13 research outputs found

    Sirevi s plijesnima i aflatoksin M1

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    In this study, a total of 100 mouldy cheese samples were collected from randomly selected markets from 5 different cities of Turkey during October and November. Samples were analyzed for aflatoxin M1 by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Aflatoxin M1 was detected in 52 samples and their levels ranged from 10.6 to 702 ng/kg. The widespread presences of aflatoxin M1 in mouldy cheese may be considered to be potential hazards for human health.Za ovo istraživanje prikupljeno je 100 sireva s plemenitim plijesnima s nasumično odabranih tržnica iz 5 gradova u Turskoj u vremenskom periodu od listopada do studenog. U sirevima je istražena prisutnost aflatoksina M1 upotrebom ELISA metode. Aflatoksin M1 je utvrđen u 52 uzorka, u koncentracijama od 10,6 do 702 ng/kg. Prisutnost aflatoksina M1 u sirevima s plemenitim plijesnima može biti potencijalna opasnost za zdravlje ljudi

    Utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalažiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom skladištenja

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    Effects of freezing and packaging methods on organic acid content of goat cheese during 12 weeks of storage were determined. Goat cheese milk curds were divided into two batches; one of the batches was directly processed in to goat cheese while the other was frozen at -18 °C and stored for six months and processed into cheese after being thawed. Cheese samples were packed in three parts and stored at 4 °C refrigerated control sample and at -18 °C for six months frozen experimental samples. Cheese samples were packed in three different packaging methods: aerobic, vacuum or modified atmosphere. Citric, malic, fumaric, acetic, lactic, pyruvic and propionic acids were analyzed using HPLC method after 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th week of storage period. Lactic acid was the main organic acids while pyruvic acid had the lowest content in all cheese samples. Citric and fumaric acid levels of frozen samples increased during storage whereas malic, acetic, pyruvic and propionic acid amounts were decreased compared to the beginning of storage. Packaging methods and freezing process also effected lactic acid levels statistically (p<0.05). Fumaric, acetic and lactic acid concentration of refrigerated samples were increased but citric, malic and propionic acids decreased during storage. Pyruvic acid level did not change significantly. It was determined that organic acid concentrations were effected by freezing process, storage time and packaging methods significantly (p<0.05).U istraživanju je utvrđen utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalažiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom 12 tjedana skladištenja. Gruš sira od kozjeg mlijeka bio je podijeljen u dva dijela - kao kontrolni uzorak pohranjen u hladnjaku na 4 °C i kao zamrznuti eksperimentalni uzorak na -18 °C tijekom šest mjeseci. Nakon toga, sirevi su pakirani trima različitim metodama pakiranja: aerobnom, vakuum ili modificiranom atmosferom. Citronska, jabučna, mravlja, octena, mliječna, pirogrožđana i propionska kiselina analizirane su HPLC metodom nakon 1., 3., 6., 9. i 12. tjedna razdoblja čuvanja. Mliječna kiselina bila je najvažnija organska kiselina, dok je pirogrožđana imala najniži udjel u svim uzorcima sira. Tijekom skladištenja došlo je do povećanja udjela citronske i mravlje kiseline smrznutih uzoraka, dok su udjeli jabučne, octene, pirogrožđane i propionske kiseline opadali u odnosu na početak pohrane. Metode pakiranja i proces zamrzavanja također su statistički utjecali na udjel mliječne kiseline (p<0,05). Koncentracije mravlje, octene i mliječne kiseline ohlađenih uzoraka bile su povećane, dok su citronske, jabučne i propionske kiseline opadale tijekom skladištenja. Razina pirogrožđane kiseline nije se značajno promijenila. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj procesa zamrzavanja, vremena pohrane i metoda pakiranja na koncentracije organskih kiselina (p <0,05)

    Kemijska i teksturalna svojstva Hellim (Halloumi) sira na tržištu u Turskoj

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    Chemical and textural properties of Hellim (Halloumi) cheese marketed in Turkey were determined in this research. Cheese samples were collected from manufacturers in Turkey and according to data obtained, water amounts of samples were changing in a wide range of 34.07-55.92 %, whereas the average pH values of the samples was 5.91±0.36. Cholesterol contents of the samples were low and changing among 7.54-14.79 mg/100 g. Average fat and protein amounts of samples were 25.43±1.7 (%), and 22.81±5.62 (%) respectively, and 30.31±1.15 (%) of the fat fraction was composed of unsaturated fatty acids. Main organic acids determined in samples were citric, lactic and propionic acids. Also, hardness, chewiness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and gumminess scores of the samples were determined by TPA analysis and Hunter color scores were evaluated.U istraživanju su utvrđena kemijska i teksturalna svojstva Hellim (Halloumi) sira koji se prodaje na tržištu u Turskoj. Uzorci sira prikupljeni su od proizvođača u Turskoj, a prema prikupljenim podacima količina vode uzoraka bila je u širokom rasponu od 34,07 do 55,92 %, dok je prosječna pH vrijednosti uzoraka bila 5,91±0,36. Sadržaj kolesterola u uzorcima bio je nizak i mijenjao se u rasponu od 7,54 do 14,79 mg/100 g. Prosječne vrijednosti udjela masti i proteina bile su u rasponu od 25,43±1,7 (%), odnosno 22,81±5,62 (%). Postotak od 30,31±1,15 (%) od frakcije masti čine nezasićene masne kiseline. Glavne organske kiseline utvrđene u uzorcima bile su limunska, mliječna i propionska kiselina. Također, rezultati tvrdoće, “žvakljivosti”, adhezivnosti, kohezivnosti i gumenosti uzoraka određeni su TPA analizom a Hunter bojom su ocijenjeni

    Bacteriocin and bacteriophage applications in foods preservation

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    Gıda teknolojisindeki gelişmeler ile birlikte gıdaların korunmasında kullanılan klasik yöntemlerin yanında birçok alternatif yeni teknolojilerin kullanımı gündemdedir. Gıdaların korunması alanında yapılan çalış- malarla yeni doğal antimikrobiyel bileşiklerin kullanılması son yıllarda gittikçe önem kazanmaktadır. Gı- daların korunmasında kullanılan sterilizasyon, dondurma, kurutma gibi bilinen yöntemlerin yanı sıra bak- teriyosin ve bakteriyofajların kullanımıyla da gıda maddelerinin depolama süresi uzatılmakta ve güvenliği arttırılmaktadır. Bakteriyosin ve bakteriyofajlar doğal gıda biyokoruyucular olarak tanınmaktadır. Son beş yıldır bakteriyofajların gıda muhafazasında kullanımı konusunda da önemli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Der- lemede gıda zinciri boyunca bakteriyosin ve bakteriyofajların mevcut ve önceden bilinen uygulamalarına genel bir bakış yapılırken gelecekteki araştırma konularına da değinilmeye çalışılmıştır.Advances in food technology with traditional methods of food preservation used by many of the alternative use of new technologies are on the agenda. Methods use in the food protection such as sterilization, freez- ing, drying as well as the use of bacteriocin and bacteriophage also extend food storage and enhance secu- rity recently. Bacteriocin and bacteriophages have been widely recognized as natural food biopreservatives. Significant works about the use of bacteriophage in food preservation have been studied for five years. This review provides an overview of the current and foreseen applications of bacteriocin and bacteriophages along the food chain and highlights research topics tried to address in the future

    Bazı dıyet lıflerı kullanımının süzme yogurdun renk, tekstür ve duyusal özellıklerı üzerıne etkısı

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    Süzme yoğurtların kimyasal özellikleri üzerine bazı diyet liflerin kullanılmasının etkisi çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Farklı oranlarda (% 1, % 2 ve % 3) olmak üzere elma, buğday ve bambu lifleri süzme yoğurt üretiminde kullanılmışltır. Depolamanın 1.,7., 14. ve 21. günlerinde örneklerin renk ve tekstür değerleri ile duyusal değerlendirme puanları analiz edilmişltir. Depolamaya bağlı olarak elma, bambu ve buğday lişli süzme yoğurtlarda en çok değişliklik gösteren tekstür parametresi kıvam olmuştur. Bambu ve buğday lifli süzme yoğurtlara göre elma lifli süzme yoğurtların L, a ve b değerleri elma lişinin yapısından dolayı farklı saptanmıştır. Diyet lifi çeşidi istatistiksel olarak renk ve tekstür değerleri ile duyusal değerlendirme puanlarında önemli değişlikliklere neden olmuştur. Pütürlü yapısı, baskın elma tadı ve keskin kokusu yüzünden panelistler taraşından elma lifli yoğurtlar tercih edilmemişltir. Panelistler bambu ve buğday lişli yoğurtları kabul edilebilir bulmuşltur. Analizler paralelleriyle beraber iki tekerrürlü yapılmışltır.The aim of this study was to search the effects of using some dietary fibers on color, texture and sensory properties of strained yogurts. Apple, wheat and bamboo fibers were used in the production of strained yogurt at different ratios (1%, 2% and 3%). Color, texture values and sensory evaluation scores of samples were analyzed at the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st days of storage. Depending on storage, the most changed textural parameter is consistency in bamboo, wheat and apple fibrous strained yogurt. L, a and b values of apple fibrous strained yogurts were determined to be different in comparison with bamboo and wheat fibrous strained yogurts due to the structure of apple fiber. The type of dietary fiber caused statistically significant changes in color, texture values and sensory evaluation scores. Apple fibrous strained yogurts weren&amp;#8217;t preferred by panelists because of their ragged structure, dominant apple taste and strong odor. Panelists found bamboo and wheat fiber strained yogurts acceptable. Analyses were done in two replications with their parallels


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    Cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) are occurred by heat and light factors during processing, improper packaging and storage conditions. COPs are mutagenic, carcinogenity, cytotoxic, angiotoxic and damage to cell membrane and effect biosynthesis cholesterol in the metabolism . So, COPs have potential risk for public health. Also, in milk and milk products that have high cholesterol COPs can be also formed during processing and storage. Therefore it is necessary that measurements must be taken and standards must be in dairy about COPs

    Real-time PCR is a potential tool to determine the origin of milk used in cheese production

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    Traceability of foods has become very important problem respect to food quality and typicalness of foods. Cheeses' milk origin cannot be identified by the consumer and they are sold at different prices under various product names. Recently, this has caused the problem of 'adulteration'. The aim of this study is to determine the amount and origin of milk used in cheese production by using real-time PCR which has been used for identification of animal species in dairy products. In this study, 90 different cheeses offered for sale in Turkey of 30 brands from various sources such as cow, sheep and goat have been studied. At the end of the study, only 36.67% of samples were determined to be produced from 100% cow milk. In the remaining 13.33%, a mixture of goat and sheep milk have been found. Only one sample of sheep cheese was produced from 100% sheep milk. In goat cheese samples, 16.67% of cheese was produced from 100% sheep milk and the origin of only 10% was identified as 100% cow milk. No linear relationship could be determined between chemical composition, fatty acids ratios and amount and origin of cheeses (P < 0.05). © 2016 Elsevier Lt