55 research outputs found

    Assessment of acoustic reciprocity and conservativeness in exhaust aftertreatment systems

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    [EN] Tightening emission standards limiting gas and aerosol emissions from internal combustion engines have led to the extensive use of exhaust aftertreatment systems (EATS) with different chemical functions as a solution to meet standards requirements. Incidentally, the placement of aftertreatment monolithic devices into the exhaust line also plays a key role on the exhaust noise emission. Their presence disturbs the pattern of the pressure waves and sets the boundary conditions for the silencer design. The impact of the EATS on wave transmission can be analyzed by means of the transmission or scattering matrix. The present work discusses the implications of acoustic reciprocity and conservativeness on the definition of the scattering matrix elements. The fulfillment of these properties in real operating conditions was evaluated against a set of experimental data obtained for several exhaust aftertreatment monolithic bricks in an impulse test rig. The influence of different excitation amplitudes and superimposed mean flows was also considered. Once it was shown that the devices are reciprocal, the need to account for dissipation phenomena was evidenced. Finally, the application of reciprocity and conservativeness together with dissipation provided simple expressions allowing to predict the response of the EATS in the inverse direction, i.e. from outlet to inlet, from the transmission and reflection properties obtained in the direct direction. Thus, the proposed procedure becomes useful to reduce both the required number of tests and the gas dynamics modelling work in methodologies driven to assess the acoustic response of EATS based on the use of experimental and computational tools. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been partially supported by FEDER and the Government of Spain through project TRA2016-79185-R. Additionally, the Ph.D. student Enrique José Sanchis has been funded by a grant from Universitat Politècnica de València with reference FPI-2016-S2-1355.Torregrosa, AJ.; Piqueras, P.; Sanchis-Pacheco, EJ.; Guilain, S.; Dubarry, M. (2018). Assessment of acoustic reciprocity and conservativeness in exhaust aftertreatment systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 436:46-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2018.08.032S466143

    A comparison of methodologies for the non-invasive characterisation of commercial Li-ion cells

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    Lithium-ion cells currently power almost all electronic devices and power tools; they are a key enabling technology for electric vehicles and are increasingly considered to be the technology of choice for grid storage. In line with this increased applicability, there is also an increase in the development of new commercial lithium-ion cell technologies that incorporate innovative functional components (electrode material compositions and electrolyte formulations) and designs, leading to a diverse range of performance characteristics. The uniqueness of each technology in-turn gives rise to unique evolutions of cell performance as the cell degrades because of usage. Non-destructively measuring and subsequently tracking the evolution of lithium-ion cell characteristics is valuable for both industrial engineers and academic researchers. To proceed in this regard, stakeholders have often devised their own procedures for characterising lithium-ion cells, typically without considering unification, comparability or compatibility. This makes the comparison of technologies complicated. This comprehensive review for the first time has analysed and discusses the various international standards and regulations for the characterisation and electrical testing of lithium-ion cells, specifically for high-power automotive and grid applications

    A Defined Terminal Region of the E. coli Chromosome Shows Late Segregation and High FtsK Activity

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    Background: The FtsK DNA-translocase controls the last steps of chromosome segregation in E. coli. It translocates sister chromosomes using the KOPS DNA motifs to orient its activity, and controls the resolution of dimeric forms of sister chromosomes by XerCD-mediated recombination at the dif site and their decatenation by TopoIV. Methodology: We have used XerCD/dif recombination as a genetic trap to probe the interaction of FtsK with loci located in different regions of the chromosome. This assay revealed that the activity of FtsK is restricted to a,400 kb terminal region of the chromosome around the natural position of the dif site. Preferential interaction with this region required the tethering of FtsK to the division septum via its N-terminal domain as well as its translocation activity. However, the KOPSrecognition activity of FtsK was not required. Displacement of replication termination outside the FtsK high activity region had no effect on FtsK activity and deletion of a part of this region was not compensated by its extension to neighbouring regions. By observing the fate of fluorescent-tagged loci of the ter region, we found that segregation of the FtsK high activity region is delayed compared to that of its adjacent regions. Significance: Our results show that a restricted terminal region of the chromosome is specifically dedicated to the last step

    High resolution imaging reveals heterogeneity in chromatin states between cells that is not inherited through cell division

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    BACKGROUND: Genomes of eukaryotes exist as chromatin, and it is known that different chromatin states can influence gene regulation. Chromatin is not a static structure, but is known to be dynamic and vary between cells. In order to monitor the organisation of chromatin in live cells we have engineered fluorescent fusion proteins which recognize specific operator sequences to tag pairs of syntenic gene loci. The separation of these loci was then tracked in three dimensions over time using fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: We established a work flow for measuring the distance between two fluorescently tagged, syntenic gene loci with a mean measurement error of 63 nm. In general, physical separation was observed to increase with increasing genomic separations. However, the extent to which chromatin is compressed varies for different genomic regions. No correlation was observed between compaction and the distribution of chromatin markers from genomic datasets or with contacts identified using capture based approaches. Variation in spatial separation was also observed within cells over time and between cells. Differences in the conformation of individual loci can persist for minutes in individual cells. Separation of reporter loci was found to be similar in related and unrelated daughter cell pairs. CONCLUSIONS: The directly observed physical separation of reporter loci in live cells is highly dynamic both over time and from cell to cell. However, consistent differences in separation are observed over some chromosomal regions that do not correlate with factors known to influence chromatin states. We conclude that as yet unidentified parameters influence chromatin configuration. We also find that while heterogeneity in chromatin states can be maintained for minutes between cells, it is not inherited through cell division. This may contribute to cell-to-cell transcriptional heterogeneity. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12860-016-0111-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Comprehensive prediction of chromosome dimer resolution sites in bacterial genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the replication process of bacteria with circular chromosomes, an odd number of homologous recombination events results in concatenated dimer chromosomes that cannot be partitioned into daughter cells. However, many bacteria harbor a conserved dimer resolution machinery consisting of one or two tyrosine recombinases, XerC and XerD, and their 28-bp target site, <it>dif</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To study the evolution of the <it>dif/</it>XerCD system and its relationship with replication termination, we report the comprehensive prediction of <it>dif </it>sequences <it>in silico </it>using a phylogenetic prediction approach based on iterated hidden Markov modeling. Using this method, <it>dif </it>sites were identified in 641 organisms among 16 phyla, with a 97.64% identification rate for single-chromosome strains. The <it>dif </it>sequence positions were shown to be strongly correlated with the GC skew shift-point that is induced by replicational mutation/selection pressures, but the difference in the positions of the predicted <it>dif </it>sites and the GC skew shift-points did not correlate with the degree of replicational mutation/selection pressures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The sequence of <it>dif </it>sites is widely conserved among many bacterial phyla, and they can be computationally identified using our method. The lack of correlation between <it>dif </it>position and the degree of GC skew suggests that replication termination does not occur strictly at <it>dif </it>sites.</p

    Asymmetry of Chromosome Replichores Renders the DNA Translocase Activity of FtsK Essential for Cell Division and Cell Shape Maintenance in Escherichia coli

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    Bacterial chromosomes are organised as two replichores of opposite polarity that coincide with the replication arms from the ori to the ter region. Here, we investigated the effects of asymmetry in replichore organisation in Escherichia coli. We show that large chromosome inversions from the terminal junction of the replichores disturb the ongoing post-replicative events, resulting in inhibition of both cell division and cell elongation. This is accompanied by alterations of the segregation pattern of loci located at the inversion endpoints, particularly of the new replichore junction. None of these defects is suppressed by restoration of termination of replication opposite oriC, indicating that they are more likely due to the asymmetry of replichore polarity than to asymmetric replication. Strikingly, DNA translocation by FtsK, which processes the terminal junction of the replichores during cell division, becomes essential in inversion-carrying strains. Inactivation of the FtsK translocation activity leads to aberrant cell morphology, strongly suggesting that it controls membrane synthesis at the division septum. Our results reveal that FtsK mediates a reciprocal control between processing of the replichore polarity junction and cell division

    Contextual modulation of hippocampal activity during picture naming

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    International audiencePicture naming is a standard task used to probe language processes in healthy and impaired speakers. It recruits a broad neural network of language related areas, among which the hippocampus is rarely included. However, the hippocampus could play a role during picture naming, subtending, for example, implicit learning of the links between pictured objects and their names. To test this hypothesis, we recorded hippocampal activity during plain picture naming, without memorization requirement; we further assessed whether this activity was modulated by contextual factors such as repetition priming and semantic interference. Local field potentials recorded from intracerebral electrodes implanted in the healthy hippocampi of epileptic patients revealed a specific and reliable pattern of activity, markedly modulated by repetition priming and semantic context. These results indicate that the hippocampus is recruited during picture naming, presumably in relation to implicit learning, with contextual factors promoting differential hippocampal processes, possibly subtended by different sub-circuitries. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc