53 research outputs found
Moscow Metropolis Labour Market Features: the Requirements of Employers and the Quality of Young Specialists
The subject-matter of the article is the study of the features of the youth labour market in such a specific region of Russia as the city of Moscow. The topic of the work is connected with the adaptation of training system for young specialists to the regional requirements of the employers of Moscow. The main hypothesis of the research suggests that the city of Moscow is an atypical region of Russia and it makes no sense to apply the standard criteria and methodological approaches, which are typical to our country, to its labour market. As the research method, the authors have used a sample survey of the key Moscow employers and the respondents aged from 14 to 30 years. On the basis of the data of the sociological survey conducted by the authors, it was succeeded to identify the following features of the region in question: a relatively low level of the youth unemployment for Russia; the employers’ focus on such target signs of personnel as good communication skills, learning ability, professional knowledge and competences. The Moscow employers pay insufficient attention to such characteristics of young specialists as foreign language and computer skills, and a diploma of a prestigious education institution. The principal barriers that cause dificulties to the employment of young specialists in Moscow are: their overestimated salary expectations, poor professional training level and disinclination for work in principle. As a result of the survey, some practical proposals were formulated. Their application area is differentiated in two ways: focused on the young people’s behavior at the learning stage and focused on the improvement of the practical component of the activity of the vocational education institutions. The authors have come to the conclusions on the expediency of a deep focus of education institutions on the applied nature of training specialists, a need for attracting practitioners to teaching special disciplines, a need for developing the future specialists’ ability to present themselves and their work results in the professional environment (self-presentation), and an objective assessment of their real employment opportunities.The authors of the article hereby express their gratitude to the Department of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow for its assistance in conducting the research of the problems of youth employment in the city of Moscow. The article is published with support of the RSF grant, Project “Fluctuating Unemployment in the Russian Federation: the Status and the Ways of Reduction” № 16–18–1014
Оценка качества жизни пациентов с диффузным токсическим зобом после проведенной тиреоидэктомии
Introduction. Graves’ disease is a disorder associated with thyroid gland producing excessive amounts of hormones which causes changes in the functional status of various organs and systems. Among thyroid disorders it takes the second place (after endemic goitre) in prevalence. Until now, there is no consensus on a single strategy for the treatment of disorders of the thyroid gland. This is why this paper aims to assess the impact of surgical treatment of Graves’ disease on patients’ quality of life and whether it would be possible to improve it by following the surgery with hormone replacement therapy.Materials and methods. This paper presents a retrospective analysis of 70 case histories of patients who received surgical treatment for diffuse toxic goitre at the BIH UR “First Republican Teaching Hospital” MH UR,Izhevsk, in the period from 2008 to 2014. Percentages of the disease by stage were as follows: stage II — 20%, stage III — 70%, stage 4 — 10%. One lobe resection was performed in 3% of patients, two lobe resection — in 1%, hemithyroidectomy — in 18±4.6%, subtotal resection — in 8%, thyroidectomy — in 70±5.5%.Results. Percentages of patients with various degrees of severity of postoperative hypothyroidism were as follows: severe — 66%, medium — 29%, light — 5%; there were no Graves’ disease recurrences. Patients’ complaints following thyroidectomy included body weight gain — 79.1±4.8%, cold in extremities — 83.3±4.4%, cardiac arrhythmia — 85.2±4.2%, oedemas — 84.3±4.3%, drowsiness, atonia — 67.1±5.6%, changes in appetite — 21±4.8%, skin pallor — 47.6±5.9%, brittle nails, hair loss — 51.2±5.9%, joint pain — 31.2±5.53%.Conclusion. Hypothyroidism always follows thyroidectomy and requires ongoing hormone replacement therapy with L-thyroxine. Th quality of life does not have to suffer if an individual dosage is established and followed on a permanent basis.Диффузный токсический зоб — заболевание, сопровождающееся гиперпродукцией гормонов щитовидной железы и изменением в связи с этим функционального состояния различных органов и систем. По распространенности среди заболеваний щитовидной железы занимает второе место после эндемического зоба. До настоящего времени нет общего мнения по поводу единой тактики лечения заболеваний щитовидной железы. В этой связи основной целью настоящего исследования является оценка влияния оперативного лечения диффузного токсического зоба на качество жизни пациентов и возможность его улучшения путем сочетания хирургического лечения с послеоперационной заместительной гормональной терапией.Материалы иметоды. Проведен ретроспективный анализ 70 историй болезни оперированных пациентов с диффузным токсическим зобом в БУЗ УР «Первая Республиканская клиническая больница» МЗ УР, г. Ижевск, за период с 2008 по2014 г. Стадии заболевания: 2-я стадия — 20 %, 3-я стадия — 70 %, 4-я стадия — 10 %. Им были произведены резекция доли — 3 %, резекция обеих долей — 1 %, гемитиреоидэктомия — 18 ± 4,6 %, субтотальная резекция — 8 %, тиреоидэктомия — 70 ± 5,5 %.Результаты. Процент заболевших послеоперационным гипотиреозом: тяжелая степень — 66 %, средняя степень — 29 %, легкая степень — 5 %, рецидивов ДТЗ не было. Жалобы после тиреоидэктомии: прибавка веса — 79,1 % ± 4,8, зябкость конечностей — 83,3 ± 4,4 %, перебои в работе сердца — 85,2 ± 4,2 %, отеки — 84,3 ± 4,3 %, сонливость, вялость — 67,1 ± 5,6 %, нарушение аппетита — 21 ± 4,8 %, бледность кожных покровов — 47,6 ± 5,9 %, ломкость ногтей, выпадение волос — 51,2 ± 5,9 %, боли в суставах — 31,2 ± 5,53 %.Заключение. В результате проведенной тиреоидэктомии всегда возникает гипотиреоз, который требует постоянной заместительной гормональной терапии препаратами L-тироксина. В случае постоянного приема препаратов, индивидуально подобранной дозировки качество жизни не страдает
This article distinguishes methods applied to a definition of the strategicdirections for regional economic development on the economic basestatistical analysis identified sources of competitive advantage and disadvantage for the region, main risks for economic growth. The methodswere approved via the research work on the definition of the prioritiesand target goals for the Moscow Oblast economic development andframework improvement for strategy planning and public regulations.В статье представлены методика выявления стратегических направлений развития региональной экономики на основе анализа основных конкурентных преимуществ, факторов и рисков экономического развития, апробированная на практике выполнения научно-исследовательской работы по уточнению приоритетов и целевых параметров экономического развития, совершенствованиязаконодательнойбазыМосковскойобластивсферестратегическогоуправленияирегулированияэкономическойдеятельност
Chemical and isotope composition of rocks from the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka coastal area
Hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5-63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites. Early Paleocene age of ilmenite gabbro-dolerites and biotite granites was confirmed by zircon and apatite fission-track dating. Ilmenite and titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites were produced by multilevel fractional crystallization of basaltic melts with, respectively, moderate and high Fe-Ti contents and contamination of these melts with rhyolitic melts of different compositions. Moderate- and high-Fe-Ti basaltic melts were derived from mantle spinel peridotite variably depleted and metasomatized by slab-derived fluid prior to melting. The melts were generated at variable depths and different degrees of melting. Biotite granites and granite aplites were produced by combined fractional crystallization of a crustal rhyolitic melt and its contamination with terrigenous rocks of the Omgon Group. The rhyolitic melts were likely derived from metabasaltic rocks of suprasubduction nature. Early Paleocene hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range were demonstrated to have been formed in an extensional environment, which dominated in the margin of the Eurasian continent from Late Cretaceous throughout Early Paleocene. Extension in the Western Kamchatka segment preceded the origin of the Western Koryakian-Kamchatka (Kinkil') continental-margin volcanic belt in Eocene time. This research was conducted based on original geological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic (Rb-Sr) data obtained by the authors
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