2,747 research outputs found

    Post-harvest technology change in cassava processing: a choice paradigm

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    Open Access Article; Available online: 27 Jan 2020This study employed a choice model to examine the factors influencing the choice of post-harvest technologies in cassava starch processing, using a sample of five hundred and seventy (570) processors in the forest and guinea savanna zones of Nigeria. In addition, the profitability of various post-harvest technologies in the study area was assessed using the budgetary technique while the impact of improved post-harvest technology on processors’ revenue and output was analysed using the average treatment effect model. Sex of the processor, processing experience, income, and cost of post-harvest technology, the capacity of post-harvest technology and access to credit amongst others significantly influence the choice of post-harvest technologies. Although the use of improved post-harvest technology comes with a high cost, the net income from its use was higher than the other types of post-harvest technologies, suggesting that the use of improved techniques was more beneficial and profitable. In addition, using improved post-harvest technology had a positive and significant effect on output and income. These findings shows that investment in improved post-harvest technologies by cassava starch processors and other stakeholders would increase income, thus, improving welfare

    Origin of stabilization of macrotwin boundaries in martensites

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    The origin of stabilization of complex microstructures along macrotwin boundaries in martensites is explained by comparing two models based on Ginzburg-Landau theory. The first model incorporates a geometrically nonlinear strain tensor to ensure that the Landau energy is invariant under rigid body rotations, while the second model uses a linearized strain tensor under the assumption that deformations and rotations are small. We show that the approximation in the second model does not always hold for martensites and that the experimental observations along macrotwin boundaries can only be reproduced by the geometrically nonlinear (exact) theory

    Método do quadrado para estimar a capacidade de suporte de pastagens.

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    Este folder informa sobre como montar o método do quadrado, o qual consiste no corte da forragem presente dentro de uma área conhecida delimitada por moldura de madeira ou metálica (quadro), lançada ao acaso em diferentes pontos da área a ser avaliada.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14332/1/folder-metododoquadrado-pastagens.pdf1 Folder

    Profissão: Zootecnista.

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    bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14385/1/profissao-zootecnista.pdfDisponível em: . Acesso em: 13 jan. 2009. Artigo também publicado em outros canais: Portal do Agronegócio; Página Rural; Agroredenotícias

    Utilização da amiréia na alimentação de ruminantes.

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    Realizou-se um trabalho de revisão de literatura com o intuito de levantar os motivos pelos quais pode ser vantajoso a produção e utilização da amiréia na alimentação de ruminantes.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/13294/1/doc126-amireia-.pd

    Pastoreio racional Voisin.

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    Conceitos básicos de genética de populações.

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    Conceitos de genética básica; Moléculas de DNA; Conceitos de genética de populações; População genética ou mendeliana; Freqüência genotípica; Freqüência gênica ou alélica; Teorema de Hardy-Weinberg (1908).bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/12193/1/doc118-geneticadepopulacoes.pd

    Perspectivas de uso dos marcadores moleculares na bovinocultura de corte.

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    O presente trabalho apresenta o conceito de "Marcadores Moleculares", assim como sua detecção e as perspectivas de uso.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14289/1/doc103-marcadoresmoleculares.pd

    Conceitos de manejo de pastagem ecológica.

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de reunir os principais conceitos de manejo de pastagem com enfoque nas leis do pastoreio racional Voisin e fornecer subsídios para a fixação desses conhecimentos visando o auxílio na redução dos danos causados às pastagens devido ao uso indevido dessas áreas.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/12227/1/doc121-pastagemecologica.pd

    Unconventional superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3

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    We report point contact measurements in high quality single crystals of Cu0.2Bi2Se3. We observe three different kinds of spectra: (1) Andreev-reflection spectra, from which we infer a superconducting gap size of 0.6mV; (2) spectra with a large gap which closes above Tc at about 10K; and (3) tunneling-like spectra with zero-bias conductance peaks. These tunneling spectra show a very large gap of ~2meV (2Delta/KTc ~ 14)