140 research outputs found

    Optimized computed tomography protocol in pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Background. Children with HL are forced to undergo repetitive studies accompanied by radiation, which increases radiation doses. High radiation during studies in children is a huge problem, since the risk of developing complications for patients of this age is much higher than for adults.Purpose. To optimize the computed tomography protocol in pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma for radiation dose reduction by reducing the scanning phases.Material and methods. CT scan analysis of 75 children with newly diagnosed, verified Hodgkin’s lymphoma was performed at the primary staging and after treatment. All studies were performed with contrast enhancement, scanning on a 16-slice computed tomography in the precontrast, arterial, venous and delayed phases. The radiation dose and the diagnostic value of each phase were assessed.Results. Using the reduced CT protocol for primary patients allows significantly reduce the cumulative ED by 3.8 times and by 3.6 times for dynamic scanning. Using the abbreviated protocol does not reduce the diagnostic value of CT.Conclusion. The proposed low-dose CT protocol with the reduction of contrast enhancement phases allows to obtain CT images with good diagnostic quality and reliably reduces the radiation dose to the child


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    Purposes: The article discusses one of the most significant and contradictory categories in linguistics, the category of modality, using the proverbs of two different structural languages like English and Tatar. Methodology: The basic methods of scientific research are the statistics method, method of comparative and quantities analyses of the data, method of description. Implications/Applications A systematic study of the complex of multilevel means of expressing the category of modality will help to study the mechanism of action of this category as a functional-semantic subsystem of the language, to determine its essence, volume and boundaries in such different structural languages as English and Tatar. Results: The results of the study allow us to conclude that the representation of the category of modality is similar in languages ​​of different structures, which may become the basis for assuming the similarity of semantic processes in both languages. Novelty: The problem of determining modality is still debatable, and research on how to express it in different languages is relevant. The authors give a classification of the selected proverbs; determine the criteria for comparison, on the basis of which determine the general and various ways of expressing modality in folklore texts

    Foundation of psychological support in the emotional experience of professional identity crisis by teachers

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    The background of the researched problem is determined by the psychological and pedagogical science’s and practice’s need to supplement the ideas about teachers’ professional development and about the course of their getting through the emotional experience due to difficulties of this process; as a result, it is necessary to study psychological foundations of building of psychological support programs in the process of school teachers’ getting through a professional crisis under conditions of permanent changes in the educational system. The main approach to studying this problem is the interview and phenomenological method that allows to identify and justify psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The theoretical analysis allows to identify the nature of the support process, its goals and objectives, and to justify the methodological basis of the support program realization. The empiric results demonstrated that the process of teachers getting through the professional identity crisis goes hand in hand with the value-semantic transformation of a person and with “launching” of reflexive processes which, in turn, justifies resorting to them as to the psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The research results expand the understanding of the nature of professional identity crisis phenomenon, the process of coming through it and supplement the data of the basis of building of teacher support programs. © 2018 by the authors

    Specifics of defense and coping behavior among teachers experiencing a professional identity crisis

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    The issues addressed in the article are of particular relevance due to the necessity to provide research background for creating the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of teachers in the conditions of permanent changes in the system of education. The aim of the article is to describe specific interrelations between the reflection and the parameters of the teacher's axiological sphere (in particular, life-purpose orientations). The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of psycholog-ical and educational literature, phenomenological method, questionnaires, and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing (descriptive statistics, comparative analysis (the Mann-Whitney U test). The results of the theoretical and empirical research provide ade-quate grounds for the conclusion that there is a definite interrelation between the parameters of reflection and the parameters of life-purpose orientations. It is proved that in the conditions of a professional identity crisis the teachers experience a significant reduction in the levels of life-purpose orientations, which in turn leads to intensification of reflection processes. At the same time, the obtained results suggest that the teachers can successfully overcome their professional crisis in case of formation of the cognitive component of the biographical reflection, aimed at the analysis of actions and means of understanding and organizing their life events. Implications of the research results. The research results expand our understanding of the essence and emotional experience of the professional identity crisis. They can be used in the designing the process of psychological support for the activities and professional development of teachers. © 2018 Authors


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    The approach used in the study allows us to consider the neuronal activity of the mouse motor cortex nerve cell as a desire for some dynamic balance, which is interpreted as a calm relaxed mode


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    Radiation leads to the death of cells, namely the DNA molecules in them. The wave func-tions are considered for each element that is in the compound of the DNA molecule. Next, the DNA helix is modeled. Then, a part of the spiral is destroyed by radiation, and the result of cell death is examined

    Contraction of blood clots is impaired in acute ischemic stroke

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    © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.Objective - Obstructive thrombi or thrombotic emboli are the pathogenic basis of ischemic stroke. In vitro blood clots and in vivo thrombi can undergo platelet-driven contraction (retraction), resulting in volume shrinkage. Clot contraction can potentially reduce vessel occlusion and improve blood flow past emboli or thrombi. The aim of this work was to examine a potential pathogenic role of clot contraction in ischemic stroke. Approach and Results - We used a novel automated method that enabled us to quantify time of initiation and extent and rate of clot contraction in vitro. The main finding is that clot contraction from the blood of stroke patients was reduced compared with healthy subjects. Reduced clot contraction correlated with a lower platelet count and their dysfunction, higher levels of fibrinogen and hematocrit, leukocytosis, and other changes in blood composition that may affect platelet function and properties of blood clots. Platelets from stroke patents were spontaneously activated and displayed reduced responsiveness to additional stimulation. Clinical correlations with respect to severity and stroke pathogenesis suggest that the impaired clot contraction has the potential to be a pathogenic factor in ischemic stroke. Conclusions - The changeable ability of clots and thrombi to shrink in volume may be a novel unappreciated mechanism that aggravates or alleviates the course and outcomes of ischemic stroke. The clinical importance of clot or thrombus transformations in vivo and the diagnostic and prognostic value of this blood test for clot contraction need further exploration


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    Objective of the research: to assess the comparative efficiency and long-term results of treatment of rheumatic arthritis (RA).Materials and methods: 80 RA patients have been examined. Of those, 40 patients (Group I) were administered with NSAIDs: Diclofenac 150 mg (daily dose), GCS: Prednisone 10 mg (daily dose), group II — 40 patients received NSAIDs, GCS and DMARDs: Methotrexate 10 mg (weekly dose). Dynamics of RA activity was assessed by DAS28 score at the beginning of the treatment course, then after 10 days, 6 months and 12 months, respectively, taking into account the radiological stage of the disease.Results: a comparative study of the effectiveness of therapy in dynamics immediately after in-patient treatment showed a decrease of the DAS28 score: RA patients with X-ray stage 1 by 3,4% in group I (not treated with DMARDs) and 6,4% in the group II (treated with DMARDs), compared to their first day in the clinic; X-ray stage 2: group I — 4,2%, group II — 8,5%; X-ray stage 3: reduction in DAS28 index in both groups was approx 1,8%. After 6 months of treatment a decrease in DAS28 in patients with X-ray stage 1 amounted to 6,7% and 12,9%, X-ray stage 2 — 8,3% and 6,3%, X-Ray stage 3 — 1,8% and 6,8% for two groups, respectively. After 12 months of treatment a decrease in DAS28 in patients with X-ray stage 1 amounted to 10,0% and 22,5%, X-ray stage 2 — 12,5% and 14,9%, X-Ray stage 3 — 7,1% and 13,7% for both groups, respectively.Conclusions: our research of the DMARDs effect on DAS28 score includes basic manifestations of immune and inflammatory process clearly showed the target effect of DMARDs on the rheumatoid process in dynamics of observation within 12 months. A study of the effectiveness of therapy in patients with RA showed significant efficacy of DMARDS in combination therapy with an analysis of the efficiency based on DAS28 score until stable remission of the disease

    Modeling the Electrical Activity of Nerve Cells Using the Predetermined Equilibrium Driven Dynamics Method

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    The brain is a large neural network, where almost all neurons are used to perform any action. Using the method of predetermined equilibrium driven dynamics, an attempt is made to reconstruct the electrical activity of nerve cells

    Contraction of blood clots is impaired in acute ischemic stroke

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    © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.Objective - Obstructive thrombi or thrombotic emboli are the pathogenic basis of ischemic stroke. In vitro blood clots and in vivo thrombi can undergo platelet-driven contraction (retraction), resulting in volume shrinkage. Clot contraction can potentially reduce vessel occlusion and improve blood flow past emboli or thrombi. The aim of this work was to examine a potential pathogenic role of clot contraction in ischemic stroke. Approach and Results - We used a novel automated method that enabled us to quantify time of initiation and extent and rate of clot contraction in vitro. The main finding is that clot contraction from the blood of stroke patients was reduced compared with healthy subjects. Reduced clot contraction correlated with a lower platelet count and their dysfunction, higher levels of fibrinogen and hematocrit, leukocytosis, and other changes in blood composition that may affect platelet function and properties of blood clots. Platelets from stroke patents were spontaneously activated and displayed reduced responsiveness to additional stimulation. Clinical correlations with respect to severity and stroke pathogenesis suggest that the impaired clot contraction has the potential to be a pathogenic factor in ischemic stroke. Conclusions - The changeable ability of clots and thrombi to shrink in volume may be a novel unappreciated mechanism that aggravates or alleviates the course and outcomes of ischemic stroke. The clinical importance of clot or thrombus transformations in vivo and the diagnostic and prognostic value of this blood test for clot contraction need further exploration