22 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Ajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Terintegrasi dengan Ajaran Islam Tentang Lingkungan di SDIT Al-Azhar Jambi

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Kenyataan bahwa belum tersedianya media ajar PLH (Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup) khusus di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Al-Azhar Jambi yang telah mendapatkan predikat adiwiyata, yakni sebagai sekolah yang peduli dan berwawasan lingkungan yang di dalamnya tidak hanya berisikan materi tentang Pendidikan lingkungan hidup semata akan tetapi melainkan telah teritegrasi dengan ajaran Islam tentang lingkungan. Tentunya karakteristik siswa yang bersekolah di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) berbeda dengan siswa yang bersekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN). Latar belakang keagamaan menjadi faktor penting di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu untuk menanamkan dan membina karakter peduli lingkungan pada diri siswa, sehingga media atau sarana pembelajaran harus disusun menyesuaikan dengan keadaan tersebut. Dengan demikian, perlu adanya inovasi dalam sarana belajar sebagai penunjang pembelajaran, salah satunya dengan mengembangkan media ajar PLH yang terintegrasi dengan ajaran Islam tentang lingkungan. Dalam pengembangan media ajar ini, pengembang menggunakan model desain pengembangan Dick and Lou Carey. Prosedur pengembangan model ini terdiri dari sepuluh tahap Akan tetapi, pada pengembangan ini hanya Sembilan tahap yang dilaksanakan. Pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk berupa media ajar PLH kelas V yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa. Produk pengembangan ini diujicobakan melalui beberapa tahap secara berurutan yakni, (1) Validasi ahli materi, ahli media/desain pembelajaran, dan ahli bahasa, (2) Validasi dan uji coba guru PLH kelas V, (3) Uji coba perorangan, kelompok kecil, dan uji coba lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media ajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup yang terintegrasi dengan ajaran Islam tentang lingkungan memenuhi kriteria sangat layak digunakan sebagai Media Ajar Pendidikan Lingkungn Hidup kelas V SDIT Al-Azhar Jambi. Kata

    Pengembangan Model Layanan Program USAha Kesehatan Sekolah (Uks) Terintegrasi Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Di Kota Semarang (Studi Pada Lembaga Taman Kanak-kanak Di Kota Semarang)

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    This research aims to know the service conductions, the mechanisms and forms of reporting, as well as to know the school health unit (UKS) program integrated to early childhood education (PAUD) institutions in the city of Semarang, in order for the service model development can run well. The objective of this research is to find out a service model of the school health unit integrated to the early childhood education institutions. This research belongs to development research. The samples were taken by using stratified random sampling technique, and data were analyzed in a descriptive analysis. This model was developed by modifying steps in learning activities at school. The research was able to describe (1) mechanisms of school health unit service program at early childhood education institutions, that includes triple UKS (health education, health services, fostering a healthy school environment), where most of its activities have not been conducted by related institutions, including the planning of activities; (2) mechanisms and the reporting form of UKS service program made by conducting team in the written form and reported to the headmaster, education service unit and community health center (Puskesmas); (3) UKS service program model integrated to early childhood education, in which conducting team identified and planned the activities of service programs on the institutions including triple UKS and determined in each daily lesson plans must be there the activities of UKS service programs in the beginning, in the middle, and also in the end of the activities

    Tinjauan Hukum Dan Kebijakan Kawasan Konservasi Laut (Kkl) Mukim Ie Meulee, Kota Sabang: Suatu Implementasi Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Di Pulau Kecil

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    The coastal area of Weh Island is divided into sub-districts (lhok) which are managed by traditional leader known as Panglima Laot. The Panglima Laot has the authority to regulate customary laws that aimed to bring social harmony and resolve conflicts concerning the marine resource use. In Anoi Itam and Ie Meulee of the east coast of Weh Island, the communities have high awareness toward the sustainable of the natural resources use, and this has led to the implementation of gear restrictions and no fishing zones regulations as part of their customary laws. These regulations have generated conflict with the other custom community, because the other custom community claimed that these existing customary regulations do not have legal base regulations. Gap analysis and analytical hierarchy process was used to analyze and describe the regulation that can be used as their optional regulation base. The result indicated that the Weh Island custom community had chosen a marine protected area that managed by community through Panglima Laot adopting regulations that recognised by local government. In the process of implementation, the determination area is a key priority (36.92%) followed by the establishment of management institutions (23.92%), financing (21.19%) and surveillance (17.94%)

