117 research outputs found

    On Microscopic Origin of Integrability in Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    We discuss microscopic origin of integrability in Seiberg-Witten theory, following mostly the results of hep-th/0612019, as well as present their certain extension and consider several explicit examples. In particular, we discuss in more detail the theory with the only switched on higher perturbation in the ultraviolet, where extra explicit formulas are obtained using bosonization and elliptic uniformization of the spectral curve.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, based on the talks at 'Geometry and Integrability in Mathematical Physics', Moscow, May 2006; 'Quarks-2006', Repino, May 2006; Twente conference on Lie groups, December 2006 and 'Classical and Quantum Integrable Models', Dubna, January 200

    Matone's relation of N=2 super Yang-Mills and spectrum of Toda chain

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    In N=2 super Yang-Mills theory, the Matone's relation relates instanton corrections of the prepotential to instanton corrections of scalar field condensation . This relation has been proved to hold for Omega deformed theories too, using localization method. In this paper, we first give a case study supporting the relation, which does not rely on the localization technique. Especially, we show that the magnetic expansion also satisfies a relation of Matone's type. Then we discuss implication of the relation for the spectrum of periodic Toda chain, in the context of recently proposed Nekrasov-Shatashvili scheme.Comment: 17 pages; v2 minor changes, references added; v3 more material added in 2nd section, clarification in 4th sectio

    Magnetic expansion of Nekrasov theory: the SU(2) pure gauge theory

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    It is recently claimed by Nekrasov and Shatashvili that the N=2\mathcal {N}=2 gauge theories in the Ω\Omega background with ϵ1=ℏ,ϵ2=0\epsilon_1=\hbar, \epsilon_2=0 are related to the quantization of certain algebraic integrable systems. We study the special case of SU(2) pure gauge theory, the corresponding integrable model is the A1_1 Toda model, which reduces to the sine-Gordon quantum mechanics problem. The quantum effects can be expressed as the WKB series written analytically in terms of hypergeometric functions. We obtain the magnetic and dyonic expansions of the Nekrasov theory by studying the property of hypergeometric functions in the magnetic and dyonic regions on the moduli space. We also discuss the relation between the electric-magnetic duality of gauge theory and the action-action duality of the integrable system.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to PRD; v2, typos corrected, references added; v3, published versio

    Extended Seiberg-Witten Theory and Integrable Hierarchy

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    The prepotential of the effective N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory perturbed in the ultraviolet by the descendents of the single-trace chiral operators is shown to be a particular tau-function of the quasiclassical Toda hierarchy. In the case of noncommutative U(1) theory (or U(N) theory with 2N-2 fundamental hypermultiplets at the appropriate locus of the moduli space of vacua) or a theory on a single fractional D3 brane at the ADE singularity the hierarchy is the dispersionless Toda chain. We present its explicit solutions. Our results generalize the limit shape analysis of Logan-Schepp and Vershik-Kerov, support the prior work hep-th/0302191 which established the equivalence of these N=2 theories with the topological A string on CP^1 and clarify the origin of the Eguchi-Yang matrix integral. In the higher rank case we find an appropriate variant of the quasiclassical tau-function, show how the Seiberg-Witten curve is deformed by Toda flows, and fix the contact term ambiguity.Comment: 49 page

    Matrix Model and Stationary Problem in Toda Chain

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    We analyze the stationary problem for the Toda chain, and show that arising geometric data exactly correspond to the multi-support solutions of one-matrix model with a polynomial potential. For the first nontrivial examples the Hamiltonians and symplectic forms are calculated explicitly, and the consistency checks are performed. The corresponding quantum problem is formulated and some its properties and perspectives are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX; Based on talks at "Classical and quantum integrable systems", Dubna, January 2005 and "Selected topics of modern mathematical physics", St.Petersburg, June 2005, and a lecture for the minicourse: "Toda lattices: basics and perspectives", Fields Institute, Toronto, April 200

    Thermodynamic limit of random partitions and dispersionless Toda hierarchy

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    We study the thermodynamic limit of random partition models for the instanton sum of 4D and 5D supersymmetric U(1) gauge theories deformed by some physical observables. The physical observables correspond to external potentials in the statistical model. The partition function is reformulated in terms of the density function of Maya diagrams. The thermodynamic limit is governed by a limit shape of Young diagrams associated with dominant terms in the partition function. The limit shape is characterized by a variational problem, which is further converted to a scalar-valued Riemann-Hilbert problem. This Riemann-Hilbert problem is solved with the aid of a complex curve, which may be thought of as the Seiberg-Witten curve of the deformed U(1) gauge theory. This solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem is identified with a special solution of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy that satisfies a pair of generalized string equations. The generalized string equations for the 5D gauge theory are shown to be related to hidden symmetries of the statistical model. The prepotential and the Seiberg-Witten differential are also considered.Comment: latex2e using amsmath,amssymb,amsthm packages, 55 pages, no figure; (v2) typos correcte

    Seiberg-Witten Theory and Extended Toda Hierarchy

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    The quasiclassical solution to the extended Toda chain hierarchy, corresponding to the deformation of the simplest Seiberg-Witten theory by all descendants of the dual topological string model, is constructed explicitly in terms of the complex curve and generating differential. The first derivatives of prepotential or quasiclassical tau-function over the extra times, extending the Toda chain, are expressed through the multiple integrals of the Seiberg-Witten one-form. We derive the corresponding quasiclassical Virasoro constraints, discuss the functional formulation of the problem and propose generalization of the extended Toda hierarchy to the nonabelian theory.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Second order reductions of the WDVV Equations related to classical Lie algebras

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    We construct second order reductions of the generalized Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde system based on simple Lie algebras. We discuss to what extent some of the symmetries of the WDVV system are preserved by the reduction.Comment: 6 pages, 1 tabl

    On Combinatorial Expansions of Conformal Blocks

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    In a recent paper (arXiv:0906.3219) the representation of Nekrasov partition function in terms of nontrivial two-dimensional conformal field theory has been suggested. For non-vanishing value of the deformation parameter \epsilon=\epsilon_1+\epsilon_2 the instanton partition function is identified with a conformal block of Liouville theory with the central charge c = 1+ 6\epsilon^2/\epsilon_1\epsilon_2. If reversed, this observation means that the universal part of conformal blocks, which is the same for all two-dimensional conformal theories with non-degenerate Virasoro representations, possesses a non-trivial decomposition into sum over sets of the Young diagrams, different from the natural decomposition studied in conformal field theory. We provide some details about this intriguing new development in the simplest case of the four-point correlation functions.Comment: 22 page

    Nekrasov Functions and Exact Bohr-Sommerfeld Integrals

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    In the case of SU(2), associated by the AGT relation to the 2d Liouville theory, the Seiberg-Witten prepotential is constructed from the Bohr-Sommerfeld periods of 1d sine-Gordon model. If the same construction is literally applied to monodromies of exact wave functions, the prepotential turns into the one-parametric Nekrasov prepotential F(a,\epsilon_1) with the other epsilon parameter vanishing, \epsilon_2=0, and \epsilon_1 playing the role of the Planck constant in the sine-Gordon Shroedinger equation, \hbar=\epsilon_1. This seems to be in accordance with the recent claim in arXiv:0908.4052 and poses a problem of describing the full Nekrasov function as a seemingly straightforward double-parametric quantization of sine-Gordon model. This also provides a new link between the Liouville and sine-Gordon theories.Comment: 10 page
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