698 research outputs found

    Descriptions of reversed yielding in bending

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    Existence of Bauschinger effect in bending-unbending of copper beams has been shown from experiment. In modelling of the Bauschinger effect, it is shown that a significant second plastic penetration can occur with the release of the moment required for an elasticplastic bending of a beam. The theory is given for both linear and parabolic hardening material models. The elastic and plastic strains are developed from each hardening model to express the beam curvature of the unstressed neutral axis. Conditions are expressed, using the normalized stress—strain response of a rectangular beam section, for which the release is purely elastic and elastic—plastic. Under the latter the depth to which a second zone of plasticity penetrates is given. Two stress distributions: one for applying the moment and the other for its release, are sufficient to derive the residual stress. Residuals found for parabolic hardening are believed to be more realistic than those from simpler linear or perfectly plastic models, particularly, where a second penetration is evident

    L2,3 x-ray absorption spectroscopy and multiplet calculations for KMF3 and K2 NaMF6 (M=Ni, Cu)

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    The electronic structures of nickel and copper have been studied for KMF3 and K2NaMF6 compounds by a-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ni and Cu L-2.3 edges in order to characterize the M-F chemical bond. The spectral features have been interpreted based on the mixing of two ground-state configurations \3d(n)) +\3d(n+1)](L) under bar. Multiplet calculations were used to simulate each spectrum in order to quantify the charge transfer from fluorine to the transition metal yielding a 40% ground-state contribution of the 3d(8) configuration for K2NaCuF6 and 65% of the 3d(7) configuration for K2NaNiF6

    Formation of a Unique Cluster of G-Quadruplex Structures in the HIV-1 nef Coding Region: Implications for Antiviral Activity

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    G-quadruplexes are tetraplex structures of nucleic acids that can form in G-rich sequences. Their presence and functional role have been established in telomeres, oncogene promoters and coding regions of the human chromosome. In particular, they have been proposed to be directly involved in gene regulation at the level of transcription. Because the HIV-1 Nef protein is a fundamental factor for efficient viral replication, infectivity and pathogenesis in vitro and in vivo, we investigated G-quadruplex formation in the HIV-1 nef gene to assess the potential for viral inhibition through G-quadruplex stabilization. A comprehensive computational analysis of the nef coding region of available strains showed the presence of three conserved sequences that were uniquely clustered. Biophysical testing proved that G-quadruplex conformations were efficiently stabilized or induced by G-quadruplex ligands in all three sequences. Upon incubation with a G-quadruplex ligand, Nef expression was reduced in a reporter gene assay and Nef-dependent enhancement of HIV-1 infectivity was significantly repressed in an antiviral assay. These data constitute the first evidence of the possibility to regulate HIV-1 gene expression and infectivity through G-quadruplex targeting and therefore open a new avenue for viral treatment. © 2013 Perrone et al

    Dynamics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from vine bark in vineyard: Influence of plant age and strain presence during grape must spontaneous fermentations

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    In this study, two vineyards of different age were chosen. During three years, a sampling campaign was performed for isolating vineyard-associated Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) strains. Bark portions and, when present, grape bunches were regularly collected from the same vine plants during the overall sampling period. Each bark portion was added to a synthetic must, while each grape bunch was manually crushed, and fermentations were run to isolate S. cerevisiae strains. All collected yeasts were identified at different species and strain levels to evaluate the genetic variability of S. cerevisiae strains in the two vineyards and strains dynamics. Moreover, bark-associated strains were compared with those isolated from spontaneous fermentations of grapes collected during the two harvests. Regarding the youngest vineyard, no S. cerevisiae was identified on bark and grape surface, highlighting the importance of vine age on yeast colonization. Results reported the isolation of S. cerevisiae from vine bark of the old vineyard at all sampling times, regardless of the presence of the grape bunch. Therefore, this environment can be considered an alternative ecological niche that permanently hosts S. cerevisiae. Bark-associated strains were not found on grape bunches and during pilot-scale vinifications, indicating no significative strain transfer from vine bark to the grape must. Commercial starters were identified as well both in vineyards and during vinifications

    Arsenic and cadmium contents in Brazilian rice from different origins can vary more than two orders of magnitude

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    Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for the financial support.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Determination of the orbital moment and crystal field splitting in LaTiO3_{3}

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    Utilizing a sum-rule in a spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopic experiment with circularly polarized light, we show that the orbital moment in LaTiO3_3 is strongly reduced both below and above the N\'{e}el temperature. Using Ti L2,3L_{2,3} x-ray absorption spectroscopy as a local probe, we found that the crystal field splitting in the t2gt_{2g} subshell is about 0.12-0.30 eV. This large splitting does not facilitate the formation of an orbital liquid

    Metodologia para padronizar informações climáticas dos cenários futuros no banco de dados geográfico do projeto CLIMAPEST.

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    Estudos sobre os impactos das mudanças climáticas globais são importantes para atenuar seus possíveis impactos negativos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver metodologia para padronizar as informações fornecidas pelos modelos climáticos globais do Quarto Relatório do IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas), utilizando métodos de interpolação de dados a fim de que os planos de informação no banco de dados do SIG possuam as mesmas características de resolução espacial e limites geográficos

    Influence of the mannoproteins of different strains of Starmerella bacillaris used in single and sequential fermentations on foamability, tartaric and protein stabilities of wines

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    Aim: In this work, seven strains of Starmerella bacillaris were analysed for their ability to release polysaccharides during alcoholic fermentation (AF), both in single-strain and in sequential AF together with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Methods and results: A synthetic polysaccharide-free must was used to characterise the mannoproteins (MPs) released. The MPs were quantified, characterised in terms of carbohydrate composition, and tested to assess their ability to reduce protein and tartrate instabilities and their ability to affect the foaming properties of wine. Conclusions: All the tested strains in sequential AF increased the total MPs production. Moreover, the strains affected the MPs properties in different ways regarding tartaric and protein stabilities. The MPs released in sequential AF by some S. bacillaris strains showed a significant effect on protein stabilisation and tartaric stability. An effect on the foamability was found for MPs obtained in single-strain AFs of S. bacillaris

    Avaliação dos cenários futuros na região nordeste do Brasil utilizando modelos climáticos globais: tendências de temperatura.

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    O Nordeste é a região brasileira mais vulnerável ao aquecimento global. Os modelos climáticos globais são a melhor ferramenta para projetar cenários prováveis de alterações climáticas para o futuro, apesar da incerteza envolvida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação da tendência da temperatura média nos cenários futuros previstos pelos modelos climáticos globais do IPCC para região Nordeste do Brasil. Foi realizada uma análise estatística básica dos dados de comparação entre os modelos. Foi possível agrupar os modelos em 5 grupos, desde modelos estimando temperaturas médias comparativamente inferiores em todos os meses a outros com valores superiores em todos os meses