192 research outputs found


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    En el distrito de Santa Rosa del Aguaray, Departamento de San Pedro Paraguay, se realizó el estudio comparativo del establecimiento de cuatro especies de Brachiaria:Brachiaria hibridacv. Mulato,Brachiaria brizanthacv. Marandú,Brachiaria brizanthacv. Toledo yBrachiaria ruziziensiscv. Kennedy, sobre suelