166 research outputs found

    Interpreting multiple dualities conjectured from superconformal index identities

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    We consider field theory side of new multiple Seiberg dualities conjectured within superconformal index matching approach. We study the case of SU(2) supersymmetric QCD and find that the numerous conjectured duals are different faces of handful of master theories. These different faces are inequivalent to each other in a very peculiar sense. Some master theories are fully known; we construct superpotentials for others. We confirm that all index identities correspond to theories flowing to one and the same theory in the infrared, thus supporting the conjecture of index matching for Seiberg dual theories. However, none of the index identities considered in this paper actually implies an entirely new, unknown duality

    Course of acute coronary syndrome in patients with fraillty

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    The goal of this study was to study the course and outcome of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation and without ST-segment elevation in patients of older age groups with frailt

    Relaxing the cosmological constant: a proof of concept

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    We propose a technically natural scenario whereby an initially large cosmological constant (c.c.) is relaxed down to the observed value due to the dynamics of a scalar evolving on a very shallow potential. The model crucially relies on a sector that violates the null energy condition (NEC) and gets activated only when the Hubble rate becomes sufficiently small — of the order of the present one. As a result of NEC violation, this low-energy universe evolves into inflation, followed by reheating and the standard Big Bang cosmology. The symmetries of the theory force the c.c. to be the same before and after the NEC-violating phase, so that a late-time observer sees an effective c.c. of the correct magnitude. Importantly, our model allows neither for eternal inflation nor for a set of possible values of dark energy, the latter fixed by the parameters of the theory

    An E7 Surprise

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    We explore some curious implications of Seiberg duality for an SU(2) four-dimensional gauge theory with eight chiral doublets. We argue that two copies of the theory can be deformed by an exactly marginal quartic superpotential so that they acquire an enhanced E7 flavor symmetry. We argue that a single copy of the theory can be used to define an E7-invariant superconformal boundary condition for a theory of 28 five-dimensional free hypermultiplets. Finally, we derive similar statements for three-dimensional gauge theories such as an SU(2) gauge theory with six chiral doublets or Nf=4 SQED.Comment: 27 page

    Tribological behavior of 316L stainless steel reinforced with CuCoBe + diamond composites by laser sintering and hot pressing: a comparative statistical study

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    The aim of this work was to perform a statistical analysis in order to assess how the tribological properties of a laser textured 316L stainless steel reinforced with CuCoBe - diamond composites are affected by diamond particles size, type of technology (laser sintering and hot pressing) and time of tribological test. The analysis started with the description of all response variables. Then, by using IBM® SPSS software, the Friedman’s test was used to compare how the coefficient of friction varied among samples in five-time points. From this test, results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the coefficient of friction mean values over the selected time points. Then, the two-samples Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test was used to test the effect of the diamond particles size and the type of technology on the mean of the coefficient of friction over time. The results showed that, for both sintering techniques, the size of the diamond particles significantly affected the values of the coefficient of friction, whereas no statistical differences were found between the tested sintering techniques. Also, the two-way ANOVA test was used to evaluate how these factors influence the specific wear rate, which conducted to the same conclusions drawn for the previous test. The main conclusion was that the coefficient of friction and the specific wear rate were statistically affected by the diamond particles size, but not by the sintering techniques used in this work.This work was supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference projects UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020. Additionally, this work was supported by FCT with the reference projects UIDB/00319/2020 and PTDC/CTM-COM/30416/2017