2,798 research outputs found

    Cross-lingual Linking on the Multilingual Web of Data (position statement)

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    Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic

    Enriching Ontologies with Multilingual Information

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    Multilinguality in ontologies has become an impending need for institutions worldwide that have to deal with data and linguistic resources in different natural languages. Since most ontologies are developed in one language, obtaining multilingual ontologies implies to localize or adapt them to a concrete language and culture community. As the adaptation of the ontology conceptualization demands considerable efforts, we propose to modify the ontology terminological layer by associating an external repository of linguistic data to the ontology. With this aim we provide a model called Linguistic Information Repository (LIR) that associated to the ontology meta-model allows terminological layer localization

    ESPECIAL «Percibir, conocer, razonar, comunicar»

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    Counselor Formation and Gatekeeping Best Practices

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    Counselor educators and supervisors contribute to students’ development while determining fitness for the profession. How we intervene can either help students work through internal conflicts that prevent them from embracing professional skills and dispositions or undermine that process. Facilitators will interactively engage participants in the application of a developmental framework that maximizes students’ dissonance in service to their counselor identity development process

    Les progrès dans la mise en évidence d'éléments traces dans les eaux - avenir des techniques

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    L'évolution des techniques analytiques est, la plupart du temps, liée à l'apparition de nouvelles normes concernant l'environnement ou l'eau potable.En ce qui concerne les micropolluants minéraux, si dans le passé une attention toute particulière avait été apportée à la connaissance des formes sous lesquelles ils étaient dans les eaux, toutes les normes proposées depuis n'ont pas repris cette approche, et toutes concernent l'élément total non différencié. Les méthodes de spéciation ne seraient donc plus à l'ordre du jour.Il n'en est rien, car les limites fixées étant de plus en plus basses, la connaissance des formes, des valences sous lesquelles se trouvent ces éléments est de plus en plus importante pour l'optimisation des traitements curatifs. C'est le cas par exemple, du fer, de l'arsenic, du sélénium et du chrome. L'arsenic, par exemple, ne peut être éliminé de façon convenable, que s'il se trouve à la valence V. Une oxydation préalable peut donc être nécessaire. Pour le chrome, c'est le contraire, à la valence VI, cet élément n'est pas éliminable, il faut donc le réduire pour le faire passer à la valence III.Une autre évolution de l'analyse concerne les possibilités offertes par les couplages ICP-MS. En effet, la connaissance pour un élément des rapports isotopiques peut être primordial pour retrouver l'origine d'une pollution.Deux cas sont présentés :1. Un élément lourd, qui ne connaît pas ou très peu de ségrégations isotopiques, c'est le cas du plomb. - Lors d'enquête sur la plombémie des enfants, il peut être mis en évidence des plombémies importantes (> 150 µg/l de sang). L'origine de ce plomb pouvant être multiple : pollution atmosphérique (naturelle, pollution automobile), les peintures anciennes (poussières), l'eau de boisson ayant transité dans des canalisations en plomb, seule l'analyse isotopique permettra de prendre position et de mettre en évidence une origine prépondérante. Des exemples sont présentés dans le texte.2. Un élément léger, qui normalement devrait conduire à des ségrégations isotopiques, mais qui ne précipite pas et ne s'adsorbe pas ou très peu, c'est le cas du bore. - Le bore peut aussi avoir plusieurs origines. Les produits lessiviels dont le bore ne provient que de Californie pour la plus grande partie et de Turquie pour le reste. Ce bore a une signature isotopique différente de celle du bore trouvé en France. Cette méthode nous permet donc de distinguer le bore utilisé pour l'agriculture ou le bore naturel, du bore utilisé dans les formulations de produits de nettoyage.The development of analytical techniques is, for the most part, linked to the emergence of new standards concerning the environment or drinking water. As regards inorganic micropollutants, particular attention has been focussed in the recent past on determining the forms in which these elements were to be found in water. This approach has not been adopted, however, in all of the standards proposed since then. In all of these standards the analyte of concern is the total undifferentiated element. Methods of determining trace element speciation would therefore no longer appear to be the order of the day.In fact this is not so, for given that the limits set are increasingly low, a knowledge of the forms and valencies in which these elements are to be found is more and more important for optimisation of the treatment processes designed to remove these inorganic micropollutants. Such is the case, for example, with iron, arsenic, selenium and chromium. Arsenic, for instance can only be properly eliminated if found in the +V oxidation state; prior oxidation may therefore be necessary. In the case of chromium, the reverse is true, since the element in question cannot be eliminated if present in oxidation state +VI. It has therefore to be reduced to bring it to the +III oxidation state.A further development in analysis concerns the possibilities offered by IPC-MS couplings. Indeed, knowledge of the isotopic ratios as regards a particular element can be essential in discovering the origin of a pollution episode.Two cases are presented here :1. A heavy element, which undergoes little or no isotopic segregation, as in the case of lead. - Investigations into high lead level in blood of children can reveal significant contamination (>150 mg Pb /l of blood). The origins of this lead can be multiple: atmospheric pollution (natural, automotive), old paint (dust), drinking water that has passed through lead pipes. Isotopic analysis alone allows one to identify the preponderant lead source: examples are given in the paper. 2. A light element, which would normally be subject to isotopic segregation, but which does not precipitate and which adsorbs very little or not at all. Such is the case with boron. - Boron can also have several origins. For example, in detergent products the boron comes for the most part from California and to a lesser extent from Turkey for the rest. This boron has a different isotopic signature from that of the boron found in France. This method enables us to distinguish boron used in agriculture, or natural boron, from the boron used in the formulations of cleaning products

