35 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Nowadays, the problem of standardization of foreign language training at the higher school is becoming currently topical. With regard to the processes of globalization, the international educational projects and students exchange programs gain greater international recognition. Such international programmes involve foreign language knowledge graded as not only high certified academic levels but also as basic language skills. The lack of foreign language competence becomes the obstacle for successful training, depriving a future graduate of a part of chances to become the competitive and popular expert in the chosen profession. The success of a foreign language course completion among students depends on many factors; the most important factor is motivation which can affect self-assessment of training results. The aim of the study is to describe possibilities of the CanDos tools implementation for the organization of students self-consciousness and self-assessment of own achievements in order to influence the motivation for mastering a foreign language. Methodology and research methods. The research is based on competencybased approach. The methods involve comparative analysis, synthesis, and generalization.Results and scientific novelty. The questionnaire developed for the experiment helped to collect the data concerning the effectiveness of the CanDos software implementation for self-assessment of students’ foreign language skills. The corresponding self-assessment helps students to carry out a self-reflection of own knowledge and abilities, and to find “weak points” in language proficiency which need additional practice and improvement. By regularly using CanDos software as self-assessment tools, students learn to identify the correspondence of their language competence to the external requirements and standards of education. Orientation to training results will help future experts to create self-motivation that positively affects indicators of progress and internal satisfaction of each student. Practical significance. The data received can be applied by teachers of foreign language departments of non-linguistic higher education institutions; teachers and psychologists who are engaged in studying of aspects of training motivation.Введение: Проблема стандартизации обучения иностранному языку в высшей школе в настоящее время достаточно актуальна, поскольку в связи с процессами глобализации все большее распространение получают международные образовательные проекты и программы обмена студентов, подразумевающие знание иностранного языка как на бытовом, так и на высоком сертифицированном академическом уровнях. Отсутствие языковой компетенции либо слабая ее сформированность становятся препятствиями для успешного обучения и лишают будущего выпускника части шансов стать конкурентоспособным и востребованным специалистом в избранной профессии. Успешность освоения студентами курса иностранного языка зависит от многих факторов, главным из которых является мотивация, на которую, в свою очередь, может повлиять самооценка результатов обучения. Цель статьи – описать возможности использования инструментария CanDos для организации рефлексии студентов и самооценки собственных достижений, с тем чтобы воздействовать на мотивацию освоения иностранного языка. Методология и методики. Предпринятое авторами исследование базируется на компетентностном подходе. В работе были задействованы методы сравнительного анализа, синтеза и обобщения.Результаты и научная новизна. Разработана авторская анкета-опросник на основе инструментов CanDos, позволившая собрать данные для проведения эксперимента по выяснению эффективности применения системы CanDos в процедурах самооценивания студентами приобретенных ими в процессе обучения личных языковых навыков. Подобная самооценка помогает учащимся осуществить рефлексию собственных знаний и умений и обнаруживать «слабые места» во владении языком, которые нуждаются в дополнительной практике и совершенствовании. Установлено, что, используя инструменты CanDos, студенты учатся определять соответствие своих языковых компетенций внешним требованиям и стандартам обучения. Ориентация на результаты обучения помогает будущим специалистам сформировать самомотивацию, что положительно сказывается на показателях успеваемости и внутренней удовлетворенности каждого обучающегося. Практическая значимость. Полученные данные могут быть востребованы преподавателями кафедр иностранного языка неязыковых вузов, а также педагогами и психологами, занимающимися изучением аспектов мотивации обучения


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    The transition to the modern educational paradigm suggests e-learning techniques implementation for both full-time and correspondence students in order to improve the quality of foreign language teaching. Nowadays Russian as well as foreign researchers draw a conclusion that the use of e-learning techniques improves learning results, helps to promote learner’s autonomy and gradually becomes an indispensable tool of foreign language teaching. Concerning foreign language teaching to correspondence students it is necessary to identify if the students themselves are knowledgeable about international standards of language learning and are ready to use CEFR level system assessment. Another issue worth noting is how the use of e-learning techniques can influence the students’ learning results. As a part of the research an experiment was set up to identify the CEFR level of correspondence students as well as the students’ ability and readiness to work on their own with the electronic component of the course. In conclusion, the authors highlight that without extrinsic motivation self-motivation (intrinsic motivation) taken separately is an insufficient factor for effective implementation of e-learning techniques as a way of improving the quality of foreign language education of correspondence students.Переход к современной парадигме образования предполагает реализацию принципов и методик электронного обучения в повышении качества обучения иностранному языку студентов как очного, так и заочного обучения. Современные отечественные и зарубежные исследователи приходят к выводу о том, что использование электронных ресурсов и методик электронного обучения (e-learning) способствует повышению результативности обучения, организации самостоятельной работы студентов, постепенно становясь неотъемлемым элементом преподавания иностранного языка. В контексте обучения студентов-заочников иностранному языку необходимо определить, насколько студенты осведомлены о международных стандартах обучения и готовы ли они перейти на уровневую систему оценивания знаний и как повлияет использование электронных методик обучения на результативность освоения дисциплины. В рамках исследования был проведен эксперимент по определению международного уровня развития языковых компетенций студентов-заочников, а также готовности студентов работать самостоятельно с электронным компонентом курса. В результате исследования авторы пришли к выводу, что в отсутствии внешней мотивации самомотивация студентов является недостаточным фактором для эффективного внедрения методик электронного обучения и повышения качества обучения иностранному языку на заочном отделении


