787 research outputs found

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of sunflower pollen (<i>Helianthus</i> L.) and it’s use in breeding work

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    Background. In breeding work, it is necessary to take into account such an important feature as male sterility of the hybrids obtained. If a plant has visually visible anthers and pollen, the quality of the pollen grains themselves may be low. It is necessary to carry out not only a visual analysis, but also a cytological study of pollen in order to properly assess the reproductive potential of plants.Materials and methods. Wild species, some cultivars, lines and hybrids of sunflower from the collection of the N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources were taken as objects of research. The plants were grown on the fields of Kuban Experiment Station. Pollen was collected from preinsulated inflorescences, fixed in FAA solution and stained with acetocarmine. The ratio of fertile pollen grains to the total number of pollen grains (in %) was calculated, the diameter of the pollen grains was measured, and variability curves were drawn.Results. Mature pollen grains in sunflower are rounded, tricolpate-poral, threecelled; the average pollen diameter in cultivated sunflower is 28–32 μm; in wild species, the range is from 20– 22 μm to 32–34 μm. All accessions were divided into three groups. Fertile: high level of fertility (75–99%) and low morphological heterogeneity of pollen; the variation curve for the average diameter was characterized by one distinct peak. Most of the studied accessions were included here: cultivars, most of the lines and some of the wild species. Semi-fertile: the number of well-stained pollen grains is below 75%; there are differences in the degree of staining and size of the pollen; the variation curve had additional peaks. This group included some of the lines, hybrids and wild species. The greatest morphological heterogeneity was observed in the group of perennial interspecific hybrids. Sterile: pollen grains were absent or were observed very sporadically.Conclusion. To assess the fertility of plants, it is important not only to determine the degree of staining in pollen grains, but also to rank them by diameter and construct variation curves to reveal morphological heterogeneity of pollen

    Подстановочная таблица как эффективное средство формирования интегративных умений чтения и говорения на иностранном языке

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    В статье анализируется методический потенциал подстановочной таблицы как одного из типов заданий, способствующего взаимосвязанному формированию умений чтения и говорения на иностранном языке старших школьников.The article explores the role of a substitution table in the formation of foreign language speaking skills of senior students. Being an effective means a substation table, if used communicatively, may serve an asset for forming integrative functional reading and speaking skills

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of the complex oxides in Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems

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    Received: 18.01.2018. Accepted: 14.02.2018. Published: 10.05.2018.Present paper contains available information on the phase equilibria in the Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems, including the synthesis routes used, crystal structure, which is often depended on oxygen nonstoichiometry, the data on thermodynamic stability of complex oxides, the obtained results on the homogeneity ranges of solid solutions, formed in the systems, and graphical presentation of phase relations in a form of phase diagrams

    Results and possible prospects of genetic technology in ophthalmology (literature review). Part I

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    The emergence of fundamentally novel technological solutions in the field of gene therapy today, the formation of the priority and the development of genetic technologies create serious prerequisites for the beginning of a new Fusion era in ophthalmology in the near future. This review, in its first part, presents the results of fundamental and clinical studies on the use of viral and non-viral systems for the delivery of genetic material in ophthalmology. The second part of the review will focus on genetic therapeutic strategies (gene replacement, gene suppression, genomic editing using CRISPR / Cas9 technology, priming and transposon editing) that have been used in ophthalmology over the past several years

    Static Polycode Text Modeling Using Network Analysis (Demotivator Dedicated to Problems of Self-Isolation)

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    The features of modeling a graphic-verbal polycode text, including a static image and an accompanying inscription, are considered. The study was conducted on the example of a demotivator dedicated to the problems of mass self-isolation at the very beginning of the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive measures. Significant semantic components, represented as part of only the iconic component, only the verbal component, and also as part of the verbal and iconic components at the same time are established. The semantic relations between the selected semantic components are revealed, the types of these links, revealing the different nature of their correlation are determined. On the basis of the data obtained, a network model of the considered static polycode text in the form of a semantic network was built. Cases of semantic components correlation are considered, reflecting the generally objective aspects of the situation and unrealistic ideas based on irony and hyperbole to create a comic effect. Based on quantitative analysis, representative semantic relations were established: “partitive”, “localization (in)”, “attributive”, “subject-object”. Non-representative semantic relations between the semantic components in the analyzed polycode text are revealed: “coincidence”, “localization (on)”, “temporal”, “subject-instrument”, “subject-result”

