1,669 research outputs found

    Tackling TB together : a community participatory study of the socio-cultural factors influencing an understanding of TB within the Somali community in Sheffield

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    This report presents the main findings from a study which sought to gain insight into the sociocultural influences on how TB is perceived within the Somali community and how these perspectives affect the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The study also gained an understanding of healthcare practitioners’ perceptions of TB among the Somali community and their experiences of providing TB services to Somalis. A community participatory research approach was used which involved Somali community researchers and healthcare practitioners working in partnership with university researchers to design and conduct the research with the support of a community-based project advisory group. Data were collected by means of interviews and focus groups with Somali community leaders, patients suffering from TB, members of the wider Somali community, healthcare practitioners providing TB services and primary care practitioners. The findings identified a general awareness of TB among the Somali community in terms of the signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB, its treatment and prognosis. There was less understanding of nonpulmonary TB among Somali participants and some healthcare practitioners. Many Somalis lacked detailed understanding of how the disease was spread. Established community beliefs, for example that TB was a hereditary disease, or that it could be acquired by sharing eating utensils proved difficult for healthcare practitioners to challenge. Somali people spoke of how TB was perceived to be stigmatised within the Somali community. Whereas a person suffering from TB would generally share the diagnosis with their immediate family, concerns remained about the possibility of being ostracised by members of the wider community if knowledge of the disease became more widespread. This carried implications for contact tracing. However, attitudes towards TB were changing. Community leaders emphasised that as people became more knowledgeable about TB then the stigma would diminish but it was acknowledged that deeply held beliefs about the causes and consequences of TB would take some time to change. A number of barriers that hinder Somali people accessing TB services were identified. Some, like stigma, are embedded in cultural beliefs or are linked to socio-cultural activities such as chewing khat. A lack of trust and confidence in healthcare providers, especially some GPs arose from the protracted time it often took to diagnose TB. Healthcare practitioners lack of understanding of the Somali community and language barriers also hindered the uptake of primary care services. Several avenues through which culturally appropriate strategies targeted at minimising the spread of the disease, ensuring timely diagnosis and effective management of TB were identified. These are captured in the recommendations arising from the study which identify the need for a more proactive approach to raising awareness of TB within the Somali community and among primary care practitioners. Interpretations of TB are culturally bound and in order for TB services the better to meet the needs of the Somali community there is a need to develop greater awareness among healthcare practitioners of the needs of Somali patients and overcome linguistic barriers through improved access to interpreting services, especially in primary care

    Implementasi Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Supervisi Pembelajaran di Madrasah

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang ipmlementasi monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan Supervisi pembelajaran di Madrasah. Temuan artikel ini ialah bahwa, supervisi profesional akademik pengawas sekolah adalah otoritas kewenangan pengawas madrasah sebagai kegiatan supervisi terhadap guru dalam usaha memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu mengajar, seyogyanya terarah pada perbaikan perilaku kinerja profesional guru untuk melayani peserta didik, menciptakan setrategi pembelajaran kooperatif dan mengembangkan mutu pembelajara

    Eksistensi Wahyu, Injil, Dan Al-qur\u27an Menurut Muhammad Ibnu Zakaria Al-rāzī

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    Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakaria ibn Yahya al-Razi isknown as a generous doctor, love his patients, beneficent to the poor people. He is also known as a pure rationalist, believes on the power of understanding much, free from any prejudice, and is very brave to propose his ideas. He believes in human, progress, God is wise, but he does not believe in any religion. He opposed to revelation. There is no place for revelation or mistic intuition. He criticized Jews religion with Mani understandings, Christian with Islam; and then he criticized Qur\u27an with Bible. Especially he refuses Qur\u27an miracles, even because of the style or the contents

    The Concentrations and Distributions of Heavy Metals Pb, Cu and Zn in the Sea Water and Sediment in Estuary Area of Dumai, Riau Province.

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    The research of heavy metal (Pb, Cu, Zn) has been conducted in June 2015in the estuary area of Dumai, Riau Province. The samples of water and sedimentwere taken in difference area, consisting of 15 stations by purposive samplingmethod. The analysis showed heavy metal contents were as followes Pb 0.051 –0.061 mg/l, Cu 0.038 – 0.047 mg/l, and Zn 0.182 – 0.243 mg/l respectively. Theheavy metal contents in water has exceeded the quality standard ofKep.MENLH/51/2004 on sea water quality standard for marine organism. On theother hand, the sediment analysis showed heavy metal contents were Pb 2.700 –3.500 μg/g, Cu 2.522 – 6.97 μg/g and Zn 15.977 – 18.059 μg/g. According to thisresearch it was concluded that the estuary area of Dumai has been contaminated

    Analisis Sedimen dan Perubahan Garis Pantai Utara Pulau Rangsang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    The main purpose of this study was to reveal the depositional environmentand the movement of coastline. This study was conducted in January 2013 innorthern part of Rangsang Island, Meranti District. Sediment samples were takenfrom 11 station sand analyzed by using mechanical granular method. The methodof remote sensing linear regression was used to determine the movement ofcoastline. The result of study show that the surface bottom sediment ischaracterized by sand and mud fractions, and is dominated by bottom characterof sand. The study area was a transitional area where waves and currents werepredicted to change frequently through not too significant. The currents strengthtend to move with the fluctuations. The average change of the coastline during thepast 13 years (2000 to 2013) was 7,455 m/yr with the greatest changes occurredat station 7, i.e. Kedabu Rapat Village, with 8.54 m/yr. The speed movement ofcoastline was marked by the destruction of land cover in the north along the coastof the Rangsang Island as indicated by destruction of mangrove forests andvegetation coast, the sinking of jetty, roads and houses as well as the erosion

    Analysis of Demersal Fish Schooling Distribution in Tarakan Waters North Borneo by Using Hidroacoustic Method

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    This research is aimed to determine the distribution of demersal fish schooling and the relation between demersal fish schooling and temperature, salinity and depth of water by using hydroacoustic method. The research was held in August 2014 at the Research Institute of Marine Fisheries Laboratory of Muara Baru, North Jakarta. This research used hydroacoustic method with acoustic descriptor techniques. The amount of fish schooling was obtained by digitization and integration, the values of integration would have generated the position and depth of the waters. Demersal fish schooling which found in waters of Tarakan were comprising of 19 schooling. The dominant fish schooling occured at temperature of 270 C to 280 C and tended to be appear at salinity of 35.5 ‰. Type of demersal fish schooling in Tarakan waters was mostly emerged in form of horizontal contained in the bottom of ocean

    Pengaruh Geomorfologi terhadap Pola Arus dan Pasang Surut Desa Putik Kecamatan Palmatak Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Februari tahun 2017, di Desa PutikKecamatan Palmatak Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah melihat pola arus dan pasang surut yang ditinjau dari fisikaoseanografi dan geomorfologi pantai, mengetahui pengaruh geomarfologi terhadaparus pantai daerah penelitian dan mendeskripsikan pola arus permukaan dipada saat airsedang naik pasang dan menuju surut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptifyang bersifat eksploratif, metode purposive sampling yaitu penentuan lokasi untukpengambilan data, metode langrangian Pengukuran arus air. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkandari penelitian ini yaitu analisis bilangan formzahl diketahui bahwa tipe pasangsurut diperairan Desa Putik merupakan tipe pasang surut harian tungggal (diurnal tide)yang berarti dalam satu hari terjadi satu kali pasang dan satu kali surut dalam rentangwaktu 12 jam. Di perairan Desa Putik, pergerakan arus yang terjadi dipengaruhi olehpasang surut. Pola arus yang terjadi mengikuti Perubahan pasang surut setiap harinya.Hutan mangrove yang berada dipulau mempengaruhi cepat dan lambat laju arus yangmasuk dan keluar. Kedalaman juga mengambil peran penting dalam pengaruh terhadapkecepatan arus daerah penelitian dimana semakin dangkal perairan maka arus yangmelewatinya semakin lambat, dan arus yang melewati perairan dalam dipengaruhi olehdensitas Berdasarkan analisis data dan Morfologi perairan daerah penelitian memberipengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap pola dan kecepatan arus

    Karakteristik Sedimen di Perairan Muara Sungai Kampar Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Februari 2017 dimuara Sungai Kampar, Pelalawan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkunganpengendapan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei sedangkan pengambilansampel sedimen menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada 14 stasiun. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa sedimen di muara Sungai Kampar didominasi oleh 3tipe sedimen yaitu lupur, lumpur berpasir dan pasir berlumpur. Parameter statistik sedimenmemiliki nilai diameter rata-rata 3,58-6,62Ø, kategori skewness menceng halus,katagori koefisien sorting terpilah buruk dan katagori kurtosis puncak datar