205 research outputs found

    Excretion of catecholamines in rats, mice and chicken

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    Stress assessment favours methods, which do not interfere with an animal’s endocrine status. To develop such non-invasive methods, detailed knowledge about the excretion of hormone metabolites in the faeces and urine is necessary. Our study was therefore designed to generate basic information about catecholamine excretion in rats, mice and chickens. After administration of 3H-epinephrine or 3H-norepinephrine to male and female rats, mice and chickens, all voided excreta were collected for 4 weeks, 3 weeks or for 10 days, respectively. Peak concentrations of radioactivity appeared in one of the first urinary samples of mice and rats and in the first droppings in chickens 0.2–7.2 h after injection. In rats, between 77.3 and 95.6% of the recovered catecholamine metabolites were found in the urine, while in mice, a mean of 76.3% were excreted in the urine. Peak concentrations in the faeces were found 7.4 h post injection in mice, and after about 16.4 h in rats (means). Our study provides valuable data about the route and the profile of catecholamine excretion in three frequently used species of laboratory animals. This represents the first step in the development of a reliable, non-invasive quantification of epinephrine and norepinephrine to monitor sympatho-adrenomedullary activity, although promising results for the development of a non-invasive method were found only for the chicken

    Rhythmicity in Mice Selected for Extremes in Stress Reactivity: Behavioural, Endocrine and Sleep Changes Resembling Endophenotypes of Major Depression

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    Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, including hyper- or hypo-activity of the stress hormone system, plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders such as major depression (MD). Further biological hallmarks of MD are disturbances in circadian rhythms and sleep architecture. Applying a translational approach, an animal model has recently been developed, focusing on the deviation in sensitivity to stressful encounters. This so-called 'stress reactivity' (SR) mouse model consists of three separate breeding lines selected for either high (HR), intermediate (IR), or low (LR) corticosterone increase in response to stressors.In order to contribute to the validation of the SR mouse model, our study combined the analysis of behavioural and HPA axis rhythmicity with sleep-EEG recordings in the HR/IR/LR mouse lines. We found that hyper-responsiveness to stressors was associated with psychomotor alterations (increased locomotor activity and exploration towards the end of the resting period), resembling symptoms like restlessness, sleep continuity disturbances and early awakenings that are commonly observed in melancholic depression. Additionally, HR mice also showed neuroendocrine abnormalities similar to symptoms of MD patients such as reduced amplitude of the circadian glucocorticoid rhythm and elevated trough levels. The sleep-EEG analyses, furthermore, revealed changes in rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep as well as slow wave activity, indicative of reduced sleep efficacy and REM sleep disinhibition in HR mice.Thus, we could show that by selectively breeding mice for extremes in stress reactivity, clinically relevant endophenotypes of MD can be modelled. Given the importance of rhythmicity and sleep disturbances as biomarkers of MD, both animal and clinical studies on the interaction of behavioural, neuroendocrine and sleep parameters may reveal molecular pathways that ultimately lead to the discovery of new targets for antidepressant drugs tailored to match specific pathologies within MD

    Comparison of different DON-standards

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    Feedback: A technique and a tool for thought

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    The most significant use of feedback is undoubtedly related to automatic control. Its first technological applications, often unconscious, are very old and well documented. Here we develop some considerations on the reasons why the inventors of the oldest control systems might not have been fully aware of the feedback nature of their devices (for which feedback models have only recently been proposed to explain their operation) and the reasons why, instead, feedback has consciously been employed in the technical applications of electronics since the first decades of the 20th century (to modify the performance of amplifiers and oscillators); it is worth noting that the word feedback has been coined in those years. Furthermore, feedback is also effectively exploited in mathematics, in two distinct, yet related, fields: the algorithms whose flow-chart includes loops and the analog computation for solving ordinary differential equations. Finally, feedback is the key element of many explanatory models for phenomena studied by the physical and biological sciences, as well as by the sciences of man and society; the latter models often exhibit an intrinsic interest from a philosophical viewpoint too
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