Previous studies on serious adverse events mainly concern root cause analyses, which highlighted errors in the telephone triage process but are hampered by hindsight bias. This study compared the recorded triage calls of patients with chest discomfort contacting the OHS-PC in whom an ACS was missed (cases), with triage calls involving matched controls with chest discomfort but without a missed ACS (controls), with the aim to assess the predictors of missed ACS. METHODS: A case-control study with data from 2013 to 2017 of 9 OHS-PC in the Netherlands. The cases were matched 1:8 with controls based on age and sex. Clinical, patient, and call characteristics were univariably assessed, and general practitioner experts evaluated the triage while blinded to the final diagnosis or the case-control status. RESULTS: Fifteen missed ACS calls and 120 matched control calls were included. Cases used less cardiovascular medication (38.5% versus 64.1%, P = 0.05) and more often experienced pain other than retrosternal chest pain (63.3% versus 24.7%, P = 0.02) compared with controls. Consultation of the supervising general practitioner (86.7% versus 49.2%, P = 0.02) occurred more often in cases than in controls. Experts rated the triage of cases more often as "poor" (33.3% versus 10.9%, P = 0.001) and "unsafe" (73.3% versus 22.5%, P < 0.001) compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: To facilitate learning from serious adverse events in the future, these should also be bundled and carefully assessed without hindsight bias and within the context of "normal" clinical practice

    Canine models of copper toxicosis for understanding mammalian copper metabolism

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    Hereditary forms of copper toxicosis exist in man and dogs. In man, Wilson’s disease is the best studied disorder of copper overload, resulting from mutations in the gene coding for the copper transporter ATP7B. Forms of copper toxicosis for which no causal gene is known yet are recognized as well, often in young children. Although advances have been made in unraveling the genetic background of disorders of copper metabolism in man, many questions regarding disease mechanisms and copper homeostasis remain unanswered. Genetic studies in the Bedlington terrier, a dog breed affected with copper toxicosis, identified COMMD1, a gene that was previously unknown to be involved in copper metabolism. Besides the Bedlington terrier, a number of other dog breeds suffer from hereditary copper toxicosis and show similar phenotypes to humans with copper storage disorders. Unlike the heterogeneity of most human populations, the genetic structure within a purebred dog population is homogeneous, which is advantageous for unraveling the molecular genetics of complex diseases. This article reviews the work that has been done on the Bedlington terrier, summarizes what was learned from studies into COMMD1 function, describes hereditary copper toxicosis phenotypes in other dog breeds, and discusses the opportunities for genome-wide association studies on copper toxicosis in the dog to contribute to the understanding of mammalian copper metabolism and copper metabolism disorders in man

    Presence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Predicts a Poor Clinical Outcome in Dogs with a Primary Hepatitis

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    <div><p>Primary hepatopathies are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in dogs. The underlying aetiology of most cases of canine hepatitis is unknown. Consequently, treatments are typically palliative and it is difficult to provide accurate prognostic information to owners. In human hepatology there is accumulating data which indicates that the presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a common and debilitating event in patients with liver diseases. For example, the presence of SIRS has been linked to the development of complications such as hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and is associated with a poor clinical outcome in humans with liver diseases. In contrast, the relationship between SIRS and clinical outcome in dogs with a primary hepatitis is unknown. Seventy dogs with histologically confirmed primary hepatitis were enrolled into the study. Additional clinical and clinicopathological information including respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, white blood cell count, sodium, potassium, sex, presence of ascites, HE score, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin and red blood cell concentration were available in all cases. The median survival of dogs with a SIRS score of 0 or 1 (SIRS low) was 231 days compared to a median survival of 7 days for dogs with a SIRS score of 2, 3 or 4 (SIRS high) (p<0.001). A Cox proportional hazard model, which included all other co-variables, revealed that a SIRS high score was an independent predictor of a poor clinical outcome. The effect of modulating inflammation on treatment outcomes in dogs with a primary hepatitis is deserving of further study.</p></div