Beam Diagnostics for the Storage Ring of the cSTART Project at KIT


In the framework of the compact STorage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology (cSTART) project, which will be realized at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR) is planned to study the injection and the storage of 50 MeV, ultra-short (sub-ps) electron bunches from a laser plasma accelerator (LPA) and the linac-based test facility FLUTE. For such a storage ring, where a single bunch with a relatively wide range of bunch charge (1 pC - 1000 pC ) and energy spread (10’4 - 10’2) will circulate at a relatively high revolution frequency (7 MHz), the choice of beam diagnostics is very delicate. In this paper, we would like to discuss several beam diagnostics options for the storage ring and to briefly report on several tests that have been or are planned to be realized in our existing facilities

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