1,011 research outputs found

    Accurate "superluminal" transmission via entanglement, superoscillations and quasi-Dirac distributions

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    We analyse a system in which, due to entanglement between the spin and spatial degrees of freedom, the reduced transmitted state has the shape of the freely propagating pulse translated in the complex co-ordinate plane. In the case an apparently "superluminal" advancement of the pulse the delay amplitude distribution is found to be a peculiar approximation to the Dirac delta-function, and the transmission coefficient exhibits a well-defined super-oscillatory window. Analogies with potential tunnelling and the Wheeler's delayed choice experiment are highlighted

    Hartman effect and spin precession in graphene

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    Spin precession has been used to measure the transmission time \tau over a distance L in a graphene sheet. Since conduction electrons in graphene have an energy-independent velocity v, one would expect \tau > L/v. Here we calculate that \tau < L/v at the Dirac point (= charge neutrality point) in a clean graphene sheet, and we interpret this result as a manifestation of the Hartman effect (apparent superluminality) known from optics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; v2: added a section on the case of perpendicularly aligned magnetizations; v3: added a figur

    The Larmor clock and anomalous spin dephasing in silicon

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    Drift-diffusion theory - which fully describes charge transport in semiconductors - is also universally used to model transport of spin-polarized electrons in the presence of longitudinal electric fields. By transforming spin transit time into spin orientation with precession (a technique called the "Larmor clock") in current-sensing vertical-transport intrinsic Si devices, we show that spin diffusion (and concomitant spin dephasing) can be greatly enhanced with respect to charge diffusion, in direct contrast to predictions of spin Coulomb-drag diffusion suppression.Comment: minor edits and updated ref

    On causality, apparent 'superluminality' and reshaping in barrier penetration

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    We consider tunnelling of a non-relativistic particle across a potential barrier. It is shown that the barrier acts as an effective beam splitter which builds up the transmitted pulse from the copies of the initial envelope shifted in the coordinate space backwards relative to the free propagation. Although along each pathway causality is explicitly obeyed, in special cases reshaping can result an overall reduction of the initial envelope, accompanied by an arbitrary coordinate shift. In the case of a high barrier the delay amplitude distribution (DAD) mimics a Dirac ÎŽ\delta-function, the transmission amplitude is superoscillatory for finite momenta and tunnelling leads to an accurate advancement of the (reduced) initial envelope by the barrier width. In the case of a wide barrier, initial envelope is accurately translated into the complex coordinate plane. The complex shift, given by the first moment of the DAD, accounts for both the displacement of the maximum of the transmitted probability density and the increase in its velocity. It is argued that analysing apparent 'superluminality' in terms of spacial displacements helps avoid contradiction associated with time parameters such as the phase time

    The Faraday Quantum Clock and Non-local Photon Pair Correlations

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    We study the use of the Faraday effect as a quantum clock for measuring traversal times of evanescent photons through magneto-refractive structures. The Faraday effect acts both as a phase-shifter and as a filter for circular polarizations. Only measurements based on the Faraday phase-shift properties are relevant to the traversal time measurements. The Faraday polarization filtering may cause the loss of non-local (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) two-photon correlations, but this loss can be avoided without sacrificing the clock accuracy. We show that a mechanism of destructive interference between consecutive paths is responsible for superluminal traversal times measured by the clock.Comment: 6 figure

    Compact and Loosely Bound Structures in Light Nuclei

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    A role of different components in the wave function of the weakly bound light nuclei states was studied within the framework of the cluster model, taking into account of orbitals "polarization". It was shown that a limited number of structures associated with the different modes of nucleon motion can be of great importance for such systems. Examples of simple and quite flexible trial wave functions are given for the nuclei 8^8Be, 6^6He. Expressions for the microscopic wave functions of these nuclei were found and used for the calculation of basic nuclear characteristics, using well known central-exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials.Comment: 19 pages, 3 ps figure

    Towards the Gravity Dual of Quarkonium in the Strongly Coupled QCD Plasma

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    We build a "bottom-up" holographic model of charmonium by matching the essential spectral data. We argue that this data must include not only the masses but also the decay constants of the J/psi and psi' mesons. Relative to the "soft-wall" models for light mesons, such a matching requires two new features in the holographic potential: an overall upward shift as well as a narrow "dip" near the holographic boundary. We calculate the spectral function as well as the position of the complex singularities (quasinormal frequencies) of the retarded correlator of the charm current at finite temperatures. We further extend this analysis by showing that the residues associated with these singularities are given by the boundary derivative of the appropriately normalized quasinormal mode. We find that the "melting" of the J/psi spectral peak occurs at a temperature of about 540 MeV, or 2.8 T_c, in good agreement with lattice results.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Linewidths in bound state resonances for helium scattering from Si(111)-(1x1)H

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    Helium-3 spin-echo measurements of resonant scattering from the Si(111)–(1 × 1)H surface, in the energy range 4–14 meV, are presented. The measurements have high energy resolution yet they reveal bound state resonance features with uniformly broad linewidths. We show that exact quantum mechanical calculations of the elastic scattering, using the existing potential for the helium/Si(111)–(1 × 1)H interaction, cannot reproduce the linewidths seen in the experiment. Further calculations rule out inelastic and other mechanisms that might give rise to losses from the elastic scattering channels. We show that corrugation in the attractive part of the atom–surface potential is the most likely origin of the experimental lineshapes

    \bar{p}p low energy parameters from annihilation cross section data

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    The recent experimental data obtained by the OBELIX group on total pˉp\bar{p}p annihilation cross section are analysed; the low energy spin averaged parameters of the pˉp\bar{p}p scattering amplitude (the imaginary parts of the S-wave scattering length and P-wave scattering volume) are extracted from the data. Their values are found to be equal to Imasc=−0.69±0.01(stat)±0.03(sys)fm,ImAsc=−0.76±0.05(stat)±0.04(sys)fm3Im a_{sc} = - 0.69 \pm 0.01 (stat) \pm 0.03 (sys) fm, Im A_{sc} = - 0.76 \pm 0.05 (stat) \pm 0.04 (sys) fm^3. The results are in very good agreement with existing atomic data.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 8 pages, 1 figur