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    Language proficiency is one of key competences of an individual nowadays. The authors highlight two systems used for description of language proficiency in Russia. One of them is subjective assessment that assumes such categories as «I can read and translate with a dictionary», «I can speak», «I can speak English fluently». The other assessment is objective assessment as it refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The article contains a comparative-historical analysis of the notion «language proficiency» formation to fully understand the factors influencing the formation of a contemporary subjective language proficiency assessment. Based on the background reading analysis, four periods of formation the «language proficiency» notion are coined, with reference to the foreign language function in various ages: communicative- applied, academic/enlightening, ideology-populist and integrative. Foreign language competence requirements are reflected in categories factors influencing the formation of a contemporary subjective language proficiency assessment.Владение иностранным языком на сегодняшний день является одной из ключевых компетенций человека. Для описания языковой компетенции в России используются две системы: субъективная (выраженная в категориях «читать и переводить со словарем», «способность изъясняться», «свободное владение») и объективная (Общеевропейская система оценивания знания языков). В статье предлагается сравнительно-исторический анализ формирования понятия «владение иностранным языком» для полного понимания факторов формирования современной субъективной оценки качества владения иностранным языком. На основе анализа публикаций выделены четыре периода формирования современной субъективной оценки в зависимости от функции, которую выполняет иностранный язык в жизни обывателя в разных исторических эпохах: коммуникативно-прикладной, академический/культурнопросветительский, идеолого-популистский и интегративный. Требования, предъявляемые к владению иностранным языком, находят свое отражение в категориях, формирующих субъективную оценку понимания категории «владение иностранным языком» на современном этапе


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    In 016 the accreditation of medical specialists for their specialty and activity types will be appointed. The contents of physician training programs becomes increasingly important. The formation of new professional competencies is determinative. The contents of the training programs should be aimed at the requirements of practical healthcare. The training programs which are focused on the formation of only one kind of activity can cause the leak in the systematic and fundamental contents of training programs, and as a result, the low quality of the specialists training. Issues on selection and structure of the programs’ contents with respect to the accreditation are presented. The fundamental (biological) subjects included in the programs contribute to the preservation of scientific novelty, systematicity, knowledge continuity at different levels of the specialists’ training, assures the increase in integration of basic (biological) knowledge with the special knowledge enhancing the chance for the achievement of professional competencies. В 2016 году вводится аккредитация медицинских специалистов по специальности и видам деятельности. Особое значение приобретает содержание программ подготовки врачей. Определяющим становится формирование профессиональных компетенций. Содержание образовательных программ ориентировано на требования практического здравоохранения. Программы, ориентированные на формирование какого-то одного вида деятельности, могут привести к утрате системности и фундаментальности их содержания и как следствие к снижению качества подготовки специалистов. Показана проблема отбора и структурирования содержания программ подготовки в связи с аккредитацией. Включение в программы фундаментальных (биологических) дисциплин способствует сохранению научной новизны, системности, преемственности знаний на разных уровнях подготовки специалистов, обеспечивает усиление интеграции базовых (биологических) знаний со специальными и повышает вероятность достижения планируемых профессиональных компетенций


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    Based on the results of microscopic detection of zoonotic agents using virtualization preparations of distance education technologies the laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations of the Ministry of Health of the RF and Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor discuss methodological approaches to the estimation of their professional competence in laboratory diagnostic of parasitic diseases in human. The estimation of the above mentioned competence is possible when the following issues are solved:- methods and techniques for assessment of formed competencies;- requirements for assessment tools used for the determination of results’ validity;- methodological basis for assessment of formed professional competencies from the viewpoint of integration of education with practical health care regarding the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of conducting a complex of measures in the forming and functioning foci of zoonotic helminth infections.Based on the above a question arises sharply in relation to assessment criteria for professional competence of laboratory specialists working in the field of microscopic diagnosis of zoohelminthosis. That is shown at the example of quality assessment in the determination of 9 species of the most spread agents of zoonotic helminthosis (of two taxonomic groups) in virtual drugs of distance learning technologies. The specialists of 757 laboratories of medical and preventive organizations as well as hygiene and epidemiology centers of various regions of Russian Federation are involved in this research study. Only 57 % of 7849 processed answers related to the determination of zoonotic agents contained correct diagnoses. The other 43 % of the answers were incorrect. The results point at the insufficient competence of laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations and centers for hygiene and epidemiology who are involved in microscopic determination of zoonotic helminthosis agents in biological material (feces). It should be pointed out that the competence of the above mentioned category of specialists is constantly decreasing. A complex of emergency measures is required to improve the pregraduate and postgraduate education in specialty «Parasitology» as well as to develop the methodological approaches for estimating specialists’ competence. A four- level evaluation of competence along with the specification of characteristics of each level has been suggested. На основе результатов микроскопического выявления возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов в виртуальных препаратах дистанционных образовательных технологий специалистами лабораторий лечебно-профилактических организаций (ЛПО) Минздрава РФ и центров гигиены и эпидемиологии (ЦГиЭ) Роспотребнадзора рассматриваются методологические под- ходы оценки качества их профессиональных компетенций по лабораторной диагностике паразитарных болезней человека.Оценка обозначенных компетенций возможна при решении ряда вопросов относительно: - методологии и методики измерения сформированных компетенций;- требований к инструментам измерения для оценки валидности полученных результатов;- методологической базы системы оценки сформированных профессиональных компетенций с позиций интегративности образования с практическим здравоохранением в части применения полученных знаний, умений и навыков в процессе проведения комплекса мероприятий в формирующихся и функционирующих очагах зоонозных гельминтозов.Исходя из вышеизложенного достаточно остро встаёт вопрос оценочных критериев профессиональных компетенций специалистов лабораторий в части микроскопической диагностики зоогельминтозов. Это продемонстрировано на примере оценки качества выявления 9 видов наиболее распространенных возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов двух таксономических групп в виртуальных препаратах дистанционных образовательных технологий. Исследованием охвачены специалисты 757 лабораторий лечебно-профилактических организаций, центров гигиены и эпидемиологии из различных регионов Российской Федерации. Из 7849 проанализированных ответов о выявлении возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов только в 57 % были правильные диагнозы. В остальных 43 % присланных результатов ответы были неверными. Полученные результаты указывают на недостаточный уровень компетентности специалистов лабораторного звена ЛПО и ЦГиЭ по вопросам микроскопического выявления возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов в биологическом материале (фекалиях). Отмечается прогрессирующее снижение обозначенной компетенции у рассматриваемой категории специалистов. Требуется комплекс экстренных мероприятий по улучшению додипломного и последипломного образования по специальности «Паразитология» с совершенствованием методологических подходов оценки компетенций специалистов. Предлагается четырёхуровневое измерение компетенций с конкретизацией параметров характеристик каждого уровня.


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    Introduction. Nowadays, the problem of standardization of foreign language training at the higher school is becoming currently topical. With regard to the processes of globalization, the international educational projects and students exchange programs gain greater international recognition. Such international programmes involve foreign language knowledge graded as not only high certified academic levels but also as basic language skills. The lack of foreign language competence becomes the obstacle for successful training, depriving a future graduate of a part of chances to become the competitive and popular expert in the chosen profession. The success of a foreign language course completion among students depends on many factors; the most important factor is motivation which can affect self-assessment of training results. The aim of the study is to describe possibilities of the CanDos tools implementation for the organization of students self-consciousness and self-assessment of own achievements in order to influence the motivation for mastering a foreign language.Methodology and research methods. The research is based on competencybased approach. The methods involve comparative analysis, synthesis, and generalization.Results and scientific novelty. The questionnaire developed for the experiment helped to collect the data concerning the effectiveness of the CanDos software implementation for self-assessment of students’ foreign language skills. The corresponding self-assessment helps students to carry out a self-reflection of own knowledge and abilities, and to find “weak points” in language proficiency which need additional practice and improvement. By regularly using CanDos software as self-assessment tools, students learn to identify the correspondence of their language competence to the external requirements and standards of education. Orientation to training results will help future experts to create self-motivation that positively affects indicators of progress and internal satisfaction of each student.Practical significance. The data received can be applied by teachers of foreign language departments of non-linguistic higher education institutions; teachers and psychologists who are engaged in studying of aspects of training motivation

