47 research outputs found

    Visual impairment from fibrous dysplasia in a middle-aged African man: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Fibrous dysplasia is a benign tumour of the bones and is a disease of unknown aetiology. This report discusses a case of proptosis and visual deterioration with associated bony mass involving the right orbit.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 32-year-old Nigerian man of Yoruba ethnic origin presented to the eye clinic of our hospital with right-eye proptosis and visual deterioration of 7-year duration. Presentation was preceded by a history of trauma. Proptosis was preceded by trauma but was non-pulsatile with no thrill or bruit but was associated with bony orbital mass. The patient reported no weight loss. Examination of his right eye showed visual acuity of 6/60 with relative afferent pupillary defect. Fundal examination revealed optic atrophy. Computed tomography showed an expansile bony mass involving all the walls of the orbit. The bony orbital mass was diagnosed histologically as fibrous dysplasia. Treatment included orbital exploration and orbital shaping to create room for the globe and relieve pressure on the optic nerve.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Fibrous dysplasia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of slowly developing proptosis with associated visual loss in young adults.</p

    Quantum well state of self-forming 3C-SiC inclusions in 4H SiC determined by ballistic electron emission microscopy

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    High-temperature-processing-induced double-stacking-fault 3C-SiC inclusions in 4H SiC were studied with ballistic electron emission microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. Distinctive quantum well structures corresponding to individual inclusions were found and the quantum well two-dimensional conduction band minimum was determined to be approximately 0.53 ?? 0.06 eV below the conduction band minimum of bulk 4H SiC. Macroscopic diode I-V measurements indicate no significant evidence of metal/semiconductor interface state variation across the inclusions.open292

    Distinguishing the effects of systemic CSF1R inhibition by PLX3397 on microglia and peripheral immune cells

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    Abstract Microglia, the primary immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), are derived from the yolk sac and populate the brain during development. Once microglia migrate to the CNS, they are self-renewing and require CSF1R signaling for their maintenance. Pexidartinib (PLX3397, PLX), a small molecule inhibitor of the CSF1R, has been shown to effectively deplete microglia since microglial maintenance is CSF1R-dependent. There have, however, been several conflicting reports that have shown the potential off-target effects of PLX on peripheral immune cells particularly those of lymphoid origin. Given this controversy in the use of the PLX family of drugs, it has become important to ascertain to what extent PLX affects the peripheral immune profile in lymphoid (spleen, and bone marrow) and non-lymphoid (kidney, lungs, and heart) organs. PLX3397 chow treatment at 660 mg/kg for 7 days significantly reduced CD45+ macrophages, CX3CR1-GFP cells, CD11b+CD45intermediate cells, and P2RY12 expression in the brain. However, there were minimal effects on peripheral immune cells from both lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs except in the heart where there was a significant decrease in CD3+ cells, inflammatory and patrolling monocytes, and CD11b+Ly6G+ neutrophils. We then stimulated the immune system with 1 mg/kg of LPS which resulted in a significant reduction in the number of innate immune cells. In this context, PLX did not alter the cytokine profile in the serum and the brain of naïve mice but did so in the LPS-stimulated group resulting in a significant reduction in TNFα, IL-1α, IFN-γ and IL-1β. Furthermore, PLX did not alter locomotor activity in the open field test suggesting that microglia do not contribute to LPS-induced sickness behavior. Our results provide an assessment of immune cell populations with PLX3397 treatment on brain, lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs without and during LPS treatment that can serve as a resource for understanding consequences of such approaches

    Behavioral Modifications Related to Consumption of a “Soft” Adaptogen, Bee Honey, by Rats

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    Modifications of neurobehavioral activities related to single episodes of consumption of different doses of bee honey were examined in rats under conditions of the hole-board (HB) test (to evaluate the level of anxiety) and open-field (OF) test (where the intensities of locomotion, rearing, and grooming were measured). Animals of all subgroups had free access to normal saline, while rats of the three experimental subgroups consumed bee honey in the doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g per 1 kg body mass (in the form of 10, 20, and 40% solutions, respectively). Among the doses tested, only higher ones induced considerable c hanges in the behavioral indices. The highest dose (2.0 g/kg) provided a more than twofold increase in the number of examined holes in the HB test; in the OF test, it also increased the numbers of crossed squares, rearings and grooming episodes by 30, 37, and 164%, respectively. Thus, our experiments demonstrated rather significant ability of the natural product tested to relieve anxiety and intensify motor, research/orientational, and grooming aspects of behavior even upon single acts of consumption. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the behavioral modifications observed are discussed.Модифікації нейроповедінкової активності, пов’язані з поодинокими епізодами споживання бджолиного меду в різних дозах, були вивчені у щурів в умовах норкового тесту (визначення рівня тривожності) і тесту відкритого поля (вимірювання кількості епізодів локомоції, вертикальних стійок і грумінгу). Тварини контрольних підгруп мали вільний доступ до фізіологічного розчину, тоді як щури трьох експериментальних підгруп споживали мед у дозах 0.5, 0.1 та 2.0 г з розрахунку на 1 кг маси тіла (у вигляді 10, 20 й 40 %-вого розчинів відповідно). Значні зміни поведінкових показників виникали тільки при вищих тестованих дозах. Максимальна доза (2.0 г/кг) зумовлювала більше ніж дворазове збільшення кількості досліджених отворів у норковому тесті; в умовах тесту відкритого поля при такій дозі також збільшувалася кількість пересічень щурами квадратів, вертикальних стійок та епізодів грумінгу відповідно на 30, 37 і 164 %. Отже, результати наших експериментів показали, що тестований натуральний продукт (бджолиний мед) виявляє значну здатність знижувати рівень тривожності та посилювати моторні, дослідницькі/орієнтаційні та грумінгові аспекти поведінки навіть у разі поодиноких актів його споживання. Обговорюються можливі нейрофізіологічні механізми, що лежать в основі поведінкових модифікацій, спостережуваних в експерименті

    A Geophysical Investigation of Shallow Deformation Along an Anomalous Section of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA

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    We report the results of a geophysical study of the Wasatch fault zone near the Provo and Salt Lake City segment boundary. This area is anomalous because the fault zone strikes more east-west than north-south. Vibroseis was used to record a common mid-point (CMP) profile that provides information to depths of ~500 m. A tomographic velocity model, derived from first breaks, constrained source and receiver static corrections; this was required due to complex terrain and significant lateral velocity contrasts. The profile reveals an ~250-m-wide graben in the hanging wall of the main fault that is associated with both synthetic and antithetic faults. Faults defined by apparent reflector offsets propagate upward toward topographic gradients. Faults mapped from a nearby trench and the seismic profile also appear to correlate with topographic alignments on LiDAR gradient maps. The faults as measured in the trench show a wide range of apparent dips, 20°–90°, and appear to steepen with depth on the seismic section. Although the fault zone is likely composed of numerous small faults, the broad asymmetric structure in the hanging wall is fairly simple and dominated by two inward-facing ruptures. Our results indicate the feasibility of mapping fault zones in rugged terrain and complex near-surface geology using low-frequency vibroseis. Further, the integration of geologic mapping and seismic reflection can extend surface observations in areas where structural deformation is obscured by poorly stratified or otherwise unmappable deposits. Therefore, the vibroseis technique, when integrated with geological information, provides constraints for assessing geologic hazards in areas of potential development

    Consensus Summit: Lipids and Cardiovascular Health in the Nigerian Population

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    Aims: To issue a consensus statement on Lipids and Cardiovascular Health and the impact of their interrelationship in Nigerian Population. Study Design: Experts from a range of relevant disciplines, deliberated on different aspects of Lipids and Cardiovascular Health in the Nigerian Population at a Summit. Place and Duration of Study: The Summit was held in April 2016 at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research. Methodology: Presentations were made on central themes after which expert participants split into four different groups to consider the questions relevant to different sub themes of the title. Consensus was arrived at, from presentations of groups at plenary. Conclusion: With the increase in the prevalence of NCDs, especially Cardiovascular Disease in Nigeria, and the documented evidence of deleterious effects of lipids, the expert panel called for an urgent need to advocate for the general public and health professionals to make heart-friendly choices in food consumption