417 research outputs found

    Hyperquadratic power series in F3((T−1)) with partial quotients of degree 1

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    In this note, we describe a large family of nonquadratic continued fractions in the field F3((T−1)) of power series over the finite field F3. These continued fractions are remarkable for two reasons: first, they satisfy an algebraic equation with coefficients in F3[T] given explicitly, and, second, all the partial quotients in the expansion are polynomials of degree 1. In 1986, in a basic article in this area of research, Mills and Robbins (J. Number Theory 23:388–404, 1986) gave the first example of an element belonging to this family

    Interplay between phase defects and spin polarization in the specific heat of the spin density wave compound (TMTTF)_2Br in a magnetic field

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    Equilibrium heat relaxation experiments provide evidence that the ground state of the commensurate spin density wave (SDW) compound (TMTTF)2_2Br after the application of a sufficient magnetic field is different from the conventional ground state. The experiments are interpreted on the basis of the local model of strong pinning as the deconfinement of soliton-antisoliton pairs triggered by the Zeeman coupling to spin degrees of freedom, resulting in a magnetic field induced density wave glass for the spin carrying phase configuration.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Fractional power-law susceptibility and specific heat in low temperature insulating state of o-TaS_{3}

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    Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional system o-TaS_{3} in its low-T charge density wave (CDW) ground state are reported. Both sets of data reveal below 40 K an extra paramagnetic contribution obeying a power-law temperature dependence \chi(T)=AT^{-0.7}. The fact that the extra term measured previously in specific heat in zero field, ascribed to low-energy CDW excitations, also follows a power law C_{LEE}(0,T)=CT^{0.3}, strongly revives the case of random exchange spin chains. Introduced impurities (0.5% Nb) only increase the amplitude C, but do not change essentially the exponent. Within the two-level system (TLS) model, we estimate from the amplitudes A and C that there is one TLS with a spin s=1/2 localized on the chain at the lattice site per cca 900 Ta atoms. We discuss the possibility that it is the charge frozen within a soliton-network below the glass transition T_{g}~40 K determined recently in this system.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Evidence of 1D behaviour of He4^4 confined within carbon-nanotube bundles

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    We present the first low-temperature thermodynamic investigation of the controlled physisorption of He4^{4} gas in carbon single-wall nanotube (SWNT) samples. The vibrational specific heat measured between 100 mK and 6 K demonstrates an extreme sensitivity to outgassing conditions. For bundles with a few number of NTs the extra contribution to the specific heat, Cads_{ads}, originating from adsorbed He4^{4} at very low density displays 1D behavior, typical for He atoms localized within linear channels as grooves and interstitials, for the first time evidenced. For larger bundles, Cads_{ads} recovers the 2D behaviour akin to the case of He4^{4} films on planar substrates (grafoil).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Električna vodljivost, Hallov koeficijent i termoelektrična snaga ikosaedarskih i-Al 62Cu25.5Fe12.5 i i-Al63Cu25Fe12 kvazikristala

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    The electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and thermoelectric power of icosahedral i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 quasicrystal samples in the temperature range 2 K - 340 K are measured, and comparison with icosahedral i-Al63Cu25Fe12 quasicrystal samples is made. We have analysed the temperature dependence of the conductivity below 70 K and the results of this analysis are consistent with the predictions of the weak-localisation and the electron-electron interaction theories. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and thermoelectric power above 40 K are consistently explained by a two-band model. Although the overlapping of the valence and conduction bands at Fermi level is responsible for the coexistence of both types of carriers, and it enables us to describe quasicrystals as semi-metals, the temperature variation of the electrical conductivity is determined by that of carrier density which makes the situation essentially the same as that in normal semiconductors.Mjerili smo električnu vodljivost, Hallov koeficijent i termoelektričnu snagu uzorka ikosaedarskog kvazikristala i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 u području temperature 2 K – 340 K i usporedili s uzorkom ikosaedarskog kvazikristala i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5. Analizirali smo temperaturnu ovisnost električne vodljivosti ispod 70 K i ustanovili da su rezultati u skladu s predviđanjima teorija slabe lokalizacije i međudjelovanja elektronelektron. Ovisnost električne vodljivosti, Hallovog koeficijenta i termoelektrične snage o temperaturi iznad 40 K uspješno se objašnjava modelom dviju vrpci. Iako je predodžba o preklapanju valentne i vodljive vrpce na Fermijevoj razini odgovorna za istovremeno postojanje dviju vrsta nositelja i za opis kvazikristala kao polumetala, temperaturna ovisnost električne vodljivosti je, kao i kod normalnih poluvodiča, određena promjenom gustoće nositelja

    Električna vodljivost, Hallov koeficijent i termoelektrična snaga ikosaedarskih i-Al 62Cu25.5Fe12.5 i i-Al63Cu25Fe12 kvazikristala

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    The electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and thermoelectric power of icosahedral i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 quasicrystal samples in the temperature range 2 K - 340 K are measured, and comparison with icosahedral i-Al63Cu25Fe12 quasicrystal samples is made. We have analysed the temperature dependence of the conductivity below 70 K and the results of this analysis are consistent with the predictions of the weak-localisation and the electron-electron interaction theories. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and thermoelectric power above 40 K are consistently explained by a two-band model. Although the overlapping of the valence and conduction bands at Fermi level is responsible for the coexistence of both types of carriers, and it enables us to describe quasicrystals as semi-metals, the temperature variation of the electrical conductivity is determined by that of carrier density which makes the situation essentially the same as that in normal semiconductors.Mjerili smo električnu vodljivost, Hallov koeficijent i termoelektričnu snagu uzorka ikosaedarskog kvazikristala i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 u području temperature 2 K – 340 K i usporedili s uzorkom ikosaedarskog kvazikristala i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5. Analizirali smo temperaturnu ovisnost električne vodljivosti ispod 70 K i ustanovili da su rezultati u skladu s predviđanjima teorija slabe lokalizacije i međudjelovanja elektronelektron. Ovisnost električne vodljivosti, Hallovog koeficijenta i termoelektrične snage o temperaturi iznad 40 K uspješno se objašnjava modelom dviju vrpci. Iako je predodžba o preklapanju valentne i vodljive vrpce na Fermijevoj razini odgovorna za istovremeno postojanje dviju vrsta nositelja i za opis kvazikristala kao polumetala, temperaturna ovisnost električne vodljivosti je, kao i kod normalnih poluvodiča, određena promjenom gustoće nositelja

    Alternativni modeli za složeno opuštanje niskoenergijskih pobuđenja u sustavima s valovima gustoće

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    We apply the Palmer, Stein, Abrahams and Anderson (PSAA) model of hierarchically constrained dynamics for glassy relaxation to the complex thermal relaxation at very low temperatures in density wave systems. Alternatively, we simulate various experimental conditions in a simple, intuitive model of an electrical RC line and find some relations with the PSAA parameters.Primjenjujemo model Palmera, Steina, Abrahamsa i Andersona (PSAA) za hijerarhijski zapriječenu dinamiku opuštanja u staklima na kompleksno opuštanje topline na vrlo niskim temperaturama u sistemima s valovima gustoće. Jednako tako, pomoću jednostavnog modela slijeda električnih RC (otpor – kapacitet) krugova oponašamo različite eksperimentalne uvjete i nalazimo neke odnose s dobivenim PSAA parametrima

    Alternativni modeli za složeno opuštanje niskoenergijskih pobuđenja u sustavima s valovima gustoće

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    We apply the Palmer, Stein, Abrahams and Anderson (PSAA) model of hierarchically constrained dynamics for glassy relaxation to the complex thermal relaxation at very low temperatures in density wave systems. Alternatively, we simulate various experimental conditions in a simple, intuitive model of an electrical RC line and find some relations with the PSAA parameters.Primjenjujemo model Palmera, Steina, Abrahamsa i Andersona (PSAA) za hijerarhijski zapriječenu dinamiku opuštanja u staklima na kompleksno opuštanje topline na vrlo niskim temperaturama u sistemima s valovima gustoće. Jednako tako, pomoću jednostavnog modela slijeda električnih RC (otpor – kapacitet) krugova oponašamo različite eksperimentalne uvjete i nalazimo neke odnose s dobivenim PSAA parametrima

    Damping and decoherence of a nanomechanical resonator due to a few two level systems

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    We consider a quantum model of a nanomechanical flexing beam resonator interacting with a bath comprising a few damped tunneling two level systems (TLS's). In contrast with a resonator interacting bilinearly with an ohmic free oscillator bath (modeling clamping loss, for example), the mechanical resonator damping is amplitude dependent, while the decoherence of quantum superpositions of mechanical position states depends only weakly on their spatial separation