    Writing at a Russian university: students' perspective

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    Contemporary programmes of higher education in Russia are aimed at providing qualitative education to undergraduates in all spheres of learning. Language education for students of Ural Federal University majoring in science, mathematics and management meets learners' needs of developing and mastering knowledge and skills of General English. Among skills, writing is one of the most difficult ones to develop; a lot of effort has to be made by both teachers and students to improve such a complex skill. Educational programme provides a reasonable choice of writing patterns to learn and master, regarding learner's initial level of language proficiency. However, little is known about the real value of set types of writing from students' perspective. Moreover, students can provide teachers with necessary feedback on various topics: learners' writing tasks preferences, general attitude to writing, satisfaction with the teachers' work, etc. In order to understand the students' point of view on writing at the university and effectiveness of teaching writing, a survey was organised in the 2017-2018 academic year. Students of the Department of Science and Mathematics and the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship took part in the survey. Randomly chosen students (n=308) of the first and second courses doing their Bachelor's degree, first course Master Degree students and a few PhD students answered 17 questions (among which there were multiple choice closed questions and open questions for the participants to write their own ideas). Level distribution of the participants was even, with approximately one fourth of Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate students (according to Common European Framework of References to Languages) taking part in the survey. Most students consider writing to be an obligatory part of a language course, with 76% of respondents being quite satisfied with the amount of writing tasks. The most popular types of writing tasks are short notes/ e-mails and personal letters. However, students are not fond of writing essays, research articles, compositions and reports. Among forms of writing students are interested in learning to write, they mentioned stories and CVs. Also, compositions (creative writing) and personal letters were found to be outdated forms. Students are generally satisfied with the teachers' work on assessing writing in terms of time, quality, feedback on mistakes and helping learners to improve their writing. However, students themselves do not track their progress in writing; they do, however, take notice of mistakes and ways of improving here and now. Accepting the fact that they need to learn various types of writing, students suggest introducing modern forms of texts, e.g. blogs and forum entries in the course of studies. Moreover, to refine writing the necessity of dictations is underlined. Results of the survey can be taken into account for developing and adapting existing educational programmes by teachers and university authorities


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    In 016 the accreditation of medical specialists for their specialty and activity types will be appointed. The contents of physician training programs becomes increasingly important. The formation of new professional competencies is determinative. The contents of the training programs should be aimed at the requirements of practical healthcare. The training programs which are focused on the formation of only one kind of activity can cause the leak in the systematic and fundamental contents of training programs, and as a result, the low quality of the specialists training. Issues on selection and structure of the programs’ contents with respect to the accreditation are presented. The fundamental (biological) subjects included in the programs contribute to the preservation of scientific novelty, systematicity, knowledge continuity at different levels of the specialists’ training, assures the increase in integration of basic (biological) knowledge with the special knowledge enhancing the chance for the achievement of professional competencies


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    Based on the results of microscopic detection of zoonotic agents using virtualization preparations of distance education technologies the laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations of the Ministry of Health of the RF and Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor discuss methodological approaches to the estimation of their professional competence in laboratory diagnostic of parasitic diseases in human. The estimation of the above mentioned competence is possible when the following issues are solved:- methods and techniques for assessment of formed competencies;- requirements for assessment tools used for the determination of results’ validity;- methodological basis for assessment of formed professional competencies from the viewpoint of integration of education with practical health care regarding the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of conducting a complex of measures in the forming and functioning foci of zoonotic helminth infections.Based on the above a question arises sharply in relation to assessment criteria for professional competence of laboratory specialists working in the field of microscopic diagnosis of zoohelminthosis. That is shown at the example of quality assessment in the determination of 9 species of the most spread agents of zoonotic helminthosis (of two taxonomic groups) in virtual drugs of distance learning technologies. The specialists of 757 laboratories of medical and preventive organizations as well as hygiene and epidemiology centers of various regions of Russian Federation are involved in this research study. Only 57 % of 7849 processed answers related to the determination of zoonotic agents contained correct diagnoses. The other 43 % of the answers were incorrect. The results point at the insufficient competence of laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations and centers for hygiene and epidemiology who are involved in microscopic determination of zoonotic helminthosis agents in biological material (feces). It should be pointed out that the competence of the above mentioned category of specialists is constantly decreasing. A complex of emergency measures is required to improve the pregraduate and postgraduate education in specialty «Parasitology» as well as to develop the methodological approaches for estimating specialists’ competence. A four- level evaluation of competence along with the specification of characteristics of each level has been suggested