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    The paper gives the results of percutaneous electroresection of the renal pelvic wall with a tumor in 4 patients. The operation has been made for absolute indications: 3 patients had a single kidney and the fourth patient had a single functioning left kidney (the right pelvic dystopic kidney failed to function). In all the patients, the primary symptom of the disease was macrohematuria, the examination for which revealed a renal pelvic tumor measuring 1.2 to 2.5 cm in size. There were no complications after percutaneous electroresection of the renal pelvic wall with a tumor. Intrarenal BCG therapy was performed in the postoperative period. Percutaneous electroresection is indicated for tumors of the renal pelvis and the upper third of the ureter of the single kidney.В статье приведены результаты чрескожной электрорезекции стенки лоханки с опухолью, выполненной у 4 пациентов. Операция была проведена по абсолютным показаниям: трое больных имели единственную почку, а четвертый – единственно функционирующую левую почку (правая тазоводистопированная почка не функционировала). Первичным симптомом заболевания у всех пациентов являлось наличие макрогематурии, при обследовании по поводу которой была выявлена опухоль лоханки размерами от 1,2 до 2,5 см. Осложнений после осуществления перкутанной электрорезекции стенки лоханки с опухолью не наблюдали. В послеоперационном периоде проведена интраренальная БЦЖ-терапия. При опухолях лоханки и верхней трети мочеточника единственной почки показана их перкутанная электрорезекция


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    <p>The paper gives the results of percutaneous electroresection of the renal pelvic wall with a tumor in 4 patients. The operation has been made for absolute indications: 3 patients had a single kidney and the fourth patient had a single functioning left kidney (the right pelvic dystopic kidney failed to function). In all the patients, the primary symptom of the disease was macrohematuria, the examination for which revealed a renal pelvic tumor measuring 1.2 to 2.5 cm in size. There were no complications after percutaneous electroresection of the renal pelvic wall with a tumor. Intrarenal BCG therapy was performed in the postoperative period. Percutaneous electroresection is indicated for tumors of the renal pelvis and the upper third of the ureter of the single kidney.</p