1,939 research outputs found

    Covariant Formulation of the Invariant Measure for the Mixmaster Dynamics

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    We provide a Hamiltonian analysis of the Mixmaster Universe dynamics showing the covariant nature of its chaotic behavior with respect to any choice of time variable. We construct the appropriate invariant measure for the system (which relies on the existence of an ``energy-like'' constant of motion) without fixing the time gauge, i.e. the corresponding lapse function. The key point in our analysis consists of introducing generic Misner-Chitr\'e-like variables containing an arbitrary function, whose specification allows one to set up the same dynamical scheme in any time gauge.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Minisuperspace Model for Revised Canonical Quantum Gravity

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    We present a reformulation of the canonical quantization of gravity, as referred to the minisuperspace; the new approach is based on fixing a Gaussian (or synchronous) reference frame and then quantizing the system via the reconstruction of a suitable constraint; then the quantum dynamics is re-stated in a generic coordinates system and it becomes dependent on the lapse function. The analysis follows a parallelism with the case of the non-relativistic particle and leads to the minisuperspace implementation of the so-called {\em kinematical action} as proposed in \cite{M02} (here almost coinciding also with the approach presented in \cite{KT91}). The new constraint leads to a Schr\"odinger equation for the system. i.e. to non-vanishing eigenvalues for the super-Hamiltonian operator; the physical interpretation of this feature relies on the appearance of a ``dust fluid'' (non-positive definite) energy density, i.e. a kind of ``materialization'' of the reference frame. As an example of minisuperspace model, we consider a Bianchi type IX Universe, for which some dynamical implications of the revised canonical quantum gravity are discussed. We also show how, on the classical limit, the presence of the dust fluid can have relevant cosmological issues. Finally we upgrade our analysis by its extension to the generic cosmological solution, which is performed in the so-called long-wavelength approximation. In fact, near the Big-Bang, we can neglect the spatial gradients of the dynamical variables and arrive to implement, in each space point, the same minisuperspace paradigm valid for the Bianchi IX model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, to appear on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Vector Field Induced Chaos in Multi-dimensional Homogeneous Cosmologies

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    We show that in multidimensional gravity vector fields completely determine the structure and properties of singularity. It turns out that in the presence of a vector field the oscillatory regime exists for any number of spatial dimensions and for all homogeneous models. We derive the Poincar\'e return map associated to the Kasner indexes and fix the rules according to which the Kasner vectors rotate. In correspondence to a 4-dimensional space time, the oscillatory regime here constructed overlap the usual Belinski-Khalatnikov-Liftshitz one.Comment: 3 pages, proceedings of the XI Marcel Grossmann meeting on Relativistic Astrophysics, July 23-29, 2006, Berli

    The structure of nuclear systems derived from low momentum nucleon-nucleon potentials

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    Various nuclear structure observables are evaluated employing low-momentum nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials VlowkV_{\rm low-k} derived from the CD-Bonn and Nijmegen NN interactions VNNV_{NN}. By construction, the high momentum modes of the original VNNV_{NN} are integrated out in VlowkV_{\rm low-k}, with the requirement that the deuteron binding energy and low energy phase shifts of VNNV_{NN} are exactly reproduced. Using this interaction, we evaluate the bulk properties (binding energy and saturation density) of nuclear matter and finite nuclei, in particular their dependence on the cut-off parameter. We also study the pairing gap and the residual interaction in nuclear matter in terms of the Landau parametrization. At low and medium densities, the HF and BHF binding energies for nuclear matter calculated with the VlowkV_{\rm low-k}'s derived from the CD-Bonn and Nijmegen potentials are nearly identical. The pairing gaps and Landau parameters derived from VlowkV_{\rm low-k} are remarkably close to those given by the full-space VNNV_{NN}. The VlowkV_{\rm low-k} interactions, however, fail to reproduce the saturation property of nuclear matter at higher densities if the cut-off for the high momentum modes is assumed density independent.Comment: 16 pages including 4 Figure

    Efficiency characterization of a large neuronal network: a causal information approach

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    When inhibitory neurons constitute about 40% of neurons they could have an important antinociceptive role, as they would easily regulate the level of activity of other neurons. We consider a simple network of cortical spiking neurons with axonal conduction delays and spike timing dependent plasticity, representative of a cortical column or hypercolumn with large proportion of inhibitory neurons. Each neuron fires following a Hodgkin-Huxley like dynamics and it is interconnected randomly to other neurons. The network dynamics is investigated estimating Bandt and Pompe probability distribution function associated to the interspike intervals and taking different degrees of inter-connectivity across neurons. More specifically we take into account the fine temporal ``structures'' of the complex neuronal signals not just by using the probability distributions associated to the inter spike intervals, but instead considering much more subtle measures accounting for their causal information: the Shannon permutation entropy, Fisher permutation information and permutation statistical complexity. This allows us to investigate how the information of the system might saturate to a finite value as the degree of inter-connectivity across neurons grows, inferring the emergent dynamical properties of the system.Comment: 26 pages, 3 Figures; Physica A, in pres

    Democratic particle motion for meta-basin transitions in simple glass-formers

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    We use molecular dynamics computer simulations to investigate the local motion of the particles in a supercooled simple liquid. Using the concept of the distance matrix we find that the alpha-relaxation corresponds to a small number of crossings from one meta-basin to a neighboring one. Each crossing is very rapid and involves the collective motion of O(40) particles that form a relatively compact cluster, whereas string-like motions seem not to be relevant for these transitions. These compact clusters are thus candidates for the cooperatively rearranging regions proposed long times ago by Adam and Gibbs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Inhomogeneous de Sitter Solution with Scalar Field and Perturbations Spectrum

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    We provide an inhomogeneous solution concerning the dynamics of a real self interacting scalar field minimally coupled to gravity in a region of the configuration space where it performs a slow rolling on a plateau of its potential. During the inhomogeneous de Sitter phase the scalar field dominant term is a function of the spatial coordinates only. This solution specialized nearby the FLRW model allows a classical origin for the inhomogeneous perturbations spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, to appear on Mod.Phys.Lett.

    A case study carried out with two different NWP systems

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    International audienceA model intercomparison between two atmospheric models, the non?hydrostatic Lokal Modell (LM) and the hydrostatic HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) is carried out for a one-week period, including a case of cyclogeneis leading to heavy precipitation over Northern Italy. The two models, very different in terms of data-assimilation and numerics, provide different results in terms of forecasts of surface fields. Opposite diurnal biases for the two models are found in terms of screen level temperatures. HIRLAM wind speed forecasts are too strong, while LM precipitation forecasts have larger extremes. The intercomparison exercise identifies some systematic differences in the weather products generated by the two systems and sheds some light on the biases of the two numerical weather prediction systems

    Quantum mechanics over a q-deformed (0+1)-dimensional superspace

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    We built up a explicit realization of (0+1)-dimensional q-deformed superspace coordinates as operators on standard superspace. A q-generalization of supersymmetric transformations is obtained, enabling us to introduce scalar superfields and a q-supersymmetric action. We consider a functional integral based on this action. Integration is implemented, at the level of the coordinates and at the level of the fields, as traces over the corresponding representation spaces. Evaluation of these traces lead us to standard functional integrals. The generation of a mass term for the fermion field leads, at this level, to an explicitely broken version of supersymmetric quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, Late