367 research outputs found

    Distributed automatic control of technological processes in conditions of weightlessness

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    Some problems associated with the automatic control of liquid metal and plasma systems under conditions of weightlessness are examined, with particular reference to the problem of stability of liquid equilibrium configurations. The theoretical fundamentals of automatic control of processes in electrically conducting continuous media are outlined, and means of using electromagnetic fields for simulating technological processes in a space environment are discussed

    Distribution of the Ideology of Terrorism in the Youth Environment: Modern Realities and Directions of Counteraction

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    This article analyzes the current practice of spreading terrorism in Russia and abroad. The causes and factors influencing the spread of the ideology of terrorism among youth are identified. It is proved that one of the main factors that influenced the spread of international terrorism was the “color revolutions” whose main actor was precisely the youth. The current trends in the development of terrorist activity and the involvement of young people in this activity are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis carried out, directions for counteracting and preventing the development of a terrorist ideology in the youth community have been proposed

    Habitation layers and pedogenic processes in forest-steppe riverine valleys west of the don: the case of iIyinka

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    A mesolithic site with an intrusive early medieval burial at Ilyinka in the Don basin is described. On the basis of soil analysis, environment and climate are reconstructed with reference to chronology and cultural attributio

    Problematic of Political Parties Conflict in the Conditions of Competitive Political Market: To the Question of Political Marketing

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    In this article, the authorы explores political parties in the framework of the conflictological paradigm. The researcher notes its close relationship with the paradigm of symbolic interactionism. To understand the nature of the conflict between political parties interacting in a political process, the author operationalizes key concepts and categories: competition, market and market failures, political market, competitive political process, political process, democratic process and components of the political process. As a result of the study, the authors comes to the conclusion that the conflict within the framework of political competition of parties and their interaction (transactions) has its own measure of utility. At the same time, competition and the existence of conflicts between political parties is a competitive, but largely democratic process

    Long-term Dynamics of the Electron-nuclear Spin System of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot

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    A quasi-classical theoretical description of polarization and relaxation of nuclear spins in a quantum dot with one resident electron is developed for arbitrary mechanisms of electron spin polarization. The dependence of the electron-nuclear spin dynamics on the correlation time τc\tau_c of electron spin precession, with frequency Ω\Omega, in the nuclear hyperfine field is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the highest nuclear polarization is achieved for a correlation time close to the period of electron spin precession in the nuclear field. For these and larger correlation times, the indirect hyperfine field, which acts on nuclear spins, also reaches a maximum. This maximum is of the order of the dipole-dipole magnetic field that nuclei create on each other. This value is non-zero even if the average electron polarization vanishes. It is shown that the transition from short correlation time to Ωτc>1\Omega\tau_c>1 does not affect the general structure of the equation for nuclear spin temperature and nuclear polarization in the Knight field, but changes the values of parameters, which now become functions of Ωτc\Omega\tau_c. For correlation times larger than the precession time of nuclei in the electron hyperfine field, it is found that three thermodynamic potentials (χ\chi, ξ\bm{\xi}, ς\varsigma) characterize the polarized electron-nuclear spin system. The values of these potentials are calculated assuming a sharp transition from short to long correlation times, and the relaxation mechanisms of these potentials are discussed. The relaxation of the nuclear spin potential is simulated numerically showing that high nuclear polarization decreases relaxation rate.Comment: RevTeX 4, 12 pages, 9 figure

    Conformal Einstein equations and Cartan conformal connection

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time to be conformal to an Einstein space-time are interpreted in terms of curvature restrictions for the corresponding Cartan conformal connection

    Good Pharmacovigilance Practice in the United States and the European Union

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    The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of Goodpharmacovigilance practices (GVP), developed by experts of the regulatory bodiesof the European Union (EU) and the United States. It is shown that the EU GVP cover almost all possible aspects of pharmacovigilance. It is noted that the disadvantages of EU GVP are difficulties in the correct understanding and interpretation of certain definitions and processes, as well as the complexity of the implementation in practice of a number of provisions, mainly related to the organization of the quality management system, including audit and inspection. As the basis for development of the Russian Rules GVP is recommended to use the GVP E

    S^1 \times S^2 as a bag membrane and its Einstein-Weyl geometry

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    In the hybrid skyrmion in which an Anti-de Sitter bag is imbedded into the skyrmion configuration a S^{1}\times S^{2} membrane is lying on the compactified spatial infinity of the bag [H. Rosu, Nuovo Cimento B 108, 313 (1993)]. The connection between the quark degrees of freedom and the mesonic ones is made through the membrane, in a way that should still be clarified from the standpoint of general relativity and topology. The S^1 \times S^2 membrane as a 3-dimensional manifold is at the same time a Weyl-Einstein space. We make here an excursion through the mathematical body of knowledge in the differential geometry and topology of these spaces which is expected to be useful for hadronic membranesComment: 9pp in latex, minor correction

    Manipulation of the Spin Memory of Electrons in n-GaAs

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    We report on the optical manipulation of the electron spin relaxation time in a GaAs based heterostructure. Experimental and theoretical study shows that the average electron spin relaxes through hyperfine interaction with the lattice nuclei, and that the rate can be controlled by the electron-electron interactions. This time has been changed from 300 ns down to 5 ns by variation of the laser frequency. This modification originates in the optically induced depletion of n-GaAs layer

    BFV-complex and higher homotopy structures

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    We present a connection between the BFV-complex (abbreviation for Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky complex) and the so-called strong homotopy Lie algebroid associated to a coisotropic submanifold of a Poisson manifold. We prove that the latter structure can be derived from the BFV-complex by means of homotopy transfer along contractions. Consequently the BFV-complex and the strong homotopy Lie algebroid structure are LL_{\infty} quasi-isomorphic and control the same formal deformation problem. However there is a gap between the non-formal information encoded in the BFV-complex and in the strong homotopy Lie algebroid respectively. We prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between coisotropic submanifolds given by graphs of sections and equivalence classes of normalized Maurer-Cartan elemens of the BFV-complex. This does not hold if one uses the strong homotopy Lie algebroid instead.Comment: 50 pages, 6 figures; version 4 is heavily revised and extende