64 research outputs found

    Dynamic Aperture Studies for the Transfer Line From FLUTE to cSTART

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    The compact STorage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology cSTART project will deliver a new KIT accelerator test facility for the application of novel acceleration techniques and diagnostics. The goal is to demonstrate storing an electron beam of a Laser Plasma Accelerator (LPA) in a compact circular accelerator for the first time. Before installing an LPA, the Far-Infrared Linac and Test Experiment (FLUTE) will serve as a full energy injector for the compact storage ring, providing stable bunches with a length down to a few femtoseconds. The transport of the bunches from FLUTE to the cSTART storage ring requires a transfer line which includes horizontal, vertical and coupled deflections which leads to coupling of the dynamics in the two transverse planes. In order to realize ultra-short bunch lengths at the end of the transport line, it relies on special optics which invokes high and negative dispersion. This contribution presents dynamic aperture studies based on six-dimensional tracking through the lattice of the transfer line

    Beam Dynamics Observations at Negative Momentum Compaction Factors at KARA

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    For the development of future synchrotron light sources new operation modes often have to be considered. One such mode is the operation with a negative momentum compaction factor to provide the possibility of increased dynamic aperture. For successful application in future light sources, the influence of this mode has to be investigated. At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), operation with negative momentum compaction has been implemented and the dynamics can now be investigated. Using a variety of high-performance beam diagnostics devices it is possible to observe the beam dynamics under negative momentum compaction conditions. This contribution presents different aspects of the results of these investigations in the longitudinal and transversal plane

    Status of Negative Momentum Compaction Operation at KARA

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    For future synchrotron light sources different operation modes are of interest. Therefore various modes are currently being tested at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) including optics for a negative momentum compaction factor. These optics have been calculated and are under commissioning at KARA. Additionally, studies about expected collective effects in this regime are being performed, including the head-tail and microbunching instabilities. In this contribution we will present the status of operation in the negative momentum compaction regime and discuss expected collective effects that will be studied in this context

    Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments) Review

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    Electron storage rings operating at high energies have proven to be invaluable source of synchrotron radiation. Two and even three simultaneous beams of particles have been observed at different light source facilities worldwide. So called alpha-buckets were studied at Metrological Light Source (MLS) in Berlin (Germany), SOLEIL facility in France, DIAMOND light source in UK, NSLS ring in Brookhaven (USA). It is widely recognized that alpha buckets are general phenomena which is not restricted to a certain storage ring. However, earlier measurements showed essential limitations on parameters of alpha-buckets, strong dependence on high order (sextupole and octupoles) magnetic field imperfections and associated fast decay of electron current as well as reduced life time. Also a rising relevance of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics is associated with new generation of diffraction limited light sources (DLSR) approaches, which all suffer nonlinear momentum compaction factor. A large variety of future generation electron synchrotrons require a comprehensive investigation of the physical processes involved into the operation of such rings. In this paper, we present review of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics based on the longitudinal equations of motion and Hamiltonian expanded to a high order of the momentum compaction factor. Roots of the third order equation with a free term are derived in a form suitable for analytical estimations. The momentum independent term of orbit lengthening due to particle transverse excursions is estimated and taken into account. The results from simulations were benchmarked against existing experiments at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), SOLEIL and MLS rings. Parameters of three simultaneous beams and alpha buckets at MLS and SOLEIL have been reproduced with high accuracy. General conditions for stable operation of alpha buckets are presented. Based on analytical formulas and computer simulations, studies of longitudinal motion at KARA have been performed with an objective to estimate feasibility of filling and storing of beam in α-buckets. A Computer model was used to describe the behavior and dynamics of simultaneous beams in the KARA storage ring

    Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in the Presence of a Damping Wiggler

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    At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), the momentum compaction factor can be reduced leading to natural bunch lengths in the ps range. Due to the high degree of longitudinal compression, the micro-bunching instability arises. During this longitudinal instability, the bunches emit bursts of intense coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency range caused by the complex longitudinal dynamics. The temporal pattern of the emitted bursts depends on given machine parameters, like momentum compaction factor, acceleration voltage, and damping time. In this paper, the influence of the damping time is studied by utilizing the CLIC damping wiggler prototype installed in KARA as well as by simulations using the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck solver Inovesa

    Studies of the Micro-Bunching Instability in the Presence of a Damping Wiggler

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    At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), the momentum compaction factor can be reduced leading to natural bunch lengths in the ps range. Due to the high degree of longitudinal compression, the micro-bunching instability arises. During this longitudinal instability, the bunches emit bursts of intense coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency range caused by the complex longitudinal dynamics. The temporal pattern of the emitted bursts depends on given machine parameters, like momentum compaction factor, acceleration voltage, and damping time. In this paper, the influence of the damping time is studied by utilizing the CLIC damping wiggler prototype installed in KARA as well as by simulations using the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck solver Inovesa

    Flexible Features of the Compact Storage Ring in the cSTART Project at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

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    Within the cSTART project (compact storage ring for accelerator research and technology), a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR) will be realized at the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. (KIT). A modified geometry of a compact storage ring operating at 50 MeV energy range has been studied and main features of the new model are described here. The new design, based on 45° bending magnets, is suitable to store a wide momentum spread beam as well as ultra-short electron bunches in the sub-ps range injected from the plasma cell as well as from the Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test Experiment (FLUTE). The DBA lattice of the VLA-cSR with different settings and relaxed parameters, split elements and higher order optics of tolerable strength allows to improve the dynamic aperture and momentum acceptance to an acceptable level. This contribution discusses the lattice features in detail, expected lifetime, injection, tolerances and different possible operation schemes of the ring

    Design of a Very Large Acceptance Compact Storage Ring

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    Beam Diagnostics for the Storage Ring of the cSTART Project at KIT

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    In the framework of the compact STorage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology (cSTART) project, which will be realized at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR) is planned to study the injection and the storage of 50 MeV, ultra-short (sub-ps) electron bunches from a laser plasma accelerator (LPA) and the linac-based test facility FLUTE. For such a storage ring, where a single bunch with a relatively wide range of bunch charge (1 pC - 1000 pC ) and energy spread (10’4 - 10’2) will circulate at a relatively high revolution frequency (7 MHz), the choice of beam diagnostics is very delicate. In this paper, we would like to discuss several beam diagnostics options for the storage ring and to briefly report on several tests that have been or are planned to be realized in our existing facilities
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