114 research outputs found

    Neurochemical Properties of the Synapses in the Pathways of Orofacial Nociceptive Reflexes

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    The brainstem premotor neurons of the facial nucleus (VII) and hypoglossal (XII) nucleus can integrate orofacial nociceptive input from the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus (Vc) and coordinate orofacial nociceptive reflex (ONR) responses. However, the synaptoarchitectures of the ONR pathways are still unknown. In the current study, we examined the distribution of GABAergic premotor neurons in the brainstem local ONR pathways, their connections with the Vc projections joining the brainstem ONR pathways and the neurochemical properties of these connections. Retrograde tracer fluoro-gold (FG) was injected into the VII or XII, and anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was injected into the Vc. Immunofluorescence histochemical labeling for inhibitory/excitatory neurotransmitters combined with BDA/FG tracing showed that GABAergic premotor neurons were mainly distributed bilaterally in the ponto-medullary reticular formation with an ipsilateral dominance. Some GABAergic premotor neurons made close appositions to the BDA-labeled fibers coming from the Vc, and these appostions were mainly distributed in the parvicellular reticular formation (PCRt), dorsal medullary reticular formation (MdD), and supratrigeminal nucleus (Vsup). We further examined the synaptic relationships between the Vc projecting fibers and premotor neurons in the VII or XII under the confocal laser-scanning microscope and electron microscope, and found that the BDA-labeled axonal terminals that made asymmetric synapses on premotor neurons showed vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGluT2) like immunoreactivity. These results indicate that the GABAergic premotor neurons receive excitatory neurotransmission from the Vc and may contribute to modulating the generation of the tonic ONR

    An astrocyte-dependent mechanism for neuronal rhythmogenesis

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    Communication between neurons rests on their capacity to change their firing pattern to encode different messages. For several vital functions, such as respiration and mastication, neurons need to generate a rhythmic firing pattern. Here we show in the rat trigeminal sensori-motor circuit for mastication that this ability depends on regulation of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]e) by astrocytes. In this circuit, astrocytes respond to sensory stimuli that induce neuronal rhythmic activity, and their blockade with a Ca2+ chelator prevents neurons from generating a rhythmic bursting pattern. This ability is restored by adding S100b, an astrocytic Ca2+-binding protein, to the extracellular space, while application of an anti-S100b antibody prevents generation of rhythmic activity. These results indicate that astrocytes regulate a fundamental neuronal property: the capacity to change firing pattern. These findings may have broad implications for many other neural networks whose functions depend on the generation of rhythmic activity

    Garetosmab in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2 Trial

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    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare disease characterized by heterotopic ossification (HO) in connective tissues and painful flare-ups. In the phase 2 LUMINA-1 trial, adult patients with FOP were randomized to garetosmab, an activin A-blocking antibody (n = 20) or placebo (n = 24) in period 1 (28 weeks), followed by an open-label period 2 (28 weeks; n = 43). The primary end points were safety and for period 1, the activity and size of HO lesions. All patients experienced at least one treatment-emergent adverse event during period 1, notably epistaxis, madarosis and skin abscesses. Five deaths (5 of 44; 11.4%) occurred in the open-label period and, while considered unlikely to be related, causality cannot be ruled out. The primary efficacy end point in period 1 (total lesion activity by PET–CT) was not met (P = 0.0741). As the development of new HO lesions was suppressed in period 1, the primary efficacy end point in period 2 was prospectively changed to the number of new HO lesions versus period 1. No placebo patients crossing over to garetosmab developed new HO lesions (0% in period 2 versus 40.9% in period 1; P = 0.0027). Further investigation of garetosmab in FOP is ongoing

    FRAX (R): Prediction of Major Osteoporotic Fractures in Women from the General Population: The OPUS Study

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    Purposes: The aim of this study was to analyse how well FRAXH predicts the risk of major osteoporotic and vertebral fractures over 6 years in postmenopausal women from general population. Patients and methods: The OPUS study was conducted in European women aged above 55 years, recruited in 5 centers from random population samples and followed over 6 years. The population for this study consisted of 1748 women (mean age 74.2 years) with information on incident fractures. 742 (43.1%) had a prevalent fracture; 769 (44%) and 155 (8.9%) of them received an antiosteoporotic treatment before and during the study respectively. We compared FRAXH performance with and without bone mineral density (BMD) using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) c-statistical analysis with ORs and areas under receiver operating characteristics curves (AUCs) and net reclassification improvement (NRI). Results: 85 (4.9%) patients had incident major fractures over 6 years. FRAXH with and without BMD predicted these fractures with an AUC of 0.66 and 0.62 respectively. The AUC were 0.60, 0.66, 0.69 for history of low trauma fracture alone, age and femoral neck (FN) BMD and combination of the 3 clinical risk factors, respectively. FRAXH with and without BMD predicted incident radiographic vertebral fracture (n = 65) with an AUC of 0.67 and 0.65 respectively. NRI analysis showed a significant improvement in risk assignment when BMD is added to FRAXH. Conclusions: This study shows that FRAXH with BMD and to a lesser extent also without FN BMD predict major osteoporotic and vertebral fractures in the general population

    Evaluation of laser-glazed plasma-sprayed thermal barriercoatings under high temperature exposure to molten salts

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    Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) systems are frequently used in gas turbine engines to provide thermal insulation to the hot-section metallic components and also to protect them from oxidation, hot corrosion and erosion. Surface sealing treatments, namely laser-glazing, have been showing a high potential for extending in-service lifetimes of these systems by improving chemical and thermo-mechanical resistance. In this investigation, both as-sprayed and laser-glazed TBCs were exposed to hot corrosion in molten salts. The glazed coatings were obtained by scanning the surface of the plasma-sprayed coatings with either a CO2 or a Nd:YAG laser. The hot corrosion investigation was accomplished by subjecting the specimens to an isothermal air furnace testing under V2O5 and/or Na2SO4 at a temperature of 1000 °C for 100 h. Spallation has been observed in coatings in the as-sprayed condition under V2O5 or V2O5+Na2SO4. Na2SO4 itself had no or minimal effect on the degradation of the laser-glazed or as-sprayed condition coatings, respectively. The degradation in V2O5 was accomplished by destabilization of YSZ as a consequence of depletion of yttria from the solid solution to form YVO4 and therefore led to the disruptive transformation of the metastable tetragonal phase to the monoclinic phase. Moreover, the presence of both corrosive salts induced the formation of large high aspect ratio YVO4 crystals that introduced additional stresses and contributed to the degradation of the coatings. The laser-glazed specimens were not efficient in avoiding the molten salt penetration along the thickness direction due to the presence of cracks on the glazed layer. However due to a reduced specific surface area of the dense glazed layer, the corrosion reaction of the molten salts with the YSZ has been lower than in coatings in the assprayed condition.Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional(FEDER) - Programa Operacional "CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Inovação" (POCTI).Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Project POCTI/CTM/ 44590/2002
