22 research outputs found

    Character expansion for HOMFLY polynomials. III. All 3-Strand braids in the first symmetric representation

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    We continue the program of systematic study of extended HOMFLY polynomials. Extended polynomials depend on infinitely many time variables, are close relatives of integrable tau-functions, and depend on the choice of the braid representation of the knot. They possess natural character decompositions, with coefficients which can be defined by exhaustively general formula for any particular number m of strands in the braid and any particular representation R of the Lie algebra GL(\infty). Being restricted to "the topological locus" in the space of time variables, the extended HOMFLY polynomials reproduce the ordinary knot invariants. We derive such a general formula, for m=3, when the braid is parameterized by a sequence of integers (a_1,b_1,a_2,b_2,...), and for the first non-fundamental representation R=[2]. Instead of calculating the mixing matrices directly, we deduce them from comparison with the known answers for torus and composite knots. A simple reflection symmetry converts the answer for the symmetric representation [2] into that for the antisymmetric one [1,1]. The result applies, in particular, to the figure eight knot 4_1, and was further extended to superpolynomials in arbitrary symmetric and antisymmetric representations in arXiv:1203.5978.Comment: 22 pages + Tables of knot polynomial

    Racah coefficients and extended HOMFLY polynomials for all 5-, 6- and 7-strand braids

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    Basing on evaluation of the Racah coefficients for SU_q(3) (which supported the earlier conjecture of their universal form) we derive explicit formulas for all the 5-, 6- and 7-strand Wilson averages in the fundamental representation of arbitrary SU(N) group (the HOMFLY polynomials). As an application, we list the answers for all 5-strand knots with 9 crossings. In fact, the 7-strand formulas are sufficient to reproduce all the HOMFLY polynomials from the katlas.org: they are all described at once by a simple explicit formula with a very transparent structure. Moreover, would the formulas for the relevant SU_q(3) Racah coefficients remain true for all other quantum groups, the paper provides a complete description of the fundamental HOMFLY polynomials for all braids with any number of strands.Comment: 16 pages + Tables and Appendice

    Matrix model version of AGT conjecture and generalized Selberg integrals

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    Operator product expansion (OPE) of two operators in two-dimensional conformal field theory includes a sum over Virasoro descendants of other operator with universal coefficients, dictated exclusively by properties of the Virasoro algebra and independent of choice of the particular conformal model. In the free field model, these coefficients arise only with a special "conservation" relation imposed on the three dimensions of the operators involved in OPE. We demonstrate that the coefficients for the three unconstrained dimensions arise in the free field formalism when additional Dotsenko-Fateev integrals are inserted between the positions of the two original operators in the product. If such coefficients are combined to form an nn-point conformal block on Riemann sphere, one reproduces the earlier conjectured β\beta-ensemble representation of conformal blocks, thus proving this (matrix model) version of the celebrated AGT relation. The statement can also be regarded as a relation between the 3j3j-symbols of the Virasoro algebra and the slightly generalized Selberg integrals IYI_Y, associated with arbitrary Young diagrams. The conformal blocks are multilinear combinations of such integrals and the remaining part of the original AGT conjecture relates them to the Nekrasov functions which have exactly the same structure.Comment: 19 page

    HOMFLY and superpolynomials for figure eight knot in all symmetric and antisymmetric representations

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    Explicit answer is given for the HOMFLY polynomial of the figure eight knot 414_1 in arbitrary symmetric representation R=[p]. It generalizes the old answers for p=1 and 2 and the recently derived results for p=3,4, which are fully consistent with the Ooguri-Vafa conjecture. The answer can be considered as a quantization of the \sigma_R = \sigma_{[1]}^{|R|} identity for the "special" polynomials (they define the leading asymptotics of HOMFLY at q=1), and arises in a form, convenient for comparison with the representation of the Jones polynomials as sums of dilogarithm ratios. In particular, we construct a difference equation ("non-commutative A-polynomial") in the representation variable p. Simple symmetry transformation provides also a formula for arbitrary antisymmetric (fundamental) representation R=[1^p], which also passes some obvious checks. Also straightforward is a deformation from HOMFLY to superpolynomials. Further generalizations seem possible to arbitrary Young diagrams R, but these expressions are harder to test because of the lack of alternative results, even partial.Comment: 14 page

    Colored HOMFLY Polynomials as Multiple Sums over Paths or Standard Young Tableaux

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    If a knot is represented by an m-strand braid, then HOMFLY polynomial in representation R is a sum over characters in all representations Q∈R⊗m. Coefficients in this sum are traces of products of quantum ℛ^-matrices along the braid, but these matrices act in the space of intertwiners, and their size is equal to the multiplicity MRQ of Q in R⊗m. If R is the fundamental representation R=[1]=□, then M□Q is equal to the number of paths in representation graph, which lead from the fundamental vertex □ to the vertex Q. In the basis of paths the entries of the m-1 relevant ℛ^-matrices are associated with the pairs of paths and are nonvanishing only when the two paths either coincide or differ by at most one vertex, as a corollary ℛ^-matrices consist of just 1×1 and 2×2 blocks, given by very simple explicit expressions. If cabling method is used to color the knot with the representation R, then the braid has as many as m|R| strands; Q have a bigger size m|R|, but only paths passing through the vertex R are included into the sums over paths which define the products and traces of the m|R|-1 relevant ℛ^-matrices. In the case of SU(N), this path sum formula can also be interpreted as a multiple sum over the standard Young tableaux. By now it provides the most effective way for evaluation of the colored HOMFLY polynomials, conventional or extended, for arbitrary braids