21 research outputs found

    Mathematical evaluation of jumping distance in total hip arthroplasty: Influence of abduction angle, femoral head offset, and head diameter

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    Background and purpose The jumping distance (JD) is the degree of lateral translation of the femoral head center required before dislocation occurs. The smaller the distance, the higher the theoretical risk of dislocation. The aim of our study was to evaluate this jumping distance and its variation according to the characteristics of the implant, and also the theoretical gain in using large head diameters of above 38 mm

    Ecoepidemiology of leishmaniases in Syria. 3.

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    Collections of Psammomys obesus from near Damascus, Syria in May 1990 and November 1991 contained animals of all ages. Both series had a high prevalence of Leishmania major infection. Lesions were small in November and large in May. Assuming the two collections were representative of typical years, it is inferred that the breeding season is between October and May: there is high winter mortality of animals born early in the breeding season, but high survival of their parents, and there is high mortality in summer of animals aged between 17 and around 20 months. Transmission in summer is, therefore, between old adults shortly before their death and young adults born in late winter or spring. Juvenile animals are not exposed to the infection. If these findings are confirmed it should be relatively easy to break this tenuous cycle

    Écoépidémiologie des Leishmanioses en Syrie. 2 — Présence, chez le chien, de

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    A l’occasion d’une enquête écoépidémiologique dans les foyers syriens de leishmanioses humaines, viscérale (LV) et cutanée (LC), les auteurs mentionnent pour la première fois, l’infestation du Chien domestique par Leishmania infantum MON-1 et L. tropica Mon-76. Dans ce Pays, la LV canine à L. infantum s’étend sur la bordure occidentale, humide et sub-humide, depuis la zone côtière jusqu’aux proches massifs. Dans les sites contaminés, la LV humaine est présente sous forme de cas sporadiques. La LC canine à L. tropica est dépistée, en zone semi-aride, dans un village à forte contamination humaine. Elle s’exprime cliniquement par de petites lésions cutanées, papuleuses ou ulcéro-croûteuses, localisées à la truffe et au chanfrein. Les corollaires prophylactiques sont tirés de ces observations. Dans les foyers de LV humaine, il est recommandé de n’intervenir sur la population canine qu’à la condition d’assurer le jumelage avec d’autres opérations de prévention, telle que la lutte antirabique. La LC du Chien ne saurait être prise en compte dans de telles opérations en raison de la discrétion des lésions, et de la rareté du parasite, arguments qui mettent en doute le rôle de cet animal en tant que « vrai » réservoir. Seul, le dépistage actif de la LC humaine, assorti d’un traitement spécifique, permettrait de freiner la transmission et, par là même, de réduire l’intensité et la durée des épidémies

    Ecoépidémiologie des leishmanioses en Syrie. 1 — Infestation de

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    Une enquête écoépidémiologique, menée dans le Sud-Ouest de la Syrie, sur les réservoirs de la leishmaniose cutanée zoonotique a permis d’isoler Leishmania major MON-26, chez Psammomys obesus terraesanctae (Rodentia-Gerbillidae). L’abondance du Rongeur, son contact étroit avec les villages contaminés et la haute fréquence d’infestation (62,3 %) en font le réservoir habituel du Bouton d’Orient dans la zone prédésertique de la Syrie

    Iliac Crest Avulsion Fracture in a Young Sprinter

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    Avulsion fracture of the iliac crest is an uncommon pathology. It usually occurs in teenagers during sport activities, more common in boys. We report a case of 16-year-old male competitive sprinter, who had an avulsion of a part of the iliac crest and the anterior-superior iliac spine during a competition. The traumatism occurred during the period of acceleration phase out of the blocks which corresponds to the maximum traction phase on the tendons. Then a total loss of function of the lower limb appears forcing him to stop the run. X-ray and CT scan confirmed the rare diagnosis of avulsion of the quasitotality of the iliac crest apophysis, corresponding to Salter 2 fracture. We performed an open reduction and internal fixation with two screws, allowing a return to sport after 3 months and his personal best record in the 100 meters at the 6th postoperative month

    The Montpellier Leishmania Collection, from a Laboratory Collection to a Biological Resource Center: A 39-Year-Long Story

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    International audienceWe report the development of a laboratory collection of Leishmania that was initiated in 1975 and, after 39 years, has become an international Biological Resource Center (BRC-Leish, Montpellier, France, BioBank No. BB-0033-00052), which includes 6353 strains belonging to 36 Leishmania taxa. This is a retrospective analysis of the technical and organizational changes that have been adopted over time to take into account the technological advances and related modifications in the collection management and quality system. The technical improvements concerned the culture and cryopreservation techniques, strain identification by isoenzymatic and molecular techniques, data computerization and quality management to meet the changes in international standards, and in the cryogenic and microbiological safety procedures. The BRC is working toward obtaining the NF-S 96-900 certification in the coming years. Our long-term expertise in Leishmania storage and typing and collection maintenance should encourage field epidemiologists and clinical practitioners in endemic countries to secure their own strain collection with the help of the French BRC-Leish