54 research outputs found

    Calculation of mechanical stresses in adjoint system of electronic component and compound and strength assessment

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    The paper represents mathematical model and formulas developed for project calculations which are applied to sealed electronic units and provide assessing strength of passive electronic components having revolution shape (capacitors, resistors, diodes, pins, etc.). The stress calculation has been produced for materials of resistor and compound in the temperature interval (from –60 to +70°C) along the radius of resistor and compound

    Calculation of mechanical stresses in adjoint system of electronic component and compound and strength assessment

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    The paper represents mathematical model and formulas developed for project calculations which are applied to sealed electronic units and provide assessing strength of passive electronic components having revolution shape (capacitors, resistors, diodes, pins, etc.). The stress calculation has been produced for materials of resistor and compound in the temperature interval (from –60 to +70°C) along the radius of resistor and compound

    Calculation of mechanical stresses in adjoint system of electronic component and compound and strength assessment

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    The paper represents mathematical model and formulas developed for project calculations which are applied to sealed electronic units and provide assessing strength of passive electronic components having revolution shape (capacitors, resistors, diodes, pins, etc.). The stress calculation has been produced for materials of resistor and compound in the temperature interval (from –60 to +70°C) along the radius of resistor and compound

    Determination of limit levels of damage in materials after operating time under thermomechanical loading

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    Представлено результати аналізу можливих варіантів практичного використання концепції розсіяних дефектів у розрахунках конструкцій за допустимою пошкоджуваністю матеріалу. Опрацьовано, отримані методом LМ-твердості, й узагальнено експериментальні дані з граничної пошкоджуваності деяких широко використовуваних у машинобудуванні сплавів на зруйнованих після напрацювання в умовах повзучості й малоциклової втоми зразках. Установлено лінійну кореляцію рівнів граничної пошкоджуваності з робочими напруженнями при напрацюванні. Запропоновано варіант методики визначення параметрів кореляційного рівняння за результатами базових дослідів.The results of the analysis of possible variants of using the concept of scattered defects for structural calculations with allowable material damage are presented. The experimental data on the limit damage to some alloys, which are widely used in mechanical engineering, are obtained by the LM-hardness test method on the specimens fractured after accrued operating time under creep and low-cycle fatigue conditions. These data are processed and generalized. A linear correlation between levels of limit damage and working stress under operating time is established. A variant of the method for determining the parameters for equation of correlation from the basic test results is proposed

    History-sensitive accumulation rules for life-time prediction under variable loading

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    This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerA general form of temporal strength conditions under variable creep loading is employed to formulate several new phenomenological accumulation rules based on the constant-loading durability diagram. Unlike the well-known Robinson rule of linear accumulation of partial life-times, the new rules allow to describe the life-time sensibility to the load sequence, observed in experiments. Comparison of the new rules with experimental data shows that they fit the data much more accurately than the Robinson rule

    Results of studying creep and long-term strength of metals at the Institute of Mechanics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (To Yu. N. Rabotnov’s Anniversary)

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