44 research outputs found

    Vertical Electrical Sounding to Determine Fracture Distribution At Adumasun Area, Oniye, Southwestern Nigeria.

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    People living in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria have started shifting their focus on construction of buildings towards villages that are close to the metropolis. It is therefore imperative to carry out this research in order to recommend the types of structures to be erected at Adumasun area, Oniye, Southwestern Nigeria when the time comes in order to avoid catastrophic failure that might have happened thereafter. The aim of this research is to carry out vertical electrical sounding geophysical survey at Adumasun area, Oniye, Southwestern Nigeria with a view to determining the fracture distribution within the study area. The study area is located between latitude 070 37′ 55.37″ to 070 38′ 00″ North and longitude 0030 11′ 10.2″ to 0030 11′ 16.8″ East. Schlumberger electrode array was employed for the study using R 50 Resistivity meter for the data acquisition. The geoelectric survey comprised of ten depth soundings, with maximum current electrode spacing (AB) of 200m. 40% of the modeled curves are A-type, 50% are H-type, and 10% are KH-type. The geoelectric sections obtained from the sounding curves revealed 3-layer and 4-layer earth models respectively. The models showed that the subsurface layers were categorized into the topsoil, the second layer, and the third layer (where it is present). One-third of the study area showed fresh bedrock while two-third showed fractured bedrock. Areas underlying with fresh bedrock and thin overburden thickness are recommended for the construction of high-rise buildings while areas with fractured basement and thick overburden thickness are recommended for the construction of low-rise buildings. It is concluded that the study area is averagely competent for the construction of high-rise buildings and low-rise buildings depending on where individual builders are located

    Trap Analysis of “Covenant” Field in Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    The tendency to identify leaking zones is essential tool in trap assessment. Faults play an important role in creation of hydrocarbon traps. For volumetric analysis of a field to be meaningful, it is essential to analyze the faults contributing to the accumulation of hydrocarbons in a trap. These faults may be sealing or act as conduit to fluid flow. Analysis of trap is therefore carried out with the aim to reduce the uncertainties associated with hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation in Niger-Delta using “Covenant” field as a case study. The aim of the study is achieved using three dimensional seismic and well log data. Three reservoirs were mapped on the field while the fault supporting the identified trap was analyzed via throw, shale volume, shale gouge ratio, and hydrocarbon column heights attributes. The volume of shale model shows the presence of shale and sandstone formations in the fault plane. The fault-horizon’s intersection (throw) model reveals that the horizons were not too deviated from where the maximum fault’s displacement was noticed. The estimated shale gouge ratio of the fault on the analyzed trap reveals that the shallow sand horizon is supported by moderate sealing plane while that of mid and deep sand horizons are supported by proper sealing fault plane. The hydrocarbon column height model reveals a column height of 120m supports the shallow sand horizon while column heights È 180m support the mid and deep sand horizons respectively. It was inferred that despite the three horizons are supported by sealing fault zone, leakage still occurs at shallow sand horizon which correspond to a moderately sealed plane from SGR

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Cervical Traction in the Management of Cervical Radiculopathy: A Control Trial

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    Background: Severe pain and disability from cervical disorder is second to that of low back pain in musculoskeletal practice. Methods: Forty eight patients who met the inclusion criteria were placed into experimental (n=24) and control (n=24) group randomly. Participants in both groups received massage, cryotherapy and active exercises. Cervical traction was administered to experimental group for 15 minutes, thrice per week for four weeks while the other group served as control. Verbal rating scale (VRS) and Neck Disability Pain Index (NDI) were used as outcome measures. Data were analyzed using descriptive, dependent –t-test and independent-t-test. Results: There was a significant improvement in the pretreatment and post treatment pain intensity (t=10.75, p< 0.001) and neck functional disability (t=2.42, p=0.03) of participants in experimental group. There was a significant difference (t=-3.98, p=0.006) in the post treatment pain intensity between the cervical traction and control group. Conclusion: It could be concluded that application of continuous cervical traction can significantly reduce pain intensity of patients with cervical  radiculopathy.Key words: Cervical traction, cryotherapy, neck disability index, and verbal rating scale