    Le manganèse dans l'eau - Elimination du manganèse dans l'eau par traitement biologique

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    Le manganèse est un élément minéral fréquemment rencontré dans différents types d'eau, surtout souterraines. Dans le cas des eaux de surface, le manganèse peut se trouver lors de pollutions accidentelles où lorsque la rivière reçoit des eaux d'un barrage réservoir en fin de vidange.Des essais de traitement d'une pollution par du manganèse par filtration lente ont été effectués sur un pilote.Les essais ont porté sur différentes concentrations de manganèse pendant des périodes de courte durée. La filtration lente semble très efficace pour l'élimination de ce composé, mais il faut noter que la nitrification biologique est altérée par la présence de fortes concentrations de manganèse.Manganese is a mineral element which is often found in differing types of water. The manganese content is rather consistent, especially in underground waters. In surface waters, manganese can only be found as a result of an occidental pollution or in rivers supplied with water from a dam whose tank has been sewed.This metal is not dangerous for humans but it can create problems in drinking water as it becomes progressively oxidized and thus precipitates in the water supply. This oxidation can produce direct effects like spots on linen or sanitary appliances, but also indirect effects, like important bacterial developments, as well as bacteria protection against biocides used as bactericidal or bacteriostatic agents.This study aims at :1) Underlining the possible effects of manganese in case of an accidental pollution.2) Underlining how much time the system takes to react to an increased manganese content, given that ferric salts which permanently incluse manganese (500 to 600 ppm in the 40 % commercial solution) are used in the coagulation phase.Amongst several methods to eliminate the manganese, the biological oxidation seems to be the most appropriate to this occasional pollution problem. Indeed, it filters are continually contaminated by manganese, the bacteria is likely to oxidize the divalent manganese, resulting in an immediate ceasing of the pollution, without human intervention. This is what the operation aims at.The existing data regarding the biological elimination of manganese in underground waters shows it to be consistent. There is no such data on manganese elimination by slow sand filtration, in surface waters, in case of a short accidental pollution. As far as slow sand filtration is concerned, the available results only represent waters with consistent manganese contents.This study has been carried out with a 50 m3/h pilote system, which was located in Paris surroundings. It was supplied with water from the Marne river and combined physicochemical and biological treatments. The physicochemical phase consisted of a coagulation-flocculation-decantation reaction in a pulsator, with ferric chloride including 500 to 600 ppm divalent manganese. Then, it was quickly filtered through sand, at a flow rate of 5 m/h. The water was subsequently poured into a storage tank in which it remained for around two hours. Then, it was filtered through slow sand filters, which biologically treated it. The filters contained 1 m high of sand and the filtration rate was 1 m/h, which allowed the development of a biological membrane on their surfaces.Simulated manganese pollution tests have been realised as follows :- water with two different manganese contents have been tested (0,5 and 1 mg/l),- ammonium Ions have been simultaneously added to show a possible inhibition of nitrification.Each test lasted around two weeks and time was spent as follows :- polluting agents were continuously added during 3 days (which is the maximum duration of an accidental pollution).These two tests gave the following results :1st test (0,5 manganese/l) :- 35 % of the manganese was eliminated during the coagulation-decantation-quick filtration phase.- 100 % of the manganese was held bock by the slow sand filtration.- An important amount of nitrites appeared in water at the end of the treatment, which suggested an inhibition of the nitrification, or a competition between manganese and ammoniacal oxidation.- After the manganese pollution was stopped, no release of manganese and no inhibition of the nitrification were noticed.2nd test (1 mg manganese/l) :- 25 % of the manganese was eliminated during the coagulation-decantation-quick filtration phase.- 97 % of the manganese was eliminated by slow sand filtration.- In this case, the ammonium and nitrites were eliminated by the biological filtration, which suggested a readaptation of the bacterial flora to this kind of pollution.The result showed chat the biological chain adapts itself very quickly to a rapid increase in water manganese content (no more than 2 hours). Indeed, the biological membrane, which was already contaminated by a permanent accumulation of manganese, reacted very quickly. The first test shows that nitrites appear and confirms the results that other searchers had already obtained before, in there is competition between nitrobacteria and the bacteria which oxidize manganese.A less efficient elimination of organic matter also shows competition during the biodegradation phase.In the second series of tests, a modification of the bacterial flora, due to the first manganese simulated pollution tests, is noticed.These encouraging results allowed us to propose an original system for water treatment, based on a physicochemical treatment and biological slow treatments and, afterwards, a refining phase with combined ozone and granular actiated carbon.In addition to its well-known properties, ozone allows to avoid the possible appearance of nitrites in water

    η\eta collective mode as A1g_{1g} Raman resonance in cuprate superconductors

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    We discuss the possible existence a spin singlet excitation with charge ±2\pm2 (η\eta-mode) originating the A1gA_{1g} Raman resonance in cuprate superconductors. This η\eta-mode relates the dd-wave superconducting singlet pairing channel to a dd-wave charge channel. We show that the η\eta boson forms a particle-particle bound state below the 2Δ2\Delta threshold of the particle-hole continuum where Δ\Delta is the maximum dd-wave gap. Within a generalized random phase approximation and Bethe-Salpether approximation study, we find that this mode has energies similar to the resonance observed by Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) below the superconducting (SC) coherent peak at 2Δ2\Delta in various SC cuprates compounds. We show that it is a very good candidate for the resonance observed in Raman scattering below the 2Δ2\Delta peak in the A1gA_{1g} symmetry. Since the η\eta-mode sits in the S=0S=0 channel, it may be observable via Raman, X -ray or Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy probes
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