7,166 research outputs found

    Insights and Puzzles from Branes: 4d SUSY Yang-Mills from 6d Models

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    5-branes of nontrivial topology are associated in the Diaconescu-Hanany-Witten-Witten (DHWW) approach with the Seiberg-Witten (SW) theory of low-energy effective actions. There are two different "pictures", related to the IIA and IIB phases of M-theory. They differ by the choice of 6d6d theory on the 5-brane world volume. In the IIB picture it is just the 6d SUSY Yang-Mills, while in the IIA picture it is a theory of SUSY self-dual 2-form. These two pictures appear capable to describe the (non-abelian) Lax operator and (abelian) low-energy effective action respectively. Thus IIB-IIA duality is related to the duality between Hitchin and Whitham integrable structures.Comment: LaTeX, 12pp, 4 figs in ps-format requiring psfig.te

    Molecular Motors Interacting with Their Own Tracks

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    Dynamics of molecular motors that move along linear lattices and interact with them via reversible destruction of specific lattice bonds is investigated theoretically by analyzing exactly solvable discrete-state ``burnt-bridge'' models. Molecular motors are viewed as diffusing particles that can asymmetrically break or rebuild periodically distributed weak links when passing over them. Our explicit calculations of dynamic properties show that coupling the transport of the unbiased molecular motor with the bridge-burning mechanism leads to a directed motion that lowers fluctuations and produces a dynamic transition in the limit of low concentration of weak links. Interaction between the backward biased molecular motor and the bridge-burning mechanism yields a complex dynamic behavior. For the reversible dissociation the backward motion of the molecular motor is slowed down. There is a change in the direction of the molecular motor's motion for some range of parameters. The molecular motor also experiences non-monotonic fluctuations due to the action of two opposing mechanisms: the reduced activity after the burned sites and locking of large fluctuations. Large spatial fluctuations are observed when two mechanisms are comparable. The properties of the molecular motor are different for the irreversible burning of bridges where the velocity and fluctuations are suppressed for some concentration range, and the dynamic transition is also observed. Dynamics of the system is discussed in terms of the effective driving forces and transitions between different diffusional regimes

    Phase behaviour of block copolymer melts with arbitrary architecture

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    The Leibler theory [L. Leibler, Macromolecules, v.13, 1602 (1980)] for microphase separation in AB block copolymer melts is generalized for systems with arbitrary topology of molecules. A diagrammatic technique for calculation of the monomeric correlation functions is developed. The free energies of various mesophases are calculated within the second-harmonic approximation. Model highly-branched tree-like structures are considered as an example and their phase diagrams are obtained. The topology of molecules is found to influence the spinodal temperature and asymmetry of the phase diagrams, but not the types of phases and their order. We suggest that all model AB block-copolymer systems will exhibit the typical phase behaviour.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys., see also http://rugmd4.chem.rug.nl/~morozov/research.htm

    Liouville Type Models in Group Theory Framework. I. Finite-Dimensional Algebras

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    In the series of papers we represent the ``Whittaker'' wave functional of d+1d+1-dimensional Liouville model as a correlator in d+0d+0-dimensional theory of the sine-Gordon type (for d=0d=0 and 11). Asypmtotics of this wave function is characterized by the Harish-Chandra function, which is shown to be a product of simple Γ\Gamma-function factors over all positive roots of the corresponding algebras (finite-dimensional for d=0d=0 and affine for d=1d=1). This is in nice correspondence with the recent results on 2- and 3-point correlators in 1+11+1 Liouville model, where emergence of peculiar double-periodicity is observed. The Whittaker wave functions of d+1d+1-dimensional non-affine ("conformal") Toda type models are given by simple averages in the d+0d+0 dimensional theories of the affine Toda type. This phenomenon is in obvious parallel with representation of the free-field wave functional, which is originally a Gaussian integral over interior of a d+1d+1-dimensional disk with given boundary conditions, as a (non-local) quadratic integral over the dd-dimensional boundary itself. In the present paper we mostly concentrate on the finite-dimensional case. The results for finite-dimensional "Iwasawa" Whittaker functions were known, and we present their survey. We also construct new "Gauss" Whittaker functions.Comment: 47 pages, LaTe

    c=rgc = r_g Theories of WGW_G-Gravity: The Set of Observables as a Model of Simply Laced GG

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    We propose to study a generalization of the Klebanov-Polyakov-Witten (KPW) construction for the algebra of observables in the c=1c = 1 string model to theories with c>1c > 1. We emphasize the algebraic meaning of the KPW construction for c=1c = 1 related to occurrence of a {\it model} of {\it SU}(2) as original structure on the algebra of observables. The attempts to preserve this structure in generalizations naturally leads to consideration of WW-gravities. As a first step in the study of these generalized KPW constructions we design explicitly the subsector of the space of observables in appropriate WGW_G-string theory, which forms the {\it model} of GG for any simply laced {\it G}. The {\it model} structure is confirmed by the fact that corresponding one-loop Kac-Rocha-Caridi WGW_G-characters for c=rGc = r_G sum into a chiral (open string) k=1k=1 GG-WZW partition function.Comment: 36

    Faces of matrix models

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    Partition functions of eigenvalue matrix models possess a number of very different descriptions: as matrix integrals, as solutions to linear and non-linear equations, as tau-functions of integrable hierarchies and as special-geometry prepotentials, as result of the action of W-operators and of various recursions on elementary input data, as gluing of certain elementary building blocks. All this explains the central role of such matrix models in modern mathematical physics: they provide the basic "special functions" to express the answers and relations between them, and they serve as a dream model of what one should try to achieve in any other field.Comment: 10 page

    New matrix model solutions to the Kac-Schwarz problem

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    We examine the Kac-Schwarz problem of specification of point in Grassmannian in the restricted case of gap-one first-order differential Kac-Schwarz operators. While the pair of constraints satisfying [K1,W]=1[{\cal K}_1,W] = 1 always leads to Kontsevich type models, in the case of [K1,W]=W[{\cal K}_1,W] = W the corresponding KP Ď„\tau-functions are represented as more sophisticated matrix integrals.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figures, contribution to the proceedings of the 29th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, German
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