108 research outputs found

    An exploration of energy cost, ranges, limits and adjustment process

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    Galois sections for abelianized fundamental groups

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    Given a smooth projective curve XX of genus at least 2 over a number field kk, Grothendieck's Section Conjecture predicts that the canonical projection from the \'etale fundamental group of XX onto the absolute Galois group of kk has a section if and only if the curve has a rational point. We show that there exist curves where the above map has a section over each completion of kk but not over kk. In the appendix Victor Flynn gives explicit examples in genus 2. Our result is a consequence of a more general investigation of the existence of sections for the projection of the \'etale fundamental group `with abelianized geometric part' onto the Galois group. We give a criterion for the existence of sections in arbitrary dimension and over arbitrary perfect fields, and then study the case of curves over local and global fields more closely. We also point out the relation to the elementary obstruction of Colliot-Th\'el\`ene and Sansuc.Comment: This is the published version, except for a characteristic 0 assumption added in Section 5 which was unfortunately omitted there. Thanks to O. Wittenberg for noticing i

    Повышение эффективности сушки семян в реверсивной зерносушилке

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    Reverse drying is acknowledged to be widely used in the woodworking industry, and in corn cob drying, but it is hardly used for drying grass and cereal seeds. It can be explained by insufficient research into the matter. It is noted that the reversible dryer operation is characterized by the duration of one-direction blowing and the permissible temperature of the drying agent. It has been found that a temperature increase in the drying agent is crucial for dryers designed for processing small-seed crops, since they operate at lower temperatures compared to those designed for cereals. (Research purpose) To determine the effectiveness of a reversible grain dryer that lies in reduced unit costs and increased productivity, as well as the duration of blowing in one direction and the drying agent allowable temperature. (Materials and methods) The main parameters characterizing the operation of a reverse grain dryer have been determined as follows: the duration and permissible temperature of grain heating, the indicators of the one-direction blowing mode and the permissible temperature of the drying agent. It has been found that the intensification of the reverse drying process can be achieved by an increase in the drying agent temperature compared to drying in the one-direction blowing mode, possible due to a higher permissible temperature of seed heating. (Results and discussion) The economic testing of a reversible dryer proved its efficiency in terms of an increase in productivity, a decrease in the specific heat consumption as well as the seed drying non-uniformity below the norm. It is emphasized that an increase in the maximum permissible grain temperature by about 2 degrees Celsius corresponds to a 4-6-degree rise in the drying agent temperature and a 10-12 percent increase in the dryer productivity. (Conclusions) A reverse dryer is proved to be more efficient compared to a traditional one that lies in a 13-percent increase in productivity and a 10-percent decrease in the specific heat consumption, as well as the seed drying non-uniformity below the norm. It has been found that the duration of one-direction blowing mode in a reversible grain dryer was 0.3 hours. It has been determined that compared to the traditional drying, the maximum temperature of the drying agent in the reverse-mode drying is calculated based on the seed permissible temperature, that is to be 2-3 degrees higher than the maximum permissible one. According to the findings, it is 57 degrees Celsius for ryegrass seeds.Проанализировали, что реверсивная сушка широко используется в деревообрабатывающей  промышленности, при сушке початков кукурузы, но для сушки семян трав и зерновых почти не применяется, что можно объяснить малоизученностью этого принципа. Отметили, что работу реверсивной сушилки характеризуют длительность односторонней продувки и допустимая температура агента сушки. Выявили, что повышение температуры агента сушки актуально для сушилок, предназначенных для обработки мелкосеменных культур, так как они работают на пониженных значениях температуры по сравнению с оборудованием  для зерновых. (Цель исследования) Определить эффективность реверсивной зерносушилки, заключающуюся  в снижении удельных  затрат и повышении производительности,  а также длительности односторонней продувки и допустимой  температуры агента сушки. (Материалы и методы) Определили основные параметры, характеризующие работу реверсивной зерносушилки: длительность и допустимую  температуру нагрева зерна при реверсивной сушке, а также показатели режима односторонней продувки и допустимую  температуру агента сушки. Выявили, что интенсификация процесса реверсивной сушки достигается повышенной температурой агента сушки по сравнению с сушкой при односторонней  продувке вследствие  более высокой допустимой  температуры нагрева семян. (Результаты и обсуждение) В ходе  хозяйственной проверки установили увеличение производительности и снижение удельных затрат теплоты при неравномерности сушки семян ниже нормативной. Подчеркнули, что повышение предельно допустимой температуры зерна примерно на 2 градуса Цельсия соответствует росту температуры агента сушки на 4-6 градусов и производительности сушилки на 10-12  процентов. (Выводы) Доказали эффективность реверсивной сушилки в сравнении с традиционной, заключающуюся в повышении производительности на 13 процентов и снижении удельных затрат теплоты на 10 процентов, при неравномерности сушки семян ниже нормативной. Установили,  что длительность односторонней продувки в реверсивной зерносушилке составила 0,3 часа. Определили, что предельная температура агента сушки при реверсе рассчитывается исходя из допустимой температуры семян, которая должна быть на 2-3 градуса выше предельно допустимой по сравнению с традиционной сушкой. По результатам исследования она составила 57 градусов Цельсия для семян райграса

