1,670 research outputs found

    Legibility of Textbooks: A Literature Review

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    AbstractThe purpose of the study was to analyse findings in the field of the textbooks’ legibility, readability and visual word recognition. The paper focuses on the most significant findings for comprehending the texts’ spatial characteristics during reading, word and letter recognition. The aim of the study was to analyse the factors which have induced inconsistencies between the findings acquired by scientists, as well as to compare findings which continually lead to progression in this field

    Clustering of Russian texts using χ² statistics

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    Проблема обнаружения скрытых структур текста связана с перспективной методикой установления авторства. В работе описан Корпус текстов русского языка, созданный для исследований текстов методами математической статистики. Описывается исследование, проведённое на базе Корпуса с применением статистики χ2. Кластеризация текстов, обнаруженная в результате исследования, может служить основанием для их атрибуции. Работа выполнена на кафедре полиграфии и веб-дизайна ИРИТ-РтФ УрФУ.The problem of detection of the hidden structures of the text is associated with a promising method of attribution. The paper describes a corpus of Russian language created for investigations of texts by the methods of mathematical statistics. The research conducted on the basis of the statistics χ2 is described. Clustering of texts discovered by the study can serve as a basis for their attribution. The work was coudveted at the department of printing art and web-design, Ural Federal University

    Основные методики исследования структуры текста

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    Проблема обнаружения скрытых структур текста связана с перспективной методикой установления авторства. В работе обосновывается выбор методики для обнаружения и изучения таких структур в русскоязычных текстах. Рассмотрены основные методики, оперирующие в качестве единиц анализа смыслосодержащими элементами, лексическими или графическими формами и частотными характеристиками текста. Авторы предполагают существование скрытых структур, исходя из ранее полученных результатов. Предлагается использование частотного анализа как наиболее адекватного задаче обнаружения скрытых структур текста.The problem of finding the hidden structures of the test is associated with promising method of attribution. The paper substantiates the choice of methods for the detection and study of such structures in the Russian-language texts. The basic techniques that operate as units of analysis elements that carry meaning, lexical or graphical form, and frequency characteristics of the text. The authors suggest the existence of hidden structures, based on previous results. It is proposed to use frequency analysis as the most adequate to detect hidden structures of the text

    Particle Ratios, Equilibration, and the QCD Phase Boundary

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    We discuss the status of thermal model descriptions of particle ratios in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at ultra-relativistic energy. An alternative to the ``Cleymans-Redlich'' interpretation of the freeze-out trajectory is given in terms of the total baryon density. Emphasis is placed on the relation between the chemical equilibration parameters and the QCD phase boundary. Furthermore, we trace the essential difference between thermal model analyses of data from collisions between elementary particles and from heavy ion collisions as due to a transition from local strangeness conservation to percolation of strangeness over large volumes, as occurs naturally in a deconfined medium. We also discuss predictions of the thermal model for composite particle production.Comment: Contribution to SQM2001 Conference, submitted to J. Phys.

    Elliptic flow at large transverse momenta from quark coalescence

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    We show that hadronization via quark coalescence enhances hadron elliptic flow at large pT relative to that of partons at the same transverse momentum. Therefore, compared to earlier results based on covariant parton transport theory, more moderate initial parton densities dN/d\eta(b=0) ~ 1500-3000 can explain the differential elliptic flow v_2(pT) data for Au+Au reactions at s^1/2=130 and 200 AGeV from RHIC. In addition, v2(pT) could saturate at about 50% higher values for baryons than for mesons. If strange quarks have weaker flow than light quarks, hadron v_2 at high pT decreases with relative strangeness content.Comment: Minor changes, extended discussion. To appear in PR

    Tools of case linguistics

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    В статье рассмотрено несколько корпусов русского языка. Описаны цели, с которыми такие корпуса создавались, как они устроены и то, какие результаты у них есть на сегодняшний день.In article some cases of Russian are considered. The purposes with which such cases were created are described as they are arranged also what results they have today

    Implementation of a Policer-Based Control Loop for the Dynamic Resource Allocation of a Software-Defined Communication Infrastructure

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    The use of solutions based on the principles of virtualization is designed to increase the efficiency of using the communication infrastructure due to the dynamic distribution of existing communication and computing resources between their virtual components. The software management of the communication infrastructure components opens up opportunities for applying new approaches to solving the currently very urgent problem of ensuring the required Quality of Service. Taking into account the current trends in the development of communication infrastructures and means of their automation, it seems relevant to build systems that implement a closed cycle of communication infrastructure resource management based on traditional and promising tools for monitoring and managing QoS and studying its behavior. Closing the control loop is achieved by implementing a control script that automatically responds to changes in the transmitted data and makes decisions about changing the current configuration of network devices. One of the approaches to building a closed control loop is to change the physical bandwidth of a virtual communication channel depending on the intensity of its resource use. The paper considers an example of the implementation of a closed control loop based on the rules of the policy for limiting the rate of sending packets of heterogeneous traffic and compares the approach of dynamic bandwidth redistribution with traditional approaches. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd