99 research outputs found

    Inorganic components of indigenous toothpastes produced by OJSC «Modum» and toothpastes produced Colgate-Palmolive company

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    toothpastes, modum, colgate-palmolive, зубная паста, моду

    Population of higher-energy levels in LiY_(1-x)Er_xF_4 (x=O.003 ÷1) crystals under CW IR laser-diode pumping

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    Steady-state population of 7 lowest excited erbium. levels in LiY¬¬_(1-x)Er_xF_4 (YLF:Er^(3+) (x=0.003-1) crystals was studied under upconversion. CW InGaAs laser-diode pumping with varied power density. Theoretical and experimental concentration and power dependencies of population of higher-energy radiative levels were obtained. Relative changes in populations of studied levels in YLF:Er^(3+) crystals were experimentally controlled by visible spectra of steady-state luminescence in the wavelength ranges corresponding to transitions ^4S_(3/2) --> ^4I(15/2) (0.52--0.57) mum and ^4 F_(9/2) --> ^I_(15/2) (0.64--0.68) µm. IR-pumped luminescence kinetic curves of higher-energy transitions ^4S_(3/2) --> ^4I_(15/2) (0.55 µm) and ^2H_(9/2) --> ^4I_(15/2) (0.41 µm) were recorded. The energy-transfer mechanisms were determined, and the predominant mechanisms responsible for upconversion excitation were elucidated. Microparameters of energy transfer and concentration dependencies of the selfquenching rates and non-linear coupling were obtained on the basis of theoretical and experimental estimates of the rates of intra- and intercenter relaxation processes (migration, selfquenching, and upconversion) allowing for statistics of coupling between the impurity centers in the system. The steady-state dependencies of population on the erbium concentration and pumping power density were calculated within the framework of rate balance equations. Good agreement between the theory and experimental data was obtained

    Característica de la preparación del personal para la gestión de conflictos en la organización

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    The analysis of the personnel competence, reflected in the professional standards, allows us to identify the main areas of training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of the organization, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of in-house training of the personnel is updated, under which the training is carried out on the basis of the organization and aimed at achieving the objectives to develop it. Communication, as a mechanism of using communicative skills that can have both positive and negative effects, occupies a leading position in the professional activities of the personnel. Thus, it is connected, in most cases, with conflicts, in particular, the lack of personnel preparedness and readiness to manage them. Researchers are actively engaged in finding the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts, using various forms of post-graduate training, including in-house training of adult audience.El análisis de la competencia del personal, reflejado en los estándares profesionales, nos permite identificar las principales áreas de capacitación que tienen un impacto positivo en los desafíos del entorno externo. Al mismo tiempo, los empleados de la organización, por regla general, tienen diferente formación profesional y experiencia práctica. Desde esta perspectiva, se actualiza el fenómeno de la capacitación interna del personal, en virtud del cual la capacitación se lleva a cabo sobre la base de la organización y dirigida a lograr los objetivos para desarrollarla. La comunicación, como mecanismo para utilizar habilidades comunicativas que pueden tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos, ocupa una posición de liderazgo en las actividades profesionales del personal. Por lo tanto, está relacionado, en la mayoría de los casos, con conflictos, en particular, la falta de preparación y preparación del personal para manejarlos. Los investigadores participan activamente en la búsqueda de formas de prevenir y resolver conflictos, utilizando diversas formas de capacitación de posgrado, incluida la capacitación interna de la audiencia adulta