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer sebagai Dasar Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi pada Guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Semarang

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    Pengabdian IPTEK diadakan dengan latar belakang bahwa pada dasarnya penggunaan komputer dalam proses belajar, akan melahirkan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Gambar-gambar dan suara yang muncul juga membuatanak tidak cepat bosan, sehingga dapat merangsang anak mengetahui lebih jauh lagi. Sisi baiknya, anak menjadi lebih tekun dan terpicu untuk belajar berkonsentrasi Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut telah dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam proses belajar mengajar pengenalan teknologi informasi melalui pengalaman langsung yaitu pelatihan-penerapan dan evaluasi dalam pembelajaran komputer di TK. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukan bahwa pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK, dapat membantu guru dalam pembelajaran yang merangsang pertumbuhan otak, merangsang imajinsi, kreatifitas, memperbaiki pengenalan huruf alpabet dan meningkatkan kemampuan verbal anak. Berdasarkan kegiatan tersebut diatas dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran berbasis komputer sebaga pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK adalah pemberian dasar teknologi informasi (komputer) agar guru-guru TK mampu mengantisipasi kemajuan pada era informasi yang mulai diimplementasikan pada dunia pendidikan


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    The coastal area of Weh Island is divided into sub-districts (lhok) which are managed by traditional leader known as Panglima Laot. The Panglima Laot has the authority to regulate customary laws that aimed to bring social harmony and resolve conflicts concerning the marine resource use. In Anoi Itam and Ie Meulee of the east coast of Weh Island, the communities have high awareness toward the sustainable of the natural resources use, and this has led to the implementation of gear restrictions and no fishing zones regulations as part of their customary laws. These regulations have generated conflict with the other custom community, because the other custom community claimed that these existing customary regulations do not have legal base regulations. Gap analysis and analytical hierarchy process was used to analyze and describe the regulation that can be used as their optional regulation base. The result indicated that the Weh Island custom community had chosen a marine protected area that managed by community through Panglima Laot adopting regulations that recognised by local government. In the process of implementation, the determination area is a key priority (36.92%) followed by the establishment of management institutions (23.92%), financing (21.19%) and surveillance (17.94%)

    The National Standardized Test Policy for English Subject: Students\u27 Perception

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    The present study was part of a larger study concerned with examining whether students perceived the use of the national standardized test policy was taking the teaching and learning English at schools in the right direction. A total of 267 completed questionnaires received from year 1, 2, and 3 students enrolled at a public university English education program, Indonesia and answered a questionnaire addressing test preparation activities, controversial testing practices, and the use and accuracy of the national standardized test. This study shed light on our understanding of how participants perceived the national standardized test policy had changed the process of teaching and learning English in the classroom

    Komparasi Algoritma C4.5, Naïve Bayes dan Neural Network untuk Klasifikasi Tanah

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    Penentuan jenis tanah pada kedalaman tertentu untuk kebutuhan perencanaan pembangunan Perumahan dilakukan berdasarkan data Cone Penetration Test. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkomparasi Algoritma C4.5, Naive Bayes, and Neural Network sehingga ditemukan pemodelan yang terbaik untuk mengklasifikasikan tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan algoritma terbaik yaitu Algoritma C4.5. Algoritma C4.5 dalam klasifikasi dua kelas mencapai akurasi 98,45% dan AUC 0,981. Dalam klasifikasi tiga kelas C4.5 juga mencapai akurasi tertinggi (93,21%), demikian juga pada klasifikasi tujuh kelas (83,40%). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Algoritma C 4.5 dapat dijadikan pilihan dalam mengklasifikasi tanah untuk pembangunan Perumahan