138 research outputs found

    Inclusion of on-site renewables in design-stage building life cycle assessments

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    This paper investigates the inclusion of renewables in building life cycle assessments. On-site renewable electricity generation is increasingly common in the built environment, but existing guidance for the inclusion of these renewable systems in design-stage life cycle assessment is limited. The life cycle assessment of a building with 42.8 kWpeak solar photovoltaic array is used as a case study to investigate the effect of different assumptions on the assessment outcome. The case study results are then used to suggest good practice. The paper also highlights where further research is required to provide reliable design-stage assessments in future

    Decision-making for the demolition or adaptation of buildings

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    This paper considers why the decision may be made either to demolish or adapt existing buildings on brownfield sites and compares real-life decisions to those produced by theoretical design-support tools. Five case studies, including three individual buildings and two master plan sites of multiple buildings, were investigated through interviews with stakeholders. Reasons for retention included heritage value, architectural quality and government incentives, while reasons for demolition included maximising land value, lack of architectural significance and poor building condition. The analysis showed that the theoretical tools were useful for their intended purpose of analysing a portfolio of assets but that they could be improved by providing higher weightings for heritage values and extending the tools to assess different end uses and forms of adaptation. By testing the tools on master plan sites, the paper also identifies urban design variables, such as land efficiency, which would need to be incorporated for this purpose.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for funding this research through the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (EPSRC grant reference number EP/L016095/1)

    The Reporting of End of Life and Module D Data and Scenarios in EPD for Building level Life Cycle Assessment

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    This paper identifies the need for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) to provide End of Life (EoL) and Module D data for products for use in building level Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Although the provision of data for EN 15804 Modules A4-D is not currently mandatory for EPD, many currently report some or all of these. This paper provides an overview of the existing reporting of the end of life (Modules C1-4) and Module D and the types of scenarios used in European EPD. Using examples from existing EPD for two product groups, this paper examines the variation in approaches to scenarios for Module C and D. It explores the difficulties brought by this variation and discusses benefits from using default national scenarios at end of life, but additionally considers the advantages of providing alternative EoL scenarios for products to promote the circular economy
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