    Radio activity and radiological hazards from a kaolinmining field in Ifonyintedo,Nigeria

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    The concentrations of the radio nuclides in the subsurface formation (soilsandrocks) solely depend on their geological origin, which enables its variation from point to point on the Crust.Construction materials can possess elevated concentrations of radio activity if their by products are mined from contaminated radio nuclide sources.In this article, results of insitu measurements of radio activity concentrations of 40K, 232Th, and 238U as well as gamma doses and radiological hazards from kaolin mining field were presented and evaluated.Eleven stations were randomly occupied in order to cover the upper axis of akaolin mining field in Ifonyintedo.The radio metric survey was achieved using Super-Spec(RS-125), equipment capable of measuring activity concentrations and gamma doses. For each location, measurements were taken four times, while its mean and standard deviation values were estimated for better accuracy. The over all mean activity concentrations(for 40K, 232Th and 238U) and gamma dose were estimated as 93. 9Bqkg�1, 65.1Bqkg�1, 38.2Bqkg�1, and59.6nGyh�1 respectively.The estimated radiological hazards from the measured parameters showed that the overall mean concentrations of Radium Equivalent, External and Internal Hazards,Annual Effective Dose,Gamma and Alpha Indices,and Representative Level index are 138.5Bqkg �1, 0.370.48, 0.29mSvyr�1, 0.48,0.19, and 0.97respectively.By comparing the mean values of the activity concentrations and their radiological risks with the several world standards from the literature, kaolin deposits in Ifonyintedo are highly rich in thorium

    Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater Development at Oyo State Housing Estate Ogbomosho, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Water is life because it is one of the inevitable ingredients for life survival. The urge for ground water development is very high in Oyo state Housing Estate, Ogbomosho, Southwestern Nigeria. Because the site is experiencing structural developments and there is no other source of water nearby. Surface water is becoming inadequate, thus this study aimed at investigating the hydro geological prospects of the area with a view to delineating for groundwater and its development. Geophysical investigation was carried out in the study area using Very Low Frequency (VLF) method. VLF profiling of 20 m inter stations and 50 m of inter profiling distances were established. This study revealed a number of conductive zones for ground water development for both domestic and commercial purposes

    Application of Very Low Frequency Eletromagnetic and Hydro-Physicochemical Methods in The Investigation of Groundwater Contamination at Aarada Waste Disposal Site, Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria.

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    Groundwater contamination both in rural and urban area is growing alarming in Nigeria today. Some people ignorantly believe infiltration must take place before the refuse been dumped on topsoil reached the water table in the subsurface without taking into consideration depth to the aquifer and flow of underground water. This has necessitated this research about investigation of groundwater contamination around the waste disposal site at Aarada in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study was conducted using Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and hydro-physicochemical methods. A total of twelve VLF-EM profiles were carried out with length ranging between 50 to 130m. The hydro-physicochemical analysis was conducted at the peak of the dry season on nine water samples taken from nine different hand-dug wells in the research area. The result obtained from the processed VLF-EM data revealed the presence of leachate (contaminant fluid) at the subsurface in the area. The water quality analysis report showed hazardously high values of Fe2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and NO3- to confirm the findings from the VLF-EM survey. Conclusively, the study reveals that domestic usage of water from hand-dug well in the investigated area without undergoing water treatment is very hazardous. Oyo State Government should enforce law against dumping of refuse in that area, or if the place would continue to be used for dumpsite, Government should evacuate people living within the dumpsite in order not to be contacted with water borne diseases

    The Hydro Geophysical Investigation of Oyo State Industrial Estate Ogbomosho,Southwestern Nigeria Using Vertical Electrical Soundings

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    The aim of this research is to carry out hydro geophysical study of Oyo State industrial estate Ogbomosho with a view to determining the areas that are good for groundwater prospects and the areas that are not suitable for groundwater exploration. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method was used to map Oyo State industrial estate Ogbomosho which lies within latitude 08°06' 07.4" and 08°06' 25.4" North and longitude 004° 15' 03.3" and 004°15' 49.0" East of Southwestern Nigeria. Ten Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out across the area using the schlumberger electrode array configuration with current electrode separation (AB) varying from 130 to 200 m. Nine out of the ten modeled curves were H-type where the remaining one was KH-type. The geoelectric sections obtained from the sounding curves revealed 3-layer and 4-layer earth models respectively. The models showed the subsurface layers categorized into the topsoil, weathered/clay, fractured layers and the fresh bedrock. The weathered basement and fractured basement are the aquifer types delineated for the area. Flow net and bedrock relief map showed that the Southern, Northeastern and towards the base of Northwestern direction of the study area are good for borehole development

    Integrated Geophysical Survey In A Refuse Dumpsite Of Aarada, Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria.

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    Surface geophysical survey was conducted around Aarada refuse dumpsite, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria to locate leachate plumes migration pathways using the very low frequency electromagnetic and vertical electrical sounding techniques. Eight VLF-EM profiles of length 70 to 150m with 10m interstation spacing and seven Vertical Electrical Soundings with current electrode separation varying from 150 to 200m were established. The analyzed VLF-EM data revealed the presence of conductive pollutants (leachate plumes) at the subsurface while the geoeletric sections generated from the processed VES data showed that the leachate plumes have actually migrated to a depth of 5.4m in the area which confirmed the VLF-EM result


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    Most waterborne diseases can be prevented using simple, low cost water filtration techniques. The aim of this study is to design a low cost domestic slow sand filter, which can be operated and maintained effectiveness at household level by a member of the family, and determine its effectiveness in removing selected contaminants from the raw groundwater. Fine sand, activated charcoal, coarse sand, and gravel were used as media column for the developed slow sand filtration media. Common selected physico-chemical and microbial water parameters were examined before and after filtration with the slow sand filtration system. The filter was able to remove turbidity of the raw groundwater in the range of 86 - 92% without hampering the pH value or the temperature below the acceptable standards set by the Nigerian standards for drinking water quality. The filter media was able to reduce an average of 44 - 82%, 29 - 53% and 60 – 66% of total hardness, calcium hardness and chloride content, respectively from the chemical composition of the groundwater samples.  The media also showed high effectiveness in reducing biological impurities from the groundwater.  It was able to remove effectively the concentration of E-Coli and coliform counts. The average percent removal of E-coli and coliforms was found to be 100%. These were achieved with the aid of the bio-film layer that developed on the topmost part (fine sand layer) of the filter which was able to predate on the microbes in the groundwater samples. Slow sand filters are a sustainable means of water treatment when applied to appropriate source waters and when designed and operated properly.&nbsp

    Radiogenic heat production in the Coastal Plain Sands of Ipokia, Dahomey Basin, Nigeria

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    This study is aimed at establishing the radiogenic heat production in the Benin Formation of Dahomey Basin using in-situ measurements of elemental concentrations of uranium, thorium and potassium over a kaolin deposits in Ifonyintedo, Ipokia LGA, Ogun State. Super-Spec gamma ray spectrometer is used to obtain varied data of naturally occurring radionuclides over eleven different stations in the Coastal Plain Sands at 1 m height above the ground. The mean heat produced by uranium, thorium and potassium are 294.3, 410.5 and 0.001 rW kg�1 respectively. The total heat produced in the study area varied from 544.0 to 902.1 rW kg�1, which classified the study area as Low-to-Moderate Heat Production Potential zone. This classification corresponds to the radiogenic heat characteristics of Benin Formation in Niger Delta. � In-situ measurements of three radioisotopes were made over Coastal Plain Sands of Dahomey Basin. � The mean heat produced by uranium, thorium, potassium and the total radiogenic heat are 294.3, 410.5, 0.001 and 704.79 rW kg�1 respectively. � The study area is characterized by Low-to-Moderate Heat Production Potential