7,108 research outputs found

    Growth rate of YBCO single grains containing Y-2411(M)

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    Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) single grains have the potential to generate large trapped magnetic fields for a variety of engineering applications, and research on the processing and properties of this material has attracted world-wide interest. In particular, the introduction of flux pinning centres to the large grain microstructure to improve its current density, Jc, and hence trapped field, has been investigated extensively over the past decade. Y 2Ba4CuMOx [Y-2411(M)], where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Ru, Zr, Bi and Ag, has been reported to form particularly effective flux pinning centres in YBCO due primarily to its ability to exist as nano-size inclusions in the superconducting phase matrix. However, the addition of the Y-2411(M) phase to the precursor composition complicates the melt-processing of single grains. We report an investigation of the growth rate of single YBCO grains containing Y-2411(Bi) phase inclusions and Y2O3. The superconducting properties of these large single grains have been measured specifically to investigate the effect of Y2O3 on broadening the growth window of these materials

    Higher order antibunching is not a rare phenomenon

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    Since the introduction of higher order nonclassical effects, higher order squeezing has been reported in a number of different physical systems but higher order antibunching is predicted only in three particular cases. In the present work, we have shown that the higher order antibunching is not a rare phenomenon rather it can be seen in many simple optical processes. To establish our claim, we have shown it in six wave mixing process, four wave mixing process and in second harmonic generation process.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, Latex 2

    Čvrsta disperzija meloksikama: faktorijalno dizajnirani dozirani pripravak za gerijatrijsku populaciju

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    The objective of the present work was to improve the dissolution properties of the poorly water-soluble drug meloxicam by preparing solid dispersions with hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), mannitol and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000 and to develop a dosage form for geriatric population. Differential scanning calorimetry, X–ray diffractometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate the solid-state physical structure of the prepared solid dispersions. Higher in vitro dissolution of solid dispersions was recorded compared to their corresponding physical mixtures and the pure drug. PEG 4000 in 1:9 drug to carrier ratio exhibited the highest drug release (100.2%), followed by mannitol (98.2%) and HEC (89.5%) in the same ratio. Meloxicam-PEG 4000 solid dispersion was formulated into suspension and optimization was carried out by 23 factorial design. Formulations containing higher levels of methyl cellulose and higher levels of either sodium citrate or Tween 80 exhibited the highest drug release.Cilj rada bio je poboljšati topljivost meloksikama u vodi pripravom čvrstih disperzija s hidroksietilcelulozom (HEC), manitolom i polietilen glikolom 4000 (PEG 4000) te razviti dozirani pripravaka za gerijatrijsku populaciju. Za ispitivanje fizičke strukture pripravljenih čvrstih disperzija korištene su diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija, difraktometrija rentgentskim zrakama, FTIR i pretražna elektronska mikroskopija. Čvrste disperzije su u in vitro uvjetima pokazale bolju topljivost u odnosu na fizičku smjesu i čistu ljekovitu tvar. Najbolje oslobađanje lijeka (100,2%). postignuto je iz disperzija s PEG 4000 (omjer ljekovite tvari i nosača 1:9). Slijede manitol (98,2%) i HEC (89,5%) (isti omjer meloksikama i polimera). Čvrsta disperzija meloksikama s PEG 4000 prevedena je u suspenziju te optimirana 23 faktorijalnim dizajnom. Najbolje oslobađanje ljekovite tvari postignuto je iz pripravaka koji sadrže veći udio etilceluloze i natrijevog citrata, odnosno Tween 80

    The Mechanism Design Approach to Student Assignment

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    The mechanism design approach to student assignment involves the theoretical, empirical, and experimental study of systems used to allocate students into schools around the world. Recent practical experience designing systems for student assignment has raised new theoretical questions for the theory of matching and assignment. This article reviews some of this recent literature, highlighting how issues from the field motivated theoretical developments and emphasizing how the dialogue may be a road map for other areas of applied mechanism design. Finally, it concludes with some open questions.National Science Foundation (U.S.

    Ozonolysis of α-pinene: parameterization of secondary organic aerosol mass fraction

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    Existing parameterizations tend to underpredict the α-pinene aerosol mass fraction (AMF) or yield by a factor of 2–5 at low organic aerosol concentrations (<5 µg m<sup>−3</sup>). A wide range of smog chamber results obtained at various conditions (low/high NO<sub>x</sub>, presence/absence of UV radiation, dry/humid conditions, and temperatures ranging from 15–40°C) collected by various research teams during the last decade are used to derive new parameterizations of the SOA formation from α-pinene ozonolysis. Parameterizations are developed by fitting experimental data to a basis set of saturation concentrations (from 10<sup>−2</sup> to 10<sup>4</sup> µg m<sup>−3</sup>) using an absorptive equilibrium partitioning model. Separate parameterizations for α-pinene SOA mass fractions are developed for: 1) Low NO<sub>x</sub>, dark, and dry conditions, 2) Low NO<sub>x</sub>, UV, and dry conditions, 3) Low NO<sub>x</sub>, dark, and high RH conditions, 4) High NO<sub>x</sub>, dark, and dry conditions, 5) High NO<sub>x</sub>, UV, and dry conditions. According to the proposed parameterizations the α-pinene SOA mass fractions in an atmosphere with 5 µg m<sup>−3</sup> of organic aerosol range from 0.032 to 0.1 for reacted α-pinene concentrations in the 1 ppt to 5 ppb range

    Floatation Studies on Processing of a Low Grade Uranium Ore

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    This paper deals with the results of flotation studies carried towards pre-concentration of a low-grade uranium ore sample from Domiasiat, Meghalaya. A comb-ination of potassium amyl xanthate, cupferron and light diesel oil was used as collector for flotation of uran- ium bearing minerals in the sample. The effects of vari-ous process parameters were studied. Under the optimum conditions the flotation concentrate weighed about 35 % with over 90 % recovery. Flotation with classified / deslimed feed also resulted in similar metallurgical results. Use of diethyl hexyl phosphoric acid, alamine 336 & tri-butyl phosphate in combination with potassium amyl xanthate and light diesel oil, as the alternate reagent scheme, also gave reasonably high uranium recovery