230 research outputs found


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    Causes of acute perforations of the small intestine were studied in the survey of 60 patients with postoperative peritonitis. A morphological study of the wall of the small intestine at different terms of peritonitis, mesenteri-cography intraoperative duplex scanning of small and large mesenteric arteries, as well as the interpretation of the major changes in the hemostatic system and humoral parameters in the systemic circulation and the intestinal contents. Found that in the pathogenesis of acute small bowel perforation peritonitis against the leading role of microcirculatory disorders caused by reperfusion syndrome, which occurs in the appearance of the development process and sometimes in the treatment of enteral insufficiency


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    The results of surgical treatment of 470 patients with acute pancreatitis of severe severity were studied. Out of 314 patients with infected pancreatonecrosis, 224 had retroperitoneal phlegmon and 90 - parapancreal abscesses. In this group of patients, early surgical treatment was used in the first 3-5 days from the time of admission. In all cases in the process of laparotomy open necrectomy and drainage were performed. In 156 patients of the second group, a savings technology was used for 4-8 weeks, aimed at distinguishing the purulent-necrotic process. Of these, 98 had local intra-arterial rheological therapy, 46 had early video laparoscopic drainage, and 12 had decompression retroperitoneal drainage. As soon as the delimitation (formation of the fluid cluster, parapancreatic cyst, abscess) was achieved, in 4-6 weeks in this group, minimally invasive transabdominal or transgastral drainage was performed and only open operations "on demand" were carried out with the progression of the purulent-necrotic process. The results of the treatment showed high mortality in the early extended operations in the first group of patients. With retroperitoneal phlegmon it reached 55.4 %. Savings tactics aimed at limiting the process in the retroperitoneal tissue and subsequent minimally invasive drainage, was characterized by a lower mortality - 31 (19.9 %) patient. Early video laparoscopic drainage of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (mortality - 10.9 %) and local rheological drug therapy (mortality - 21.4 %) were the most effective among the minimally invasive technologies of surgical treatment of pancreonecrosis, which facilitated the accelerated formation of the delimitation of the inflammatory process in the pancreas and retroperitoneal space

    Possible optical detection of a fast, nearby radio pulsar PSR B1133+16

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    Aims: We performed deep optical observations of the field of an old, fast-moving radio pulsar PSR B1133+16 in an attempt to detect its optical counterpart and a bow shock nebula. Methods: The observations were carried out using the direct imaging mode of FORS1 at the ESO VLT/UT1 telescope in the B, R, and H_alpha bands. We also used archival images of the same field obtained with the VLT in the B band and with the Chandra/ACIS in X-rays. Results: In the B band we detected a faint (B=28.1+/-0.3) source that may be the optical counterpart of PSR B1133+16, as it is positionally consistent with the radio pulsar and with the X-ray counterpart candidate published earlier. Its upper limit in the R band implies a color index B-R <0.5, which is compatible with the index values for most pulsars identified in the optical range. The derived optical luminosity and its ratio to the X-ray luminosity of the candidate are consistent with expected values derived from a sample of pulsars detected in both spectral domains. No Balmer bow shock was detected, implying a low density of ambient matter around the pulsar. However, in the X-ray and H_alpha images we found the signature of a trail extending ~4"-5" behind the pulsar and coinciding with the direction of its proper motion. If confirmed by deeper studies, this is the first time such a trail has been seen in the optical and X-ray wavelengths. Conclusions: Further observations at later epochs are necessary to confirm the identification of the pulsar by the candidate's proper motion measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, A&A, accepte

    Confirmation of the Luminous Blue Variable status of MWC 930

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of the emission-line star MWC 930 (V446 Sct) during its long-term optical brightening in 2006--2013. Based on our earlier data we suggested that the object has features found in Luminous Blue Variables (LBV), such as a high luminosity (~3 10^5 Lsun, a low wind terminal velocity (~ 140 km/s), and a tendency to show strong brightness variations (~1 mag over 20 years). For the last ~7 years it has been exhibiting a continuous optical and near-IR brightening along with a change of the emission-line spectrum appearance and cooling of the star's photosphere. We present the object's VV--band light curve, analyze the spectral variations, and compare the observed properties with those of other recognized Galactic LBVs, such as AG Car and HR Car. Overall we conclude the MWC 930 is a bona fide Galactic LBV that is currently in the middle of an S Dor cycle.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Subaru optical observations of the old pulsar PSR B0950+08

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    We report the B band optical observations of an old (17.5 Myr) radiopulsar PSR B0950+08 obtained with the Suprime-Cam at the Subaru telescope. We detected a faint object, B=27.07(16). Within our astrometrical accuracy it coincides with the radio position of the pulsar and with the object detected earlier by Pavlov et al. (1996) in UV with the HST/FOC/F130LP. The positional coincidence and spectral properties of the object suggest that it is the optical counterpart of PSR B0950+08. Its flux in the B band is two times higher than one would expect from the suggested earlier Rayleigh-Jeans interpretation of the only available HST observations in the adjacent F130LP band. Based on the B and F130LP photometry of the suggested counterpart and on the available X-ray data we argue in favour of nonthermal origin of the broad-band optical spectrum of PSR B0950+08, as it is observed for the optical emission of the younger, middle-aged pulsars PSR B0656+14 and Geminga. At the same time, the optical efficiency of PSR B0950+08, estimated from its spin-down power and the detected optical flux, is by several orders of magnitude higher than for these pulsars, and comparable with that for the much younger and more energetic Crab pulsar. We cannot exclude the presence of a compact, about 1'', faint pulsar nebula around PSR B0950+08, elongated perpendicular to the vector of its proper motion, unless it is not a projection of a faint extended object on the pulsar position.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, aa.cls style, 5 PS figures, submitted to A&A. Image is available in FITS format at http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/astro/NSG/obs/0950-subar