    On non-supersymmetric conformal manifolds: field theory and holography

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    We discuss the constraints that a conformal field theory should enjoy to admit exactly marginal deformations, i.e. to be part of a conformal manifold. In particular, using tools from conformal perturbation theory, we derive a sum rule from which one can extract restrictions on the spectrum of low spin operators and on the behavior of OPE coefficients involving nearly marginal operators. We then consider conformal field theories admitting a gravity dual description, and as such a large-NN expansion. We discuss the relation between conformal perturbation theory and loop expansion in the bulk, and show how such connection could help in the search for conformal manifolds beyond the planar limit. Our results do not rely on supersymmetry, and therefore apply also outside the realm of superconformal field theories

    Chapter 7 - Energy systems

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    Stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations will require large-scale transformations in human societies, from the way that we produce and consume energy to how we use the land surface. A natural question in this context is what will be the .transformation pathway. towards stabilization; that is, how do we get from here to there? The topic of this chapter is transformation pathways. The chapter is primarily motivated by three questions. First, what are the near-term and future choices that define transformation pathways, including the goal itself, the emissions pathway to the goal, technologies used for and sectors contributing to mitigation, the nature of international coordination, and mitigation policies? Second, what are the key characteristics of different transformation pathways, including the rates of emissions reductions and deployment of low-carbon energy, the magnitude and timing of aggregate economic costs, and the implications for other policy objectives such as those generally associated with sustainable development? Third, how will actions taken today influence the options that might be available in the future? As part of the assessment in this chapter, data from over 1000 new scenarios published since the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) were collected from integrated modelling research groups, many from large-scale model intercomparison studies. In comparison to AR4, new scenarios, both in this AR5 dataset and more broadly in the literature assessed in this chapter, consider more ambitious concentration goals, a wider range of assumptions about technology, and more possibilities for delays in additional global mitigation beyond that of today and fragmented international action

    Roquefort Cheese Proteins Inhibit Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    Inflammation in atherosclerosis, which could be associated with some subclinical infections such as C. pneumoniae, is one of the key factors responsible for the development of clinical complications of this disease. We report that a proprietary protein extract isolated from Roquefort cheese inhibits the propagation of C. pneumoniae in a human HL cell line in a dose-dependent manner, as revealed by the immunofluorescence analysis. These changes were accompanied by a significant reduction in the infective progeny formation over the protein extract range of 0.12–0.5 μg/mL. Moreover, short term feeding of mice with Roquefort cheese (twice, 10 mg per mouse with an interval of 24 hours) led to the inhibition of the migration of peritoneal leukocytes caused by intraperitoneal injection of E. coli lipopolysaccharide. These changes were complemented by a reduction in neutrophil count and a relative increase in peritoneal macrophages, suggesting that ingestion of Roquefort could promote regenerative processes at the site of inflammation. The ability of this protein to inhibit propagation of Chlamydia infection, as well as the anti-inflammatory and proregenerative effects of Roquefort itself, may contribute to the low prevalence of cardiovascular mortality in France where consumption of fungal fermented cheeses is the highest in the world