1,572 research outputs found

    Scaling limits of a tagged particle in the exclusion process with variable diffusion coefficient

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    We prove a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for a tagged particle in a symmetric simple exclusion process in the one-dimensional lattice with variable diffusion coefficient. The scaling limits are obtained from a similar result for the current through -1/2 for a zero-range process with bond disorder. For the CLT, we prove convergence to a fractional Brownian motion of Hurst exponent 1/4.Comment: 9 page

    Estimação da abundância animal e de populações humanas móveis

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    A estimação da abundância de populações animais e do número de pessoas de algumas populações humanas móveis é um tema bastante relevante na sociedade actual. Por exemplo, para a definição de quotas de pesca é de extrema importância uma correcta estimação da abundância de pescado, de forma a evitar a extinção ou a sobre abundância de algumas espécies; nas políticas de Saúde são precisas estimativas das taxas de incidência e prevalência de certas doenças crónicas em populações de difícil acesso. Na secção 6 referimos vários exemplos em diversas áreas de aplicação

    Criterios de clasificación y re-definición de un perfil comercial de la Agricultura Familiar Campesina, Región del Maule, Chile

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    Jara-Rojas, R (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Dpto Econ Agr, 2 Norte 685 Talca,Casilla 747, Talca, Chile.In Chile, small-scale farmers are classified according to old approaches from 1993 that do not include changes occurred in the last two decades. Maule is the region with most rural population in Chile which represents a significant stratum for development, innovation and competitiveness. This study explores a new approach of small-scale farmers -associated with Family Farm Agriculture (AFC) - classification in Chile and it describes a commercial profile or AFC-1 for famers of the Maule Region. A Cluster analysis to determine AFC-1 farmers is used. The analysis includes four association variables: Total Assets, Farm Income, Production Costs and Management Indicators. The results suggest that 16.4% of the farmers have a commercial profile and they could stay out support provided by the National Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP). This group of farmers would not belong to AFC in short terms. This fact could bring restriction to AFC-1 farmers such as lack of credit access, less investment incentives and technical assistance. Thus, it would expect low process of technology adoption and welfare improvement. New agrarian policies must be warranted to support this important group of famers with a commercial profile

    Acción colectiva virtual y espacios de participación ciudadana de los jóvenes en Nicaragua

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    This work analyses the relationship between the social networks and the level of citizen participation. Specially, it explores if the civic participation of young people in Nicaragua is related to the uses of social network as a mechanism of virtual interaction and generation of spaces in the construction of a critical awareness necessary for the strengthening of democracy. For the study, is used a qualitative methodology, using the in-depth interview as data collection tool. The sampling was limited to the process of interaction of the participants, the richness of the information and the saturation of it, forming a final sample of 10 interviewers with leaders of movements in Nicaragua. The result of the research highlights the preference of the technological means, applications (apps) and virtual social networks to inform and share relevant content to political and social life, along with the young citizen’s disinterest in engaging in public affairs by conventional means. Keywords: Virtual Collective Action, Citizen Participation, Social networks. How to reference this article: Jara, L. & Saldierna, A. R. (2020). Acción colectiva virtual y espacios de participación ciudadana de los jóvenes en Nicaragua. Revista Ciencia Jurídica y Política, 62-79. Recuperado de: https://portalderevistas.upoli.edu.ni/index.php/5-revciencasjuridicasypoliticas/article/view/636El presente trabajo analiza la relación existente entre el uso de redes sociales y los niveles de participación ciudadana. En concreto, se explora si la participación ciudadana de los jóvenes en Nicaragua está relacionada con el uso de las diferentes redes sociales como mecanismo de interacción virtual y generación de espacios en la construcción de una consciencia crítica necesaria para el fortalecimiento de la Democracia. Para el estudio, se hace uso de la metodología cualitativa, teniendo como herramienta de recolección de datos la entrevista a profundidad. El muestreo estuvo acotado al proceso de interacción de los participantes, la riqueza de la información y la saturación de esta, conformando una muestra final de 10 entrevistas a líderes de movimientos universitarios en Nicaragua. El resultado de la investigación destaca la preferencia de los medios tecnológicos, aplicaciones (apps) y redes sociales virtuales para informar y compartir contenido relevante para la vida política y social, junto al desinterés del ciudadano joven a participar por medios convencionales en los asuntos públicos. Palabras claves: Acción colectiva virtual, jóvenes, participación ciudadana, redes sociales. Como referenciar este artículo: Jara, L. & Saldierna, A. R. (2020). Acción colectiva virtual y espacios de participación ciudadana de los jóvenes en Nicaragua. Revista Ciencia Jurídica y Política, 62-79. Recuperado de: https://portalderevistas.upoli.edu.ni/index.php/5-revciencasjuridicasypoliticas/article/view/63

    Monetary Policy Nominalization in Chile: an Evaluation

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    In August of 2001, the Central Bank of Chile modified its main monetary policy instrument, the inflation-indexed monetary policy interest rate MPR it had used so far, to a nominal or peso-denominated rate. A number of consequences, both in the conduct of monetary policy and in the country’s financial markets, can be associated to this new way of taking monetary policy actions. This article evaluates such effects, providing theoretical support and evidence to several hypotheses, some of them found in the existing literature. The main contribution of this so-called “nominalization”—that has not been discussed earlier—is that it extends the scope of operation of monetary policy, something that becomes important when both the interest rate and the inflation rate are low, as is the case today.

    Corinth terraces re-visited: Improved paleoshoreline determination using Pleiades-DEMs

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    International audienceThe newest generation of satellites have greatly improved the capabilities of optical imagery over the last decade. Ground resolution has increased by one order of magnitude (to sub-metric pixel images), and improved sensors allow images to be located with an absolute accuracy of within a few meters. Better-resolved images facilitate refined tectonic studies of faults, basins, terraces, and other geomorphic features as it provides the opportunity to extract detailed topographic information. We have developed high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) in eight locations in Greece from tri-stereo satellite images acquired by the new Pleiades platform of CNES. With 0.5m resolution, these DEMs are state-of-the-art in comparison to previous DEMs made from satellite imagery. In this study we explore the potential of one of these DEMs, in the eastern Gulf of Corinth, for the analysis of a flight of marine terraces