97 research outputs found

    The Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem for a Point Interaction Hamiltonian

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    The flux-across-surfaces theorem establishes a fundamental relation in quantum scattering theory between the asymptotic outgoing state and a quantity which is directly measured in experiments. We prove it for a hamiltonian with a point interaction, using the explicit expression for the propagator. The proof requires only assuptions on the initial state and it covers also the case of zero-energy resonance. We also outline a different approach based on generalized eigenfunctions, in view of a possible extension of the result.Comment: AMS-Latex file, 11 page

    Gell-Mann and Low formula for degenerate unperturbed states

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    The Gell-Mann and Low switching allows to transform eigenstates of an unperturbed Hamiltonian H0H_0 into eigenstates of the modified Hamiltonian H0+VH_0 + V. This switching can be performed when the initial eigenstate is not degenerate, under some gap conditions with the remainder of the spectrum. We show here how to extend this approach to the case when the ground state of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is degenerate. More precisely, we prove that the switching procedure can still be performed when the initial states are eigenstates of the finite rank self-adjoint operator \cP_0 V \cP_0, where \cP_0 is the projection onto a degenerate eigenspace of H0H_0

    Spectral and scattering theory for some abstract QFT Hamiltonians

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    We introduce an abstract class of bosonic QFT Hamiltonians and study their spectral and scattering theories. These Hamiltonians are of the form H=\d\G(\omega)+ V acting on the bosonic Fock space \G(\ch), where ω\omega is a massive one-particle Hamiltonian acting on ch\ch and VV is a Wick polynomial \Wick(w) for a kernel ww satisfying some decay properties at infinity. We describe the essential spectrum of HH, prove a Mourre estimate outside a set of thresholds and prove the existence of asymptotic fields. Our main result is the {\em asymptotic completeness} of the scattering theory, which means that the CCR representations given by the asymptotic fields are of Fock type, with the asymptotic vacua equal to the bound states of HH. As a consequence HH is unitarily equivalent to a collection of second quantized Hamiltonians

    Bloch bundles, Marzari-Vanderbilt functional and maximally localized Wannier functions

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    We consider a periodic Schroedinger operator and the composite Wannier functions corresponding to a relevant family of its Bloch bands, separated by a gap from the rest of the spectrum. We study the associated localization functional introduced by Marzari and Vanderbilt, and we prove some results about the existence and exponential localization of its minimizers, in dimension d < 4. The proof exploits ideas and methods from the theory of harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. V2: the appendix has been completely rewritten. V3: final version, to appear in Commun. Math. Physic

    Infrared problem for the Nelson model on static space-times

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    We consider the Nelson model with variable coefficients and investigate the problem of existence of a ground state and the removal of the ultraviolet cutoff. Nelson models with variable coefficients arise when one replaces in the usual Nelson model the flat Minkowski metric by a static metric, allowing also the boson mass to depend on position. A physical example is obtained by quantizing the Klein-Gordon equation on a static space-time coupled with a non-relativistic particle. We investigate the existence of a ground state of the Hamiltonian in the presence of the infrared problem, i.e. assuming that the boson mass tends to 0 at infinity

    Justification of the coupled-mode approximation for a nonlinear elliptic problem with a periodic potential

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    Coupled-mode systems are used in physical literature to simplify the nonlinear Maxwell and Gross-Pitaevskii equations with a small periodic potential and to approximate localized solutions called gap solitons by analytical expressions involving hyperbolic functions. We justify the use of the one-dimensional stationary coupled-mode system for a relevant elliptic problem by employing the method of Lyapunov--Schmidt reductions in Fourier space. In particular, existence of periodic/anti-periodic and decaying solutions is proved and the error terms are controlled in suitable norms. The use of multi-dimensional stationary coupled-mode systems is justified for analysis of bifurcations of periodic/anti-periodic solutions in a small multi-dimensional periodic potential.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Effective dynamics for particles coupled to a quantized scalar field

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    We consider a system of N non-relativistic spinless quantum particles (``electrons'') interacting with a quantized scalar Bose field (whose excitations we call ``photons''). We examine the case when the velocity v of the electrons is small with respect to the one of the photons, denoted by c (v/c= epsilon << 1). We show that dressed particle states exist (particles surrounded by ``virtual photons''), which, up to terms of order (v/c)^3, follow Hamiltonian dynamics. The effective N-particle Hamiltonian contains the kinetic energies of the particles and Coulomb-like pair potentials at order (v/c)^0 and the velocity dependent Darwin interaction and a mass renormalization at order (v/c)^{2}. Beyond that order the effective dynamics are expected to be dissipative. The main mathematical tool we use is adiabatic perturbation theory. However, in the present case there is no eigenvalue which is separated by a gap from the rest of the spectrum, but its role is taken by the bottom of the absolutely continuous spectrum, which is not an eigenvalue. Nevertheless we construct approximate dressed electrons subspaces, which are adiabatically invariant for the dynamics up to order (v/c)\sqrt{\ln (v/c)^{-1}}. We also give an explicit expression for the non adiabatic transitions corresponding to emission of free photons. For the radiated energy we obtain the quantum analogue of the Larmor formula of classical electrodynamics.Comment: 67 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Adiabatically coupled systems and fractional monodromy

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    We present a 1-parameter family of systems with fractional monodromy and adiabatic separation of motion. We relate the presence of monodromy to a redistribution of states both in the quantum and semi-quantum spectrum. We show how the fractional monodromy arises from the non diagonal action of the dynamical symmetry of the system and manifests itself as a generic property of an important subclass of adiabatically coupled systems

    Quasiperiodic functions theory and the superlattice potentials for a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We consider Novikov problem of the classification of level curves of quasiperiodic functions on the plane and its connection with the conductivity of two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of both orthogonal magnetic field and the superlattice potentials of special type. We show that the modulation techniques used in the recent papers on the 2D heterostructures permit to obtain the general quasiperiodic potentials for 2D electron gas and consider the asymptotic limit of conductivity when τ\tau \to \infty. Using the theory of quasiperiodic functions we introduce here the topological characteristics of such potentials observable in the conductivity. The corresponding characteristics are the direct analog of the "topological numbers" introduced previously in the conductivity of normal metals.Comment: Revtex, 16 pages, 12 figure