950 research outputs found

    Deterministic Brownian motion generated from differential delay equations

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    This paper addresses the question of how Brownian-like motion can arise from the solution of a deterministic differential delay equation. To study this we analytically study the bifurcation properties of an apparently simple differential delay equation and then numerically investigate the probabilistic properties of chaotic solutions of the same equation. Our results show that solutions of the deterministic equation with randomly selected initial conditions display a Gaussian-like density for long time, but the densities are supported on an interval of finite measure. Using these chaotic solutions as velocities, we are able to produce Brownian-like motions, which show statistical properties akin to those of a classical Brownian motion over both short and long time scales. Several conjectures are formulated for the probabilistic properties of the solution of the differential delay equation. Numerical studies suggest that these conjectures could be "universal" for similar types of "chaotic" dynamics, but we have been unable to prove this.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Measuring fast gene dynamics in single cells with time-lapse luminescence microscopy.

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    Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy is an important tool for measuring in vivo gene dynamics in single cells. However, fluorescent proteins are limited by slow chromophore maturation times and the cellular autofluorescence or phototoxicity that arises from light excitation. An alternative is luciferase, an enzyme that emits photons and is active upon folding. The photon flux per luciferase is significantly lower than that for fluorescent proteins. Thus time-lapse luminescence microscopy has been successfully used to track gene dynamics only in larger organisms and for slower processes, for which more total photons can be collected in one exposure. Here we tested green, yellow, and red beetle luciferases and optimized substrate conditions for in vivo luminescence. By combining time-lapse luminescence microscopy with a microfluidic device, we tracked the dynamics of cell cycle genes in single yeast with subminute exposure times over many generations. Our method was faster and in cells with much smaller volumes than previous work. Fluorescence of an optimized reporter (Venus) lagged luminescence by 15-20 min, which is consistent with its known rate of chromophore maturation in yeast. Our work demonstrates that luciferases are better than fluorescent proteins at faithfully tracking the underlying gene expression

    Charge-Control Unit for Testing Lithium-Ion Cells

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    A charge-control unit was developed as part of a program to validate Li-ion cells packaged together in batteries for aerospace use. The lithium-ion cell charge-control unit will be useful to anyone who performs testing of battery cells for aerospace and non-aerospace uses and to anyone who manufacturers battery test equipment. This technology reduces the quantity of costly power supplies and independent channels that are needed for test programs in which multiple cells are tested. Battery test equipment manufacturers can integrate the technology into their battery test equipment as a method to manage charging of multiple cells in series. The unit manages a complex scheme that is required for charging Li-ion cells electrically connected in series. The unit makes it possible to evaluate cells together as a pack using a single primary test channel, while also making it possible to charge each cell individually. Hence, inherent cell-to-cell variations in a series string of cells can be addressed, and yet the cost of testing is reduced substantially below the cost of testing each cell as a separate entity. The unit consists of electronic circuits and thermal-management devices housed in a common package. It also includes isolated annunciators to signal when the cells are being actively bypassed. These annunciators can be used by external charge managers or can be connected in series to signal that all cells have reached maximum charge. The charge-control circuitry for each cell amounts to regulator circuitry and is powered by that cell, eliminating the need for an external power source or controller. A 110-VAC source of electricity is required to power the thermal-management portion of the unit. A small direct-current source can be used to supply power for an annunciator signal, if desired

    Generalized Fokker-Planck equation, Brownian motion, and ergodicity

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    Microscopic theory of Brownian motion of a particle of mass MM in a bath of molecules of mass m≪Mm\ll M is considered beyond lowest order in the mass ratio m/Mm/M. The corresponding Langevin equation contains nonlinear corrections to the dissipative force, and the generalized Fokker-Planck equation involves derivatives of order higher than two. These equations are derived from first principles with coefficients expressed in terms of correlation functions of microscopic force on the particle. The coefficients are evaluated explicitly for a generalized Rayleigh model with a finite time of molecule-particle collisions. In the limit of a low-density bath, we recover the results obtained previously for a model with instantaneous binary collisions. In general case, the equations contain additional corrections, quadratic in bath density, originating from a finite collision time. These corrections survive to order (m/M)2(m/M)^2 and are found to make the stationary distribution non-Maxwellian. Some relevant numerical simulations are also presented

    Discrete breathers in nonlinear lattices: Experimental detection in a Josephson array

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    We present an experimental study of discrete breathers in an underdamped Josephson-junction array. Breathers exist under a range of dc current biases and temperatures, and are detected by measuring dc voltages. We find the maximum allowable bias current for the breather is proportional to the array depinning current while the minimum current seems to be related to a junction retrapping mechanism. We have observed that this latter instability leads to the formation of multi-site breather states in the array. We have also studied the domain of existence of the breather at different values of the array parameters by varying the temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Revie

