616 research outputs found

    Initial stage of the 2D-3D transition of a strained SiGe layer on a pit-patterned Si(001) template

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    We investigate the initial stage of the 2D-3D transition of strained Ge layers deposited on pit-patterned Si(001) templates. Within the pits, which assume the shape of inverted, truncated pyramids after optimized growth of a Si buffer layer, the Ge wetting layer develops a complex morphology consisting exclusively of {105} and (001) facets. These results are attributed to a strain-driven step-meandering instability on the facetted side-walls of the pits, and a step-bunching instability at the sharp concave intersections of these facets. Although both instabilities are strain-driven, their coexistence becomes mainly possible by the geometrical restrictions in the pits. It is shown that the morphological transformation of the pit surface into low-energy facets has strong influence on the preferential nucleation of Ge islands at the flat bottom of the pits.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Fluorescent visualization of a spreading surfactant

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    The spreading of surfactants on thin films is an industrially and medically important phenomenon, but the dynamics are highly nonlinear and visualization of the surfactant dynamics has been a long-standing experimental challenge. We perform the first quantitative, spatiotemporally-resolved measurements of the spreading of an insoluble surfactant on a thin fluid layer. During the spreading process, we directly observe both the radial height profile of the spreading droplet and the spatial distribution of the fluorescently-tagged surfactant. We find that the leading edge of spreading circular layer of surfactant forms a Marangoni ridge in the underlying fluid, with a trough trailing the ridge as expected. However, several novel features are observed using the fluorescence technique, including a peak in the surfactant concentration which trails the leading edge, and a flat, monolayer-scale spreading film which differs from concentration profiles predicted by current models. Both the Marangoni ridge and surfactant leading edge can be described to spread as RtδR \propto t^{\delta}. We find spreading exponents, δH0.30\delta_H \approx 0.30 and δΓ0.22\delta_\Gamma \approx 0.22 for the ridge peak and surfactant leading edge, respectively, which are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of δ=1/4\delta = 1/4. In addition, we observe that the surfactant leading edge initially leads the peak of the Marangoni ridge, with the peak later catching up to the leading edge

    Lightning driven inner radiation belt energy deposition into the atmosphere: regional and global estimates

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    International audienceIn this study we examine energetic electron precipitation fluxes driven by lightning, in order to determine the global distribution of energy deposited into the middle atmosphere. Previous studies using lightning-driven precipitation burst rates have estimated losses from the inner radiation belts. In order to confirm the reliability of those rates and the validity of the conclusions drawn from those studies, we have analyzed New Zealand data to test our global understanding of troposphere to magnetosphere coupling. We examine about 10000h of AbsPAL recordings made from 17 April 2003 through to 26 June 2004, and analyze subionospheric very-low frequency (VLF) perturbations observed on transmissions from VLF transmitters in Hawaii (NPM) and western Australia (NWC). These observations are compared with those previously reported from the Antarctic Peninsula. The perturbation rates observed in the New Zealand data are consistent with those predicted from the global distribution of the lightning sources, once the different experimental configurations are taken into account. Using lightning current distributions rather than VLF perturbation observations we revise previous estimates of typical precipitation bursts at L~2.3 to a mean precipitation energy flux of ~1×10-3 ergs cm-2s-1. The precipitation of energetic electrons by these bursts in the range L=1.9-3.5 will lead to a mean rate of energy deposited into the atmosphere of 3×10-4 ergs cm-2min-1, spatially varying from a low of zero above some ocean regions to highs of ~3-6×10-3 ergs cm-2min-1 above North America and its conjugate region

    Exploring the differences in cloud properties observed by the Terra and Aqua MODIS Sensors

