3,546 research outputs found

    Space program: Space debris a potential threat to Space Station and shuttle

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    Experts estimate that more than 3.5 million man-made objects are orbiting the earth. These objects - space debris - include whole and fragmentary parts of rocket bodies and other discarded equipment from space missions. About 24,500 of these objects are 1 centimeter across or larger. A 1-centimeter man-made object travels in orbit at roughly 22,000 miles per hour. If it hit a spacecraft, it would do about the same damage as would a 400-pound safe traveling at 60 miles per hour. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) reviews NASA's plans for protecting the space station from debris, the extent and precision of current NASA and Defense Department (DOD) debris-tracking capabilities, and the extent to which debris has already affected shuttle operations. GAO recommends that the space debris model be updated, and that the findings be incorporated into the plans for protecting the space station from such debris. GAO further recommends that the increased risk from debris to the space shuttle operations be analyzed

    The central spheroids of Milky Way mass-sized galaxies

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    Indexación: Scopus.PBT, DM and AM acknowledge partial support from the Nucleo UNAB 2015 DI-677-15/N of Universidad Andres Bello. PBT acknowledges partial support from Fondecyt Regular 1150334 and the Southern Astrophysics Network (SAN) collaboration funded by Conicyt, and PICT 2011-0959 and PIP 2012-0396 (Mincyt, Argentina). DM and MZ are supported by the BASAL Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) through grant PFB-06, and the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism, Programa Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio through grant IC120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), and by FONDECYT Regular grant No. 1130196. DC and TCB acknowledge partial support for this work from grant PHY 14-30152; Physics Frontier Center/JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements (JINA-CEE), awarded by the US National Science Foundation. REGM acknowledges support from Ci?ncia sem Fronteiras (CNPq, Brazil).We study the properties of the central spheroids located within 10 kpc of the centre of mass of MilkyWay mass-sized galaxies simulated in a cosmological context. The simulated central regions are dominated by stars older than 10 Gyr, mostly formed in situ, with a contribution of ~30 per cent from accreted stars. These stars formed in well-defined starbursts, although accreted stars exhibit sharper and earlier ones. The fraction of accreted stars increases with galactocentric distance, so that at a radius of~8-10 kpc, a fraction of~40 per cent, on average, is detected. Accreted stars are slightly younger, lower metallicity, and more α-enhanced than in situ stars. A significant fraction of old stars in the central regions come from a few (2-3) massive satellites (~1010M⊙). The bulge components receive larger contributions of accreted stars formed in dwarfs smaller than ~109.5M⊙. The difference between the distributions of ages and metallicities of old stars is thus linked to the accretion histories - those central regions with a larger fraction of accreted stars are those with contributions from more massive satellites. The kinematical properties of in situ and accreted stars are consistent with the latter being supported by their velocity dispersions, while the former exhibit clear signatures of rotational support. Our simulations demonstrate a range of characteristics, with some systems exhibiting a co-existing bar and spheroid in their central regions, resembling in some respect the central region of the Milky Way. © 2016 The Authors.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/473/2/1656/422260

    The Asymmetric Thick Disk: A Star Count and Kinematic Analysis. II The Kinematics

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    We report a kinematic signature associated with the observed asymmetry in the distribution of thick disk/inner halo stars interior to the Solar circle described in Paper I. In that paper we found a statistically significant excess (20% to 25 %) of stars in quadrant I (l ~ 20 deg to 55 deg) both above and below the plane (b ~ +/- 25 deg to +/- 45 deg) compared to the complementary region in quadrant IV. We have measured Doppler velocities for 741 stars, selected according to the same magnitude and color criteria, in the direction of the asymmetry and in the corresponding fields in quadrant IV. We have also determined spectral types and metallicities measured from the same spectra. We not only find an asymmetric distribution in the V_LSR velocities for the stars in the two regions, but the angular rate of rotation, w, for the stars in quadrant I reveals a slower effective rotation rate compared to the corresponding quadrant IV stars. We use our [Fe/H] measurements to separate the stars into the three primary population groups, halo, thick disk, and disk, and conclude that it is primarily the thick disk stars that show the slower rotation in quadrant I. A solution for the radial, tangential and vertical components of the V_LSR velocities, reveals a significant lag of ~ 80 to 90 km/s in the direction of Galactic rotation for the thick disk stars in quadrant I, while in quadrant IV, the same population has only a ~ 20 km/s lag. The results reported here support a rotational lag among the thick disk stars due to a gravitational interaction with the bar as the most likely explanation for the asymmetry in both the star counts and the kinematics. The affected thick disk stars, however, may be associated with the recently discovered Canis Major debris stream or a similar merger event (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. II. Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars - CEMP-no stars

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    The detailed composition of most metal-poor halo stars has been found to be very uniform. However, a fraction of 20-70% (increasing with decreasing metallicity) exhibit dramatic enhancements in their abundances of carbon - the so-called carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. A key question for Galactic chemical evolution models is whether this non-standard composition reflects that of the stellar natal clouds, or is due to local, post-birth mass transfer of chemically processed material from a binary companion; CEMP stars should then all be members of binary systems. Our aim is to determine the frequency and orbital parameters of binaries among CEMP stars with and without over-abundances of neutron-capture elements - CEMP-s and CEMP-no stars, respectively - as a test of this local mass-transfer scenario. This paper discusses a sample of 24 CEMP-no stars, while a subsequent paper will consider a similar sample of CEMP-s stars. Most programme stars exhibit no statistically significant radial-velocit variation over this period and appear to be single, while four are found to be binaries with orbital periods of 300-2,000 days and normal eccentricity; the binary frequency for the sample is 17+-9%. The single stars mostly belong to the recently-identified ``low-C band'', while the binaries have higher absolute carbon abundances. We conclude that the nucleosynthetic process responsible for the strong carbon excess in these ancient stars is unrelated to their binary status; the carbon was imprinted on their natal molecular clouds in the early Galactic ISM by an even earlier, external source, strongly indicating that the CEMP-no stars are likely bona fide second-generation stars. We discuss potential production sites for carbon and its transfer across interstellar distances in the early ISM, and implications for the composition of high-redshift DLA systems. Abridged.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An Elemental Assay of Very, Extremely, and Ultra Metal-Poor Stars

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    We present a high-resolution elemental-abundance analysis for a sample of 23 very metal-poor (VMP; [Fe/H] < -2.0) stars, 12 of which are extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H] < -3.0), and 4 of which are ultra metal-poor (UMP; [Fe/H] < -4.0). These stars were targeted to explore differences in the abundance ratios for elements that constrain the possible astrophysical sites of element production, including Li, C, N, O, the alpha-elements, the iron-peak elements, and a number of neutron-capture elements. This sample substantially increases the number of known carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) and nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor (NEMP) stars -- our program stars include eight that are considered "normal" metal-poor stars, six CEMP-no stars, five CEMP-s stars, two CEMP-r stars, and two CEMP-r/s stars. One of the CEMP-rr stars and one of the CEMP-r/s stars are possible NEMP stars. We detect lithium for three of the six CEMP-no stars, all of which are Li-depleted with respect to the Spite plateau. The majority of the CEMP stars have [C/N] > 0. The stars with [C/N] < 0 suggest a larger degree of mixing; the few CEMP-no stars that exhibit this signature are only found at [Fe/H] < -3.4, a metallicity below which we also find the CEMP-no stars with large enhancements in Na, Mg, and Al. We confirm the existence of two plateaus in the absolute carbon abundances of CEMP stars, as suggested by Spite et al. We also present evidence for a "floor" in the absolute Ba abundances of CEMP-no stars at A(Ba)~ -2.0.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The stellar content of the Hamburg/ESO survey VI. The metallicity distribution of main-sequence turnoff stars in the Galactic halo

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    We determine the metallicity distribution function (MDF) of the Galactic halo based on metal-poor main-sequence turnoff-stars (MSTO) which were selected from the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES) database. Corresponding follow-up moderateresolution observations (R ~ 2000) of some 682 stars (among which 617 were accepted program stars) were carried out with the 2.3m telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory (SSO). Corrections for the survey volume covered by the sample stars were quantitatively estimated and applied to the observed MDF. The corrections are quite small, when compared with those for a previously studied sample of metal-poor giants. The corrected observational MDF of the turnoff sample was then compared with that of the giants, as well as with a number of theoretical predictions of Galactic chemical evolution, including the mass-loss modified Simple Model. Although the survey-volume corrected MDFs of the metal-poor turnoff and the halo giants notably differ in the region of [Fe/H] > -2.0, below [Fe/H] ~ -2.0, (the region we scientifically focus on most) both MDFs show a sharp drop at [Fe/H] ~ -3.6 and present rather similar distributions in the low-metallicity tail. Theoretical models can fit some parts of the observed MDF, but none is found to simultaneously reproduce the peak as well as the features in the metal-poor region with [Fe/H] between -2.0 to -3.6. Among the tested models only the GAMETE model, when normalized to the tail of the observed MDF below [Fe/H] ~ -3.0, and with Z_{cr} = 10^{-3.4}Z_{\odot}, is able to predict the sharp drop at [Fe/H] ~ -3.6.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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