25 research outputs found

    Concomitant dehiscences of the temporal bone: a case-based study

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    Otic capsule dehiscences create a pathological third window in the inner ear that results in a dissipation of the acoustic energy consequent to the lowered impedance. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) was identified by Minor et al. in 1998 as a syndrome leading to vertigo and inner ear conductive hearing loss. The authors reported the relation between the dehiscence and pressure- or sound-induced vertigo (Tullio phenomenon). The pathophysiology of this entity still remains controversial. Prevalence rates of SSCD in anatomical studies range from 0.4 to 0.7 % with a majority of patients being asymptomatic. The observed association with other temporal bone dehiscences, as well as the propensity toward a bilateral or contralateral near-dehiscence, raises the question of whether a specific local bone demineralization or systemic mechanisms could be considered. The present report regards a case of a patient with a previous episode of meningitis, with a concomitant bilateral SSCD and tegmen tympani dehiscence from the side of meningitis. The patient was affected by dizziness, left moderate conductive hearing loss and pressure/sound-induced vertigo. Because of disabling vestibular symptoms, the patient underwent surgical treatment. A middle cranial fossa approach allowed to reach both dehiscences on the symptomatic side, where bone wax and fascia were used. At 6 months from the procedure, hearing was preserved and the vestibular symptoms disappeared

    Quantum Heat Flow Model for Heat Flow in Some Nanotubes

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    Using Schrodinger equation in a fractional medium a useful expression for heat flow through Nano tubes has been found. Fortunately, this equation resembles  that obtained by Moran Wang etal, and Hai- Dong Wang teal.   the ordinary thermal conductivity is constant. The effective thermal conductivity temperature dependent resembles that obtained for carbon Nano tubes and Boron Nitride Nano tubes. It is also finite at low temperature which also conforms with experimental data for carbon and Boron. Since Nano materials are described by quantum lows, this new model is thus more suitable for Nano tubes, as for as it is derived using quantum laws


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    Torna-se cada vez mais importante reduzir doses e melhorar o desempenho dos fármacos em tratamentos, onde micropartículas tem sido uma ferramenta cada vez mais empregada. Portanto, abordamos os principais métodos gerais de obtenção de micropartículas, como também os que utilizam polímeros biodegradáveis que trazem características novas e promissoras para fármacos hidrofílicos e termossensíveis. Uma das técnicas que utilizam este tipo de polímero é a de emulsificação a/o que pode ser conduzida à temperatura ambiente e, sob aquecimento para fármacos hidrofílicos e não termossensíveis, possibilitando observar variabilidades de forma e tamanho das partículas obtidas nas duas situações.

    Cochlear Implantation in neurological patients. case-report and literature survey

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    Cochlear implant (CI) is a reliable solution to restore hearing in people with severe-profound hearing loss. The device is made up of internal and external components linked transcutaneously through a magnet that may rise specific issues in people who need to undergo brain magnetic resonance (MRI) due to neurological diseases. The description of a case of a CI implantee needing MRI has given us the opportunity to highlight the differences that can be encounters among different neuropathies, either acute or chronic, with the aim of shedding some light for finding a common protocol when facing this important and frequent clinical issue. In particular, the removal of the magnet before performing an MRI exam is mandatory for brain diseases ipsilateral to the implanted side, while for contralateral side lesions is less important while using apposite bandage kits

    Electrically conductive inks: the role of graphitic materials

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    Electrically conductive inks are the foundations of printed electronics as they allow to print circuits on different surfaces. In wearable applications, the surface is often fabric and therefore circuits have to undergo elastic deformations due to body movements without losing their functional performances, i.e. they have to be bendable and stretchable. Two industrial-grade conductive, stretchable, screen-printable inks have been produced starting from some simple formulas developed at a lab scale which rely on a technology that helps the filler dispersion into the polymeric matrix. One ink is based on carbon black only and the other one is based on carbon black and graphite. Samples obtained using the so-called transfer printing technique (very common in the textile industry) have been subjected to progressive elongations and to cyclic elongations while electrical resistance data were recorded by a multimeter. The effective contribution of the graphitic portion is clear in lowering the static resistance value, in the entity of conductivity regained after stretching to 100% and in stabilizing the cyclic elongation performance. This positive effect can be probably explained considering graphite lamellas as bridges connecting carbon black clusters and ensuring a more continuous electric path

    Progress in the development of selective heme oxygenase-1 inhibitors and their potential therapeutic application

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    Heme oxygenases (HOs) are a family of enzymes involved in the selective catabolism of free circulating heme. While HO-2 is constitutively expressed, HO-1 is strongly overexpressed under stressful stimuli (e.g., oxidative stress). Under these conditions, HO-1 exerts its strong cytoprotective activities and plays a crucial role in stimulating cell survival by removing the pro-oxidant heme and by producing carbon monoxide and biliverdin (promptly reduced to bilirubin). Unfortunately, the broad spectrum of HO-1 cytoprotective effects has been well experimentally documented both in normal and tumor cells, where the enzyme can be overexpressed, making it an exciting target in the management of some type of tumors. Development of non-competitive HO-1 inhibitors dates back in 2002 with the discovery of Azalanstat. Since then, many efforts have been devoted to the identification of selective HO-1 and HO-2 inhibitors and to unravel the molecular determinants responsible for selectivity. Molecular modeling studies supported the identification of chemical features involved in the recognition and inhibition of these enzymes. Herein, medicinal chemistry aspects and in silico studies related to the development of HO inhibitors will be discussed. The purpose of this review is to highlight recent advances in the development of new selective HO-1 and HO-2 inhibitors and covers the last six years (2013–2018)

    Presbiacusia: valutazione cognitiva e scelta protesica

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    E\u2019 noto che i fattori cognitivi condizionano gli effetti della protesizzazione acustica. Obiettivo \ue8 stato quello di studiare 80 soggetti anziani affetti da presbiacusia all\u2019inizio del training riabilitativo con protesi acustiche con il \u201cCognitive Failures Questionnaire\u201d (CFQ), la \u201cFatigue Impact Scale\u201d (FIS) e la \u201cGeriatric Depression Scale\u201d (GDS) al fine di definire se questi parametri possono essere predittivi della scelta di intraprendere o meno la riabilitazione protesica. La stessa valutazione \ue8 stata condotta dopo 6 mesi dalla protesizzazione. Metodi Tutti i soggetti sono stati sottoposti a visita audiologica con esami. Sono stati presi in considerazione due gruppi omogenei per tipo e grado di ipoacusia, percentuali all'esame audiometrico vocale, tipo di protesi proposte, et\ue0, sesso, scolarit\ue0, stato civile ma differenti per aver intrapreso o meno la riabilitazione protesica. Risultati Il grado di depressione \ue8 il dato che ha influito maggiormente sulla scelta della protesizzazione (p <0.0001) Non \ue8 stata rilevata nessuna correlazione tra i questionari CFQ e FIS. Il livello di scolarit\ue0 \ue9 risultato differente nei due gruppi (p= 0,007), in quanto le persone anziane pi\uf9 colte e scolasticamente pi\uf9 preparate sembrerebbero pi\uf9 propense a migliorare la propria condizione uditiva. Conclusione Dopo i 6 mesi di follow-up, i punteggi del GDS \ue8 significativamente diminuito nel gruppo di soggetti protesizzati