    Equilibrium properties of a Josephson junction ladder with screening effects

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    In this paper we calculate the ground state phase diagram of a Josephson Junction ladder when screening field effects are taken into account. We study the ground state configuration as a function of the external field, the penetration depth and the anisotropy of the ladder, using different approximations to the calculation of the induced fields. A series of tongues, characterized by the vortex density ω\omega, is obtained. The vortex density of the ground state, as a function of the external field, is a Devil's staircase, with a plateau for every rational value of ω\omega. The width of each of these steps depends strongly on the approximation made when calculating the inductance effect: if the self-inductance matrix is considered, the ω=0\omega=0 phase tends to occupy all the diagram as the penetration depth decreases. If, instead, the whole inductance matrix is considered, the width of any step tends to a non-zero value in the limit of very low penetration depth. We have also analyzed the stability of some simple metastable phases: screening fields are shown to enlarge their stability range.Comment: 16 pp, RevTex. Figures available upon request at [email protected] To be published in Physical Review B (01-Dec-96

    Experimental analysis of a coiled stirred tank containing a low cost PCM emulsion as a thermal energy storage system

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    This article presents the results of heat transfer coefficient and volumetric energy density measurements in an agitated tank containing a low-cost phase change material emulsion, heated by water flowing in a coil. For the stirring a three-stage impeller is placed in the central axis of a 46 l commercial tank. By measuring the temperature dependency on time and solving the transient enthalpy balance, the heat transfer coefficient between the helical coil and the agitated phase change material emulsion is determined, based on the impeller Reynolds number. The thermal energy storage efficiency has also been analysed. This phase change material emulsion shows a phase change temperature range between 30 and 50 °C. Its solid content is about 60% with an average size of 1 µm. The results have shown that the overall heat transfer coefficient is around 3.5–5.5 times higher when a stirring rate of 290–600 rpm is used. Furthermore, even at the lowest stirring rate, the thermal energy storage efficiency improves from 76-77%–100%, without detriment to the energy consumption of the stirrer

    Heat conductivity of DNA double helix

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    Thermal conductivity of isolated single molecule DNA fragments is of importance for nanotechnology, but has not yet been measured experimentally. Theoretical estimates based on simplified (1D) models predict anomalously high thermal conductivity. To investigate thermal properties of single molecule DNA we have developed a 3D coarse-grained (CG) model that retains the realism of the full all-atom description, but is significantly more efficient. Within the proposed model each nucleotide is represented by 6 particles or grains; the grains interact via effective potentials inferred from classical molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories based on a well-established all-atom potential function. Comparisons of 10 ns long MD trajectories between the CG and the corresponding all-atom model show similar root-mean-square deviations from the canonical B-form DNA, and similar structural fluctuations. At the same time, the CG model is 10 to 100 times faster depending on the length of the DNA fragment in the simulation. Analysis of dispersion curves derived from the CG model yields longitudinal sound velocity and torsional stiffness in close agreement with existing experiments. The computational efficiency of the CG model makes it possible to calculate thermal conductivity of a single DNA molecule not yet available experimentally. For a uniform (polyG-polyC) DNA, the estimated conductivity coefficient is 0.3 W/mK which is half the value of thermal conductivity for water. This result is in stark contrast with estimates of thermal conductivity for simplified, effectively 1D chains ("beads on a spring") that predict anomalous (infinite) thermal conductivity. Thus, full 3D character of DNA double-helix retained in the proposed model appears to be essential for describing its thermal properties at a single molecule level.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Two-phase stretching of molecular chains

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    While stretching of most polymer chains leads to rather featureless force-extension diagrams, some, notably DNA, exhibit non-trivial behavior with a distinct plateau region. Here we propose a unified theory that connects force-extension characteristics of the polymer chain with the convexity properties of the extension energy profile of its individual monomer subunits. Namely, if the effective monomer deformation energy as a function of its extension has a non-convex (concave up) region, the stretched polymer chain separates into two phases: the weakly and strongly stretched monomers. Simplified planar and 3D polymer models are used to illustrate the basic principles of the proposed model. Specifically, we show rigorously that when the secondary structure of a polymer is mostly due to weak non-covalent interactions, the stretching is two-phase, and the force-stretching diagram has the characteristic plateau. We then use realistic coarse-grained models to confirm the main findings and make direct connection to the microscopic structure of the monomers. We demostrate in detail how the two-phase scenario is realized in the \alpha-helix, and in DNA double helix. The predicted plateau parameters are consistent with single molecules experiments. Detailed analysis of DNA stretching demonstrates that breaking of Watson-Crick bonds is not necessary for the existence of the plateau, although some of the bonds do break as the double-helix extends at room temperature. The main strengths of the proposed theory are its generality and direct microscopic connection.Comment: 16 pges, 22 figure
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