39 research outputs found

    Effect of shot size in surface improvement via shot peening; analytical, modeling and experimental approaches

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    This paper discusses about the surface engineering improvement by means of shot peening. Shot peening improves the surface engineering quality by eliminating the tool marks, such as machining, grinding, stamping and other surface defects. Most importantly, the improvements of shot peening are produced by combination of compressive stress and cold work. Compressive stresses are beneficial in increasing resistances to fatigue failures, while the cold work effects of shot peening treatments can increase the surface hardness. It employs a steel shot media running at high speed to smash the material’s surfaces systematically, which results in a compressed and condensed surface. Several factors influence the effectiveness of shot peening. They are namely shot nature, shot size, shot hardness, Almen intensity, shot angle and coverage. The focus of this research is finding the influence of the shot size. The approaches used are analytical, computational, and experimental studies. The center of the study is the influence of shot size in the generation of the compressive residual stress. Through analytical, computational and experimental approaches, it is confirmed that the shot size has influence on the depth of the peak residual stress rather than the surface residual stress. This research reaffirms the qualitative understanding with quantitative and comprehensive approaches that can also be used for further in depth research in surface engineering improvement especially via shot peening

    Age and sexual features of stomatologic incidence at patients of clinics of various forms of ownership

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    Preservation of stomatologic health at persons of able-bodied age extremely topical issue. Today the competition of the state and private odontology became objective reality. During research of the stomatologic status of inhabitants of the monotown of Chelyabinsk region it is confirmed that higher appealability of the patients preferring treatment in paid clinic, is not a consequence of their inferior stomatologic status. But it is accompanied by improvement of this status, at the expense of well-timed sanitation of a painful teeth.Сохранение стоматологического здоровья у лиц трудоспособного возраста чрезвычайно актуальный вопрос. Сегодня объективной реальностью стала конкуренция государственной и частной стоматологии. В ходе исследования стоматологического статуса жителей моногорода Челябинской области подтверждено, что более высокая обращаемость пациентов, предпочитающих лечение в платной клинике, не является следствием их худшего стоматологического статуса. Но сопровождается улучшением этого статуса, за счёт своевременной санации больных зубов

    Clinical and diagnostic significance of some laboratory analysis of pericardial fluid

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    The aim of the study – identify differential laboratory characteristic of pericardial fluid examination in exudative and metastatic pericarditis.Цель исследования – установить дифференциальные лабораторные признаки исследования ПЖ при воспалительном и метастатическом перикардите

    Sociological assessment of the quality of medical care in the clinic of the municipal formation

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    Quality assurance of medical care is the most urgent problem of the national healthcare system. The aim of the work was the estimation of the quality of medical care in municipal polyclinic by questioning patients. Prepared the original form with 9 questions. On completing the substantial and the General part of the questionnaire can be noted that most of the patients were often visited by the medical institution and have an understanding of his work and a fully formed opinion about the quality of medical assistance it received. Conducted by the sociological survey, the analysis of its results were an important channel of information for managers of health care institutions allows a quick assessment of the activities of the organization; measure the ratio of patients to health workers, conditions of delivery and services provided. The changes taking place in the health care system at the present time, have a positive response among the population.Обеспечение качества оказания медицинской помощи является актуальнейшей проблемой отечественного здравоохранения. Целью работы явилась оценка качества медицинской помощи в муниципальной поликлинике путем анкетирования пациентов. Подготовлен оригинальный бланк с 9 вопросами. По заполнению констатирующей и общей части анкеты можно отметить, что основная часть пациентов достаточно часто посещают исследуемое медицинское учреждение и имеют представление о его работе и вполне сложившееся мнение о качестве медицинской помощи в ней получаемой. Проведенное социологическое исследование, анализ его результатов явились важным информационным каналом для руководителей учреждения здравоохранения позволяющий оперативно получить оценку деятельности организации; измерить отношение пациентов к медработникам, условиям предоставления и предоставляемым услугам. Изменения, происходящие в системе здравоохранения в настоящее время, имеют положительный отклик у обслуживаемого населения

    Sterols and oxysterols in plasma from Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome patients

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    Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a severe autosomal recessive disorder resulting from defects in the cholesterol synthesising enzyme 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (Δ7-sterol reductase, DHCR7, EC leading to a build-up of the cholesterol precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in tissues and blood plasma. Although the underling enzyme deficiency associated with SLOS is clear there are likely to be multiple mechanisms responsible for SLOS pathology. In an effort to learn more of the aetiology of SLOS we have analysed plasma from SLOS patients to search for metabolites derived from 7-DHC which may be responsible for some of the pathology. We have identified a novel hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol, which is either 24- or 25-hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol and also the known metabolites 26-hydroxy-8-dehydrocholesterol, 4-hydroxy-7-dehydrocholesterol, 3β,5α-dihydroxycholest-7-en-6-one and 7α,8α-epoxycholesterol. None of these metabolites are detected in control plasma at quantifiable levels (0.5 ng/mL)

    Epithelial IL-6 trans-signaling defines a new asthma phenotype with increased airway inflammation

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    Background: Although several studies link high levels of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) to asthma severity and decreased lung function, the role of IL-6 trans-signaling (IL-6TS) in asthmatic patients is unclear. Objective: We sought to explore the association between epithelial IL-6TS pathway activation and molecular and clinical phenotypes in asthmatic patients. Methods: An IL-6TS gene signature obtained from air-liquid interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells stimulated with IL-6 and sIL-6R was used to stratify lung epithelial transcriptomic data (Unbiased Biomarkers in Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes [U-BIOPRED] cohorts) by means of hierarchical clustering. IL-6TS-specific protein markers were used to stratify sputum biomarker data (Wessex cohort). Molecular phenotyping was based on transcriptional profiling of epithelial brushings, pathway analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis of bronchial biopsy specimens. Results: Activation of IL-6TS in air-liquid interface cultures reduced epithelial integrity and induced a specific gene signature enriched in genes associated with airway remodeling. The IL-6TS signature identified a subset of patients with IL-6TS-high asthma with increased epithelial expression of IL-6TS-inducible genes in the absence of systemic inflammation. The IL-6TS-high subset had an overrepresentation of frequent exacerbators, blood eosinophilia, and submucosal infiltration of T cells and macrophages. In bronchial brushings Toll-like receptor pathway genes were upregulated, whereas expression of cell junction genes was reduced. Sputum sIL-6R and IL-6 levels correlated with sputum markers of remodeling and innate immune activation, in particular YKL-40, matrix metalloproteinase 3, macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta, IL-8, and IL-1 beta. Conclusions: Local lung epithelial IL-6TS activation in the absence of type 2 airway inflammation defines a novel subset of asthmatic patients and might drive airway inflammation and epithelial dysfunction in these patients.Peer reviewe