51 research outputs found

    Analysis of Organic Matter in Sediments and Macrozoobenthos From Coastal Waters of Hurun Bay of Lampung

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    This study was conducted in July 2015 with the aim to observe the macrozoobenthospopulation and organic matter content in the sediment. The samples were collected from HurunBay in Lampung Province with using survey method. Samples were analyzed in the Laboratoryof Water Quality BBPPL Lampung and Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and MarineSciences University of Riau. The study showed that the organic content in the sediment between22.88 - 54.91%, while the abundance of macrozoobenthos was between 20.29 - 66.67 ind / m2.Macrozoobenthos identified in Hurun Bay 8 species, 3 classes and 2 phylua. From the phylum ofMollusca there were Gastropod i.e. which had 5 species and from the classes of bivalves thestudy also found two species. From the phylum annelid there was one class, Polychaeta and onespecies, i.e. Nereis sp. The relationship between macrozoobenthos and organic content wasexpressed with the equation of Y = 9,411 + 0,6268X that the relationship of organic matter withmacrozoobenthos abundance was weak

    Oil Content in Sediment and Its Relation with Abundance Macrozoobenthos in the Teluk Nibung Tanjung Balai Asahan North Sumatra

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    This study was conducted in November 2015. This study about Oil Content in Sediment and its Relation with Abundance Macrozoobenthos in the Teluk Nibung Tanjung Balai Asahan North Sumatra. The methodology that was used to research this is a method of survey, and divided into 3 station and in 1 station there are 3 points of sampling. Samples have been taken later incorporated to plastic and given sample macrozoobenthos solution formalin 10 % then taken and in Laboratorium analysis.The results of the analysis oil content in the Teluk Nibung during the survey obtained that oil content sediment station highest on 1 ( 600 ppm ) and oil content the lowest in 2 station (333,33 ppm ). Then the analysis identification Macrozoobenthos in may at these waters are 10 different species in this study there are several species dominating the Mitrela ligulla and N.Echinatus. The abundance of these species because the species is still can tolerate environmental stress at the base of the Teluk Nibung .Based on the linear regression simple , obtained the oil content with abundance of Makrozoobenthos strong correlation and have negative value that means the higher oil content and abundance Makrozoobenthos the lower

    Community Structure Macrozoobenthos in Tanjung Buton Water\u27s in Siak District Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in March 2015 in Tanjung Buton water\u27s. This research aims to determine the content of organic matter in the sediment, sediment fractions, sediment grain size, the type and abundance of macrozoobenthos and relationship between the content of organic matter in sediment, macrozoobenthos abundance and sediment grain size. The method used in this research was survey method. Sample of sediment were collected from 3 stations. Sampling of macrozoobenthos was carried by using 1m x 1m plot. The analysis, identification and quantification were carried out in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Pekanbaru. The result showed that sediment organic content in Station 1 was 6,91%, Station 2 was 6,24% and Station 3 was 6,23%. The macrozoobenthos abundance varied from 11-32, ind/m2. Makrozoobenthos that were found in Tanjung Buton water\u27s composing of 4 classes of: gastropoda, bivalvia, polychaeta, merostomata. Diversity index (H\u27) was 1,74-2,34, dominance index (C) was 0,23-0,34 and uniformity index (E) was 0,36-0,37. Relationship between organic content in sediment and macrozoobenthos abundance in Tanjung Buton water\u27s were y = 58,61-6,060x, R2 = 0,113, r = 0,34. While relationship between sediment grain size and organic content in sediment in Tanjung Buton Waters were y = 11,20-0,823x, R2 = 0,081, r = 0,24

    Community Structure Macrozoobenthos in Tanjung Buton Water\u27s in Siak District Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in March 2015 in Tanjung Buton water\u27s. This research aims to determine the content of organic matter in the sediment, sediment fractions, sediment grain size, the type and abundance of macrozoobenthos and relationship between the content of organic matter in sediment, macrozoobenthos abundance and sediment grain size. The method used in this research was survey method. Sample of sediment were collected from 3 stations. Sampling of macrozoobenthos was carried by using 1m x 1m plot. The analysis, identification and quantification were carried out in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Pekanbaru. The result showed that sediment organic content in Station 1 was 6,91%, Station 2 was 6,24% and Station 3 was 6,23%. The macrozoobenthos abundance varied from 11-32, ind/m2. Makrozoobenthos that were found in Tanjung Buton water\u27s composing of 4 classes of: gastropoda, bivalvia, polychaeta, merostomata. Diversity index (H\u27) was 1,74-2,34, dominance index (C) was 0,23-0,34 and uniformity index (E) was 0,36-0,37. Relationship between organic content in sediment and macrozoobenthos abundance in Tanjung Buton water\u27s were y = 58,61-6,060x, R2 = 0,113, r = 0,34. While relationship between sediment grain size and organic content in sediment in Tanjung Buton Waters were y = 11,20-0,823x, R2 = 0,081, r = 0,24

    The Correlation Between Oil Content and Abundance of Diatoms in the Waters of Tanjung Balai Karimun, Karimun Regency Riau Islands Province

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    The research was conducted in April 2017. The purpose was to analyze the oil content, to determined type and abundance of diatoms, and to determine the correlation between oil content and abundance of diatoms in the waters of Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Islands Province. Survey method used consisted of four stations with three replications. The results, the average value of oil content ranged between 0.1820-0.5413 ppm, and the abundance of diatoms were between 54-132 ind/l. The ditoms which composed of 12 species namely Bacillaria sp., Coscinodiscus sp., Fragilaria sp., Isthemia sp., Guinardia sp., Lyngbya sp., Leptocylindrus sp., Nitzschia sp., Pleurosigma sp., Rhabdonema sp., Rhizosolenia sp., and Streptotheca sp. The correlation between oil content and the abundance of diatoms was negatively strong which meant the higher the oil content the decreased the abundance of diatoms in Tanjung Balai Karimun waters. The equation regretion was y = 135.0-149.7x, and the determination coefficients (R2) = 0.561 and the coefficient correlation (r) = 0.749

    Growth Rate of Coral Acropora Intermedia on Media Coral Transplantation in Sironjong Gadang Island South Coast West Sumatera

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    This research was conducted from January to March 2016 in Sironjong Gadang Island. The island is located in the sub-district of Koto XI, in the region of South Coast Regency of West Sumatera Province. The aimed of this research was to determine the growth and the survival rate of Acropora intermedia plantations. Experimental methods were applied by measuring the growth rate and counting the survival rate of the coral transplants. Besides, the surrounding parameters of water quality were also measured in the field. The result showed that the lateral growth of the transplant was faster than the vertical one; the values were 0.748 cm and 1.512 cm consecutively. In addition, the survival rate reaches 90 %, however, bleaching coral and dead coral with algae was also found in the first 20 days of observation
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