128 research outputs found
A new class of short distance universal amplitude ratios
We propose a new class of universal amplitude ratios which involve the first
terms of the short distance expansion of the correlators of a statistical model
in the vicinity of a critical point. We will describe the critical system with
a conformal field theory (UV fixed point) perturbed by an appropriate relevant
operator. In two dimensions the exact knowledge of the UV fixed point allows
for accurate predictions of the ratios and in many nontrivial integrable
perturbations they can even be evaluated exactly. In three dimensional O(N)
scalar systems feasible extensions of some existing results should allow to
obtain perturbative expansions for the ratios. By construction these universal
ratios are a perfect tool to explore the short distance properties of the
underlying quantum field theory even in regimes where the correlation length
and one point functions are not accessible in experiments or simulations.Comment: 8 pages, revised version, references adde
Critical adsorption on curved objects
A systematic fieldtheoretic description of critical adsorption on curved
objects such as spherical or rodlike colloidal particles immersed in a fluid
near criticality is presented. The temperature dependence of the corresponding
order parameter profiles and of the excess adsorption are calculated
explicitly. Critical adsorption on elongated rods is substantially more
pronounced than on spherical particles. It turns out that, within the context
of critical phenomena in confined geometries, critical adsorption on a
microscopically thin `needle' represents a distinct universality class of its
own. Under favorable conditions the results are relevant for the flocculation
of colloidal particles.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure
Dynamic structure factor of the Ising model with purely relaxational dynamics
We compute the dynamic structure factor for the Ising model with a purely
relaxational dynamics (model A). We perform a perturbative calculation in the
expansion, at two loops in the high-temperature phase and at one
loop in the temperature magnetic-field plane, and a Monte Carlo simulation in
the high-temperature phase. We find that the dynamic structure factor is very
well approximated by its mean-field Gaussian form up to moderately large values
of the frequency and momentum . In the region we can investigate,
, , where is the correlation
length and the zero-momentum autocorrelation time, deviations are at
most of a few percent.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure
Integrable field theory and critical phenomena. The Ising model in a magnetic field
The two-dimensional Ising model is the simplest model of statistical
mechanics exhibiting a second order phase transition. While in absence of
magnetic field it is known to be solvable on the lattice since Onsager's work
of the forties, exact results for the magnetic case have been missing until the
late eighties, when A.Zamolodchikov solved the model in a field at the critical
temperature, directly in the scaling limit, within the framework of integrable
quantum field theory. In this article we review this field theoretical approach
to the Ising universality class, with particular attention to the results
obtained starting from Zamolodchikov's scattering solution and to their
comparison with the numerical estimates on the lattice. The topics discussed
include scattering theory, form factors, correlation functions, universal
amplitude ratios and perturbations around integrable directions. Although we
restrict our discussion to the Ising model, the emphasis is on the general
methods of integrable quantum field theory which can be used in the study of
all universality classes of critical behaviour in two dimensions.Comment: 42 pages; invited review article for J. Phys.
Critical behavior of the three-dimensional XY universality class
We improve the theoretical estimates of the critical exponents for the
three-dimensional XY universality class. We find alpha=-0.0146(8),
gamma=1.3177(5), nu=0.67155(27), eta=0.0380(4), beta=0.3485(2), and
delta=4.780(2). We observe a discrepancy with the most recent experimental
estimate of alpha; this discrepancy calls for further theoretical and
experimental investigations. Our results are obtained by combining Monte Carlo
simulations based on finite-size scaling methods, and high-temperature
expansions. Two improved models (with suppressed leading scaling corrections)
are selected by Monte Carlo computation. The critical exponents are computed
from high-temperature expansions specialized to these improved models. By the
same technique we determine the coefficients of the small-magnetization
expansion of the equation of state. This expansion is extended analytically by
means of approximate parametric representations, obtaining the equation of
state in the whole critical region. We also determine the specific-heat
amplitude ratio.Comment: 61 pages, 3 figures, RevTe
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: version 3 Globe 2015-2019: Validation Report
This Validation Report describes in detail the quality of the satellite-based 100m Land Cover product of the global component of the Copernicus Land Service.
It includes assessments of yearly global land cover layers (2015-2019), assessment of change as well as comparison with the previous version using an independent validation dataset.
The related Product User Manual is the starting point for the reader and summarizes all aspects of the product (algorithm, quality, contents, format, etc)
Density Fluctuations in an Electrolyte from Generalized Debye-Hueckel Theory
Near-critical thermodynamics in the hard-sphere (1,1) electrolyte is well
described, at a classical level, by Debye-Hueckel (DH) theory with (+,-) ion
pairing and dipolar-pair-ionic-fluid coupling. But DH-based theories do not
address density fluctuations. Here density correlations are obtained by
functional differentiation of DH theory generalized to {\it non}-uniform
densities of various species. The correlation length diverges universally
at low density as (correcting GMSA theory). When
one has as
where the amplitudes compare informatively with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, 1 ps figure included with epsf. Minor changes,
references added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
Improved high-temperature expansion and critical equation of state of three-dimensional Ising-like systems
High-temperature series are computed for a generalized Ising model with
arbitrary potential. Two specific ``improved'' potentials (suppressing leading
scaling corrections) are selected by Monte Carlo computation. Critical
exponents are extracted from high-temperature series specialized to improved
potentials, achieving high accuracy; our best estimates are:
, , , ,
. By the same technique, the coefficients of the small-field
expansion for the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy) are computed.
These results are applied to the construction of parametric representations of
the critical equation of state. A systematic approximation scheme, based on a
global stationarity condition, is introduced (the lowest-order approximation
reproduces the linear parametric model). This scheme is used for an accurate
determination of universal ratios of amplitudes. A comparison with other
theoretical and experimental determinations of universal quantities is
presented.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure, revtex. New Monte Carlo data by Hasenbusch
enabled us to improve the determination of the critical exponents and of the
equation of state. The discussion of several topics was improved and the
bibliography was update
25th-order high-temperature expansion results for three-dimensional Ising-like systems on the simple cubic lattice
25th-order high-temperature series are computed for a general
nearest-neighbor three-dimensional Ising model with arbitrary potential on the
simple cubic lattice. In particular, we consider three improved potentials
characterized by suppressed leading scaling corrections. Critical exponents are
extracted from high-temperature series specialized to improved potentials,
obtaining , , ,
, , . Moreover, biased
analyses of the 25th-order series of the standard Ising model provide the
estimate for the exponent associated with the leading scaling
corrections. By the same technique, we study the small-magnetization expansion
of the Helmholtz free energy. The results are then applied to the construction
of parametric representations of the critical equation of state, using a
systematic approach based on a global stationarity condition. Accurate
estimates of several universal amplitude ratios are also presented.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figure
Equilibrium random-field Ising critical scattering in the antiferromagnet Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2
It has long been believed that equilibrium random-field Ising model (RFIM)
critical scattering studies are not feasible in dilute antiferromagnets close
to and below Tc(H) because of severe non-equilibrium effects. The high magnetic
concentration Ising antiferromagnet Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2, however, does provide
equilibrium behavior. We have employed scaling techniques to extract the
universal equilibrium scattering line shape, critical exponents nu = 0.87 +-
0.07 and eta = 0.20 +- 0.05, and amplitude ratios of this RFIM system.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor revision
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