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    The aerosol-cloud interaction in different parts of the globe is examined here using multi-year statistics of remotely sensed data from two MODIS sensors aboard NASA's <i>Terra</i> (morning) and <i>Aqua</i> (afternoon) satellites. Simultaneous retrievals of aerosol loadings and cloud properties by the MODIS sensor allowed us to explore morning-to-afternoon variation of liquid cloud fraction (CF) and optical thickness (COT) for clean, moderately polluted and heavily polluted clouds in different seasons. Data analysis for seven-years of MODIS retrievals revealed strong temporal and spatial patterns in morning-to-afternoon variation of cloud fraction and optical thickness over different parts of the global oceans and the land. For the vast areas of stratocumulus cloud regions, the data shows that the days with elevated aerosol abundance were also associated with enhanced afternoon reduction of CF and COT pointing to the possible reduction of the indirect climate forcing. A positive correlation between aerosol optical depth and morning-to-afternoon variation of trade wind cumulus cloud cover was also found over the northern Indian Ocean, though no clear relationship between the concentration of Indo-Asian haze and morning-to-afternoon variation of COT was established. Over the Amazon region during wet conditions, aerosols are associated with an enhanced convective process in which morning shallow warm clouds are organized into afternoon deep convection with greater ice cloud coverage. Analysis presented here demonstrates that the new technique for exploring morning-to-afternoon variability in cloud properties by using the differences in data products from the two daily MODIS overpasses is capable of capturing some of the major features of diurnal variations in cloud properties and can be used for better understanding of aerosol radiative effects

    Razvoj i fizikokemijsko vrednovanje farmakosoma diklofenaka

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    Pharmacosomes are amphiphilic lipid vesicular systems that have shown their potential in improving the bioavailability of poorly water soluble as well as poorly lipophilic drugs. Diclofenac is a poorly water soluble drug and also causes gastrointestinal toxicity. To improve the water solublity of diclofenac, its pharmacosomes (phospholipid complex) have been prepared and evaluated for physicochemical analysis. Diclofenac was complexed with phosphatidylcholine (80 %) in equimolar ratio, in the presence of dichloromethane, by the conventional solvent evaporation technique. Pharmacosomes thus prepared were evaluated for drug solubility, drug content, surface morphology (by scanning electron microscopy), phase transition behaviour (by differential scanning calorimetry), crystallinity (by X-ray powder diffraction) and in vitro dissolution. Pharmacosomes of diclofenac were found to be irregular or disc shaped with rough surfaces in SEM. Drug content was found to be 96.2 1.1 %. DSC thermograms and XRPD data confirmed the formation of the phospholipid complex. Water solubility of the prepared complex was found to be 22.1 µg mL1 as compared to 10.5 µg mL1 of diclofenac. This improvement in water solubility in prepared pharmacosomes may result in improved dissolution and lower gastrointestinal toxicity. Pharmacosomes showed 87.8 % while the free diclofenac acid showed a total of only 60.4 % drug release at the end of 10 h of the dissolution study.Farmakosomi su amfifilni lipidni vezikularni sustavi sa sposobnošću poboljšanja bioraspoloživosti lijekova slabo topljivih u vodi i organskim otapalima. U svrhu povećanja topljivosti diklofenaka (ljekovite tvari koja je slabo vodotopljiva, a uzrokuje i gastrointestinalnu toksičnost) pripravljeni su i evaluirani njegovi farmakosomi (fosfolipidni kompleksi). Diklofenak je kompleksiran s fosfatidilkolinom (80 %) u ekvimolarnom omjeru, u prisutnosti diklormetana, konvencionalnom metodom evaporacije. Tako pripravljenim farmakosomima ispitivana je topljivost, sadržaj ljekovite tvari, morfologija površine (pomoću pretražne elektronske mikroskopije), ponašanje pri prijelazu faza (pomoću diferencijalne pretražne kalorimetrije), kristaliničnost (rendgenskom analizom praha) i in vitro oslobađanje. Farmakosomi diklofenaka su nepravilnog oblika ili u obliku diska te imaju neravnu površinu u SEM-u. Sadržaj ljekovite tvari je 96,2 1,1 %. DSC termogrami i XRPD podaci potvrdili su nastajanje fosfolipidnog kompleksa. Topljivost u vodi dobivenih kompleksa bila je 22,1 µg mL1, a topljivost samog diklofenaka 10,5 µg mL1. Postignuto poboljšanje topljivosti može imati za posljedicu povećano oslobađanje i manju gastrointestinalnu toksičnost. Tijekom 10 h iz farmakosoma se oslobodilo 87,8 %, a iz slobodnog diklofenaka samo 60,4 % ljekovite tvari

    Quantum Effects in Small-Capacitance Single Josephson Junctions

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    We have measured the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of small-capacitance single Josephson junctions at low temperatures (T=0.02-0.6 K), where the strength of the coupling between the single junction and the electromagnetic environment was controlled with one-dimensional arrays of dc SQUIDs. The single-junction I-V curve is sensitive to the impedance of the environment, which can be tuned IN SITU. We have observed Coulomb blockade of Cooper-pair tunneling and even a region of negative differential resistance, when the zero-bias resistance R_0' of the SQUID arrays is much higher than the quantum resistance R_K = h/e^2 = 26 kohm. The negative differential resistance is evidence of coherent single-Cooper-pair tunneling within the theory of current-biased single Josephson junctions. Based on the theory, we have calculated the I-V curves numerically in order to compare with the experimental ones at R_0' >> R_K. The numerical calculation agrees with the experiments qualitatively. We also discuss the R_0' dependence of the single-Josephson-junction I-V curve in terms of the superconductor-insulator transition driven by changing the coupling to the environment.Comment: 11 pages with 14 embedded figures, RevTeX4, final versio

    Photoelectric Emission from Interstellar Dust: Grain Charging and Gas Heating

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    We model the photoelectric emission from and charging of interstellar dust and obtain photoelectric gas heating efficiencies as a function of grain size and the relevant ambient conditions. Using realistic grain size distributions, we evaluate the net gas heating rate for various interstellar environments, and find less heating for dense regions characterized by R_V=5.5 than for diffuse regions with R_V=3.1. We provide fitting functions which reproduce our numerical results for photoelectric heating and recombination cooling for a wide range of interstellar conditions. In a separate paper we will examine the implications of these results for the thermal structure of the interstellar medium. Finally, we investigate the potential importance of photoelectric heating in H II regions, including the warm ionized medium. We find that photoelectric heating could be comparable to or exceed heating due to photoionization of H for high ratios of the radiation intensity to the gas density. We also find that photoelectric heating by dust can account for the observed variation of temperature with distance from the galactic midplane in the warm ionized medium.Comment: 50 pages, including 18 figures; corrected title and abstract field

    The number of transmission channels through a single-molecule junction

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    We calculate transmission eigenvalue distributions for Pt-benzene-Pt and Pt-butadiene-Pt junctions using realistic state-of-the-art many-body techniques. An effective field theory of interacting π\pi-electrons is used to include screening and van der Waals interactions with the metal electrodes. We find that the number of dominant transmission channels in a molecular junction is equal to the degeneracy of the molecular orbital closest to the metal Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Ultra-steep side facets in multi-faceted SiGe/Si(001) Stranski-Krastanow islands

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    For the prototypical Ge/Si(001) system, we show that at high growth temperature a new type of Stranski-Krastanow islands is formed with side facets steeper than {111} and high aspect ratio. Nano-goniometric analysis of the island shapes reveals the presence of six new facet groups in addition to those previously found for dome or barn-shaped islands. Due to the highly multi-faceted island shape and high aspect ratio, the new island types are named "cupola" islands and their steepest {12 5 3} side facet is inclined by 68°to the substrate surface. Assessing the relative stability of the new facets from surface area analysis, we find that their stability is similar to that of {113} and {15 3 23} facets of dome islands. The comparison of the different island shapes shows that they form a hierarchical class of geometrical structures, in which the lower aspect ratio islands of barns, domes and pyramids are directly derived from the cupola islands by successive truncation of the pedestal bases without facet rearrangements. The results underline the key role of surface faceting in the process of island formation, which is as crucial for understanding the island's growth evolution as it is important for device applications