543 research outputs found

    Irreversibility in asymptotic manipulations of entanglement

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    We show that the process of entanglement distillation is irreversible by showing that the entanglement cost of a bound entangled state is finite. Such irreversibility remains even if extra pure entanglement is loaned to assist the distillation process.Comment: RevTex, 3 pages, no figures Result on indistillability of PPT states under pure entanglement catalytic LOCC adde

    On local invariants of pure three-qubit states

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    We study invariants of three-qubit states under local unitary transformations, i.e. functions on the space of entanglement types, which is known to have dimension 6. We show that there is no set of six independent polynomial invariants of degree less than or equal to 6, and find such a set with maximum degree 8. We describe an intrinsic definition of a canonical state on each orbit, and discuss the (non-polynomial) invariants associated with it.Comment: LateX, 13 pages. Minor typoes corrected. Published versio

    Output state in multiple entanglement swapping

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    The technique of quantum repeaters is a promising candidate for sending quantum states over long distances through a lossy channel. The usual discussions of this technique deals with only a finite dimensional Hilbert space. However the qubits with which one implements this procedure will "ride" on continuous degrees of freedom of the carrier particles. Here we analyze the action of quantum repeaters using a model based on pulsed parametric down conversion entanglement swapping. Our model contains some basic traits of a real experiment. We show that the state created, after the use of any number of parametric down converters in a series of entanglement swappings, is always an entangled (actually distillable) state, although of a different form than the one that is usually assumed. Furthermore, the output state always violates a Bell inequality.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX

    Entanglement cost of mixed states

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    We compute the entanglement cost of several families of bipartite mixed states, including arbitrary mixtures of two Bell states. This is achieved by developing a technique that allows us to ascertain the additivity of the entanglement of formation for any state supported on specific subspaces. As a side result, the proof of the irreversibility in asymptotic local manipulations of entanglement is extended to two-qubit systems.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, (v4) new results, including a new method to determine E_c for more general mixed states, presentation changed significantl

    Pauli Exchange Errors in Quantum Computation

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    In many physically realistic models of quantum computation, Pauli exchange interactions cause a subset of two-qubit errors to occur as a first order effect of couplings within the computer, even in the absence of interactions with the computer's environment. We give an explicit 9-qubit code that corrects both Pauli exchange errors and all one-qubit errors.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Random walks and random fixed-point free involutions

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    A bijection is given between fixed point free involutions of {1,2,...,2N}\{1,2,...,2N\} with maximum decreasing subsequence size 2p2p and two classes of vicious (non-intersecting) random walker configurations confined to the half line lattice points l1l \ge 1. In one class of walker configurations the maximum displacement of the right most walker is pp. Because the scaled distribution of the maximum decreasing subsequence size is known to be in the soft edge GOE (random real symmetric matrices) universality class, the same holds true for the scaled distribution of the maximum displacement of the right most walker.Comment: 10 page

    Lower bound for the quantum capacity of a discrete memoryless quantum channel

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    We generalize the random coding argument of stabilizer codes and derive a lower bound on the quantum capacity of an arbitrary discrete memoryless quantum channel. For the depolarizing channel, our lower bound coincides with that obtained by Bennett et al. We also slightly improve the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound for general stabilizer codes, and establish an analogue of the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound for linear stabilizer codes. Our proof is restricted to the binary quantum channels, but its extension of to l-adic channels is straightforward.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX4. To appear in J. Math. Phys. A critical error in fidelity calculation was corrected by using Hamada's result (quant-ph/0112103). In the third version, we simplified formula and derivation of the lower bound by proving p(Gamma)+q(Gamma)=1. In the second version, we added an analogue of the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound for linear stabilizer code

    Distributed Entanglement

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    Consider three qubits A, B, and C which may be entangled with each other. We show that there is a trade-off between A's entanglement with B and its entanglement with C. This relation is expressed in terms of a measure of entanglement called the "tangle," which is related to the entanglement of formation. Specifically, we show that the tangle between A and B, plus the tangle between A and C, cannot be greater than the tangle between A and the pair BC. This inequality is as strong as it could be, in the sense that for any values of the tangles satisfying the corresponding equality, one can find a quantum state consistent with those values. Further exploration of this result leads to a definition of the "three-way tangle" of the system, which is invariant under permutations of the qubits.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX; references added, derivation of Eq. (11) simplifie