    Системное воспаление в течении аденогенного рака слюнных желез

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    Relevance. The inflammatory process and endogenous intoxication of the patient’s body has a negative impact on the course of many malignant neoplasms, including salivary gland cancer.The objective of the study was to determine the influence of some factors of systemic inflammation and endogenous intoxication in salivary gland cancer.Methods and materials. A prospective study included the data of 59 patients with salivary gland cancer. The influence of peripheral blood parameters and relative indicators characterizing systemic inflammation on overall and disease-free survival was assessed.Results. As a result of the multivariate analysis, it was revealed that an increase in the level of the relative number of peripheral blood neutrophils by more than 60.08 % increases the risk of death in patients from salivary gland cancer by 3.90 times (p=0.0456; HR 3.90: 95 % CI 1.03–14.79). The level of the absolute number of peripheral blood lymphocytes, not exceeding 1.49x109 /l, increases the risk of disease progression by 8.72 times (p=0.0002, R 8.72: 95 % CI 2.78–27.28).Conclusion. Individual factors of systemic inflammation and endogenous intoxication, it is advisable to evaluate at the stage of planning the primary treatment of patients with salivary gland cancer, in order to determine the prognosis of the disease and optimize the choice of tactics for the primary treatment of patients. Введение. Воспалительный процесс и эндогенная интоксикация организма больного оказывает негативное влияние на течение многих злокачественных новообразований, в том числе и на течение аденогенного рака слюнных желез.Цель исследования – определение влияния некоторых факторов системного воспаления и эндогенной интоксикации на течение аденогенного рака слюнных желез.Методы и материалы. В проспективном исследовании проанализированы данные 59 больных с аденогенным слюнных желез. Оценено влияние показателей периферической крови и относительных показателей, характеризующих системное воспаление, на общую и безрецидивную выживаемость.Результаты. В результате проведенного многофакторного анализа выявлено, что, повышение уровня относительного числа нейтрофилов периферической крови выше 60,08 % увеличивает риск смерти больных от аденогенного рака слюнных желез в 3,90 раза (р=0,0456; ОР 3,90: 95 % ДИ 1,03–14,79). Уровень абсолютного числа лимфоцитов периферической крови, не превышающий 1,49∙109 /л, увеличивает риск прогрессирования заболевания в 8,72 раза: р=0,0002, ОР 8,72: 95 % ДИ 2,78–27,28.Заключение. Отдельные факторы системного воспаления и эндогенной интоксикации целесообразно оценивать на этапе планирования первичного лечения больных аденогенным раком слюнных желез с целью определения прогноза заболевания и оптимизации выбора тактики первичного лечения больных.

    Анализ структурно-функциональной организации хлоропластного генома карельской березы на основании данных высокопроизводительного секвенирования

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    The sequencing and annotation of the curly birch chloroplast genome were carried out. A high level of similarity of the structural and functional organization of cpDNA among the species of the Betulaceae family was revealed. A set of primers was developed to assess the level of expression of EST markers of the curly birch cpDNA by the real time PCR method.Проведено секвенирование и аннотация хлоропластного генома карельской березы. Выявлен высокий уровень сходства структурно-функциональной организации хпДНК среди видов семейства Betulaceae. Разработан набор праймеров для оценки уровня экспрессии EST-маркеров хпДНК карельской березы методом ПЦР-РВ

    Role of turbulence and electric fields in the establishment of improved confinement in tokamak plasmas

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    An extensive (INTAS) research programme started in 2002 to investigate the correlations between on the one hand the occurrence of transport barriers and improved confinement in the medium-size tokamaks TEXTOR and T-10 and on the smaller tokamaks FT-2, TUMAN-3M and CASTOR, and on the other hand electric fields, modified magnetic shear and electrostatic and magnetic turbulence using advanced diagnostics with high spatial and temporal resolution and of various active means to externally control plasma transport . This has been done in a strongly coordinated way and exploiting the complementarity of TEXTOR and T-10 and the backup potential of the three other tokamaks, which together have all the relevant experimental tools and theoretical expertise

    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference: summary of sessions EX/C and ICC

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    An overview is given of recent experimental results in the areas of innovative confinement concepts, operational scenarios and confinement experiments as presented at the 2010 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Important new findings are presented from fusion devices worldwide, with a strong focus towards the scientific and technical issues associated with ITER and W7-X devices, presently under construction

    Dermacentor reticulatus: a vector on the rise

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    Dermacentor reticulatus is a hard tick species with extraordinary biological features. It has a high reproduction rate, a rapid developmental cycle, and is also able to overcome years of unfavourable conditions. Dermacentor reticulatus can survive under water for several months and is cold-hardy even compared to other tick species. It has a wide host range: over 60 different wild and domesticated hosts are known for the three active developmental stages. Its high adaptiveness gives an edge to this tick species as shown by new data on the emergence and establishment of D. reticulatus populations throughout Europe. The tick has been the research focus of a growing number of scientists, physicians and veterinarians. Within the Web of Science database, more than a fifth of the over 700 items published on this species between 1897 and 2015 appeared in the last three years (2013–2015). Here we attempt to synthesize current knowledge on the systematics, ecology, geographical distribution and recent spread of the species and to highlight the great spectrum of possible veterinary and public health threats it poses. Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis is a severe leading canine vector-borne disease in many endemic areas. Although less frequently than Ixodes ricinus, D. reticulatus adults bite humans and transmit several Rickettsia spp., Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus or Tick-borne encephalitis virus. We have not solely collected and reviewed the latest and fundamental scientific papers available in primary databases but also widened our scope to books, theses, conference papers and specialists colleagues’ experience where needed. Besides the dominant literature available in English, we also tried to access scientific literature in German, Russian and eastern European languages as well. We hope to inspire future research projects that are necessary to understand the basic life-cycle and ecology of this vector in order to understand and prevent disease threats. We conclude that although great strides have been made in our knowledge of the eco-epidemiology of this species, several gaps still need to be filled with basic research, targeting possible reservoir and vector roles and the key factors resulting in the observed geographical spread of D. reticulatus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1599-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users


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