13 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of ofloxacin orally disintegrating tablets

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    Bitter taste of ofloxacin, a broad spectrum bactericidal agent, is masked and orally disintegrating tablets were formulated. The bitter taste is masked by forming complex between drug and weak cation exchange resins, Tulsion 335 and Indion 204. Effect of pH and drug:resin ratio on the drug loading was studied. Maximum drug loading was observed at pH 6. Ratio of 1:2 of drug:resin masked almost complete bitterness of ofloxacin. Formation of complexes was confirmed by IR spectroscopy. Physical characterization of taste masked complexes was carried out. Present work envisages the taste masking of ofloxacin and development of orally disintegrating tablets. The effect of pH and resin quantities on drug loading were studied to find the optimum conditions of drug loading for complete taste masking. Effect of superdisintegrants like sodium starch glycolate, croscarmellose sodium and polyplasdone XL at varying level on physical parameters of compressed tablets was also assessed. The formulations containing 5 % w/w polyplasdone XL showed about 90 % of drug release within 5 minutes. No significant differences were observed in the physical parameters of resinates as well as tablets prepared from Tulsion 335 and Indion 204.O gosto amargo de ofloxacina, agente bactericida de largo espectro, é mascarado e formularam-se comprimidos dispersíveis. O sabor amargo é mascarado pela formação de complexo entre o fármaco e resinas de troca catiônica fraca, Tulsion 335 e Indion 204. Efeito do pH e da proporção fármaco: resina sobre a carga de fármaco foi estudada. Carga de fármaco máxima foi observada em pH 6. Proporção 1:2 do fármaco: resina mascarou quase completamente o gosto amargo de ofloxacina. A formação de complexos foi confirmada por espectroscopia no IV. Caracterização física dos complexos de sabor mascarado foi realizada. O presente trabalho preconiza o mascaramento do gosto de ofloxacina e desenvolvimento decomprimidos por via oral, se desintegrando. O efeito do pH e da resina quantidades de carga de fármaco foram estudadas paraencontrar as condições óptimas de carga de fármaco para dissimulação do saborcompleto. Efeito da superdisintegrants como amido glicolato de sódio, croscarmelose sódica e Polyplasdone XL em diferentes níveis de parâmetros físicos de comprimidos também avaliados foi avaliada. As formulações contendo 5 %w/w Polyplasdone XL mostraram cerca de 90% de libertação do fármaco no prazo de 5 minutos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros físicos de resinatosbem como comprimidos preparados a partir de Tulsion 335 e Indion 204

    Učinak topljivosti na kinetiku oslobađanja vodotopljivih i vodonetopljivih lijekova iz matriksnog sustava na bazi HPMC

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    The purpose of the present research work was to observe the effects of drug solubility on the release kinetics of water soluble verapamil hydrochloride and insoluble aceclofenac from polymer based matrix formulations. Matrix formulations were prepared by the direct compression method. The formulations were evaluated for various physical parameters. Along with the dynamics of water uptake and erosion, SEM and in vitro drug release of tablets were studied. Applying an exponential equation, it was found that the kinetics of soluble drug release followed anomalous non-Fickian diffusion transport whereas insoluble drug showed zero-order release. SEM study showed pore formation on the tablet surface that differed depending on drug solubility. t-Test pointed to a significant difference in the amount of both drugs released due to their difference in solubility. Solubility of the drug affects the kinetics and the mechanism of drug release.Cilj rada bio je praćenje učinka topljivosti na kinetiku oslobađanja vodotopljivog verapamil hidroklorida i netopljivog lijeka aceklofenaka iz matriksnih sustava na bazi hidrofilnog polimera. Matriksni sustavi pripravljeni su izravnom metodom kompresije. Uz ispitivanje uobičajenih fizikalnih svojstava, ispitivana je i dinamika primanja vode, te erozija, SEM i in vitro oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz tableta. Primjenom eksponencijalne jednadžbe utvrđeno je da mehanizam oslobađanja topljivih lijekova slijedi anomalni ne-Fickov difuzijski transport, dok netopljivi lijekovi slijede kinetiku nultog reda. SEM ispitivanja pokazala su pore na površini matriksa ovisne o topljivosti ljekovite tvari. T-test ukazuje da količina oslobođenog lijeka značajno ovisi o njegovoj topljivosti. Topljivost lijeka ima značajan učinak na kinetiku i mehanizam oslobađanja

    The state of globalization: legal plurality, overlapping sovereignties and ambiguous alliances between civil society and the cunning state in India

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    The successful global diffusion of formal democracy has gone hand in hand with the hollowing out of its substance. Ever more realms of domestic public policy are removed from the purview of national legislative deliberation and insulated from popular scrutiny. Rhetoric of accountability has accompanied the increasing unaccountability of international financial and trade organizations, transnational corporations as well as of states and NGOs. The new architecture of global governance characterized by legal plurality and overlapping sovereignties has facilitated a game of ‘passing the blame’ among these four actors. There is a curious ambivalence in current debates on globalization about the role of the state, which is conceived of as both central and marginal. Globalization is seen to be marked by the decline of both the external and the internal sovereignty of the state. Contrary to such a view, it will be argued here that the state is both an agent and an object of globalization. Although inadequate, the state remains indispensable as its laws and policies play a key role in transposing neo-liberal agendas to the national and local levels. If in the age of globalization and of economic Empire, political violence has been replaced by legal violence, resistance to it is also articulated in the language of law. This paper focuses on the dynamic of legal politics against impoverishment and dispossession caused by the new global designs of intellectual property protection, biodiversity conservation and privatization of the commons in India. The case studies in this paper point to the emergence of intertwined structures of rule, overlapping sovereignties and complex processes of legal transnationalization that have reconfigured the relations between law, state, and territoriality. If welfare states were concerned with the redistribution of risk and resources, cunning states seek to redistribute responsibility. Sensitivity to the history of colonialism would be an important corrective to the presentism and Westerncentrism of analyses of (legal) globalization