    Orthopoxvirus Infections: Epidemiology, Clinical Picture, and Diagnostics (Scientific Review)

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    Lack of immunity among the population against pathogenic orthopoxviruses and an increased number of these infections human cases testify to the need of development of the rapid high-sensitive methods for species-specific orthopoxvirus diagnostics. The review presents current epidemiological situation on human orthopoxvirus infections. Addressed are clinical aspects of the disease, caused by small pox virus (SPV), Monkeypox virus, cowpox virus, and vaccinia virus. Represented is a historical survey of the conventional methods for diagnostics of these particular viruses. Reconsidered are the benefits of researches into the sphere of state-of-the-art molecular-diagnostic techniques taking into view both genus-specific and species-specific detection of agents, causing orthopoxvirus infections in humans. Demonstrated is the urgency of new-generation typing in view of occurrence of a novel SPV-like virus emerged as a result of natural evolution of existing zoonotic orthopoxviruses or SPV application as a biological terroristic agent

    Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators

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    Background. The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of timely assessment and development of imagination in preschoolers for their harmonious development and further successful schooling. Objective. The aim of the study was to develop a questionnaire for kindergarteners aimed at assessing the imagination in preschoolers. Methods. As a part of this study, a questionnaire to assess the characteristics of imagination in preschoolers was developed, which included 22 statements about children behavior, which teachers had to evaluate on a 5-point scale. Also, with a part of the sample, the “Complete the Drawing” technique was carried out. Sample. In the study, educators assessed 553 pupils of senior groups (M = 65.3; SD = 4.03 months; 48.1% of boys) attending kindergartens in 4 regions of Russia (37.1% of children from Moscow, 32.6% from the Tatarstan Republic, 22.3% from the Sakha Republic, 9.1% from the Perm Region) Results. As a result of the statistical analysis, a three-factor structure of the created questionnaire was revealed. It was found that educators rate the level of imagination development higher in girls than in boys. Comparison of teachers' assessments with the results of children's imagination assessment using the “Complete the Drawing” technique showed the relationship with such parameters of drawings as flexibility, originality and elaboration. Conclusion. The study showed the reliability of the developed questionnaire for educators, which indicates the possibility of its use in monitoring the development of modern senior preschoolers

    The Role of the Danish Church in the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Significance of This Experience for the Russian Federation

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    The social responsibility of religious organizations in modern conditions is reflected in a variety of activities carried out by religious institutions and differ depending on both the confessional affiliation of these institutions and the specific structural territorial unit where they take place. The presented work is devoted to a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of the manifestation of one of the directions of social responsibility of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark (ELCD), associated with minimizing the consequences of COVID-19 on the example of its individual dioceses. The dioceses characterized by the highest proportion of adherents in the population structure (Diocese of Viborg, Ribe, Aalborg and Lolland-Faster) were selected to clearly reflect the trends taking place. The subject of the study is the social activities of the ELCD to mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 for parishioners, the features of the implementation of which are considered on the example of structural units at the regional level. The article substantiates the increased importance of the ELCD in the development of the region, since the designated institution largely assumes the social obligations of the state (duplicates several functions) in connection with the risks of the spread of coronavirus infection. To achieve the goal, methods of analysis of factual and economic-statistical information, comparative comparison were used. The experience of a religious organization in dealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is of interest to the public, government bodies and authorities, as well as religious organizations in other countries. The results of the study can be useful in developing a strategy for the development of state-religious relations in Russia, where there are trends of strengthening the social and economic role of religious organizations