24 research outputs found


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    DOI: 10.2478 Available on-line at: http://www.bulletinofgeography.umk.pl http://versita.com/bgssThis article presents the spatial and population density changes in Polish towns in the years 1960–2003. The assumed time frame allowed identifying area changes for a complete set of towns in different socio-economic conditions: the period of intense industrialisation, the economic crisis of the 1980s, the period of economic transition and finally in the years of a market economy. The investigation revealed that the trend shown by changes and the size of a town as measured by the number of its population are distinctly interrelated. It also demonstrated a much stronger dynamics of changes in the first subperiod, i.e. years 1960–1985, followed by a phase of relative stabilization (compared with the previous period) after the year 1980 (mainly of the spatial changes). Moreover, change intensity and change trends observed for the urban areas and population densities vary considerably in terms of space

    Development of simulation tests in ACC system scenarios for a car simulator station

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    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy opracowania testów dla symulatora pojazdu osobowego w scenariuszach systemu Adaptive Cruise Control („ACC”), czyli tempomatu adaptacyjnego. Omówiono przede wszystkim założenia eksperymentu, przebieg badania, dobór grupy badanej, planowane analizy oraz wyniki wstępnych przejazdów testowych. Celami badania są przede wszystkim porównanie przejazdów ochotników i przejazdu z aktywnym układem ACC (zaproponowanym w ramach projektu aDrive) oraz weryfikacja modelu wirtualnego kierowcy (fuzzy driver). Badanie polegające na wykonaniu dwóch zadań (scenariusz pozamiejski i mieszany) będzie przeprowadzone na zidentyfikowanej wcześniej grupie. Ocena będzie polegać na obiektywnej analizie parametrów jazdy kierowcy w wyznaczonych zadaniach zgodnie z wcześniej ustalonymi kryteriami (np. prędkość, odległość od pojazdu, odstęp czasowy Time Gap).This paper presents development of simulation tests for a driving simulation station in ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) system scenarios. Experiment assumptions, simulation tests procedures, selection of the tested group, analyzed parameters and the results of the preliminary tests were discussed. The comparison between ride parameters of volunteers and a car equipped with ACC system and validation of previously created fuzzy-driver model are main aims of the study. The experiment, composed with two exercises (outside urban and mixed scenarios) will be performed on previously identified tested group of volunteers. Ride parameters, such as velocity, distance to a leading car, time gap, will be assessed according to a prepared procedure

    Seat as an element improving physical protection of soldiers during explosion of mines under the armoured military vehicles

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    This study presents possibilities to apply the numerical simulation of dynamic response for explosive (impulse) loads, caused by detonation of mine under the military armoured vehicle, acting on a crew member seating in chair, in order to determine methods to minimize the results of impact of vehicle body structure on the crew, mainly caused by it accelerations and overloads. Furthermore, this article presents factors, which have impact on numerical model and detonation phases necessary to conduct the mentioned above simulation. Information on physical values acting on the soldier and injuries resulting from such actions are important to understand how important element, improving physical protection of soldiers during mine detonation below the armoured military vehicle, is a chair. According to the dissertation "Development Of Lower Extremity Injury Criteria And Biomechanical Surrogate To Evaluate Military Vehicle Occupant Injury During An Explosive Blast Even" the most common injuries occurring during mine explosion under the military vehicles, eliminating soldiers from further service, include: sprain of vertebras, fracture of vertebra, light fracture of skull, brain shaking, brain concussion, fracture of tibia, damage to ilia, fracture of fibula bones. These injuries occur most often at the first two stages of explosion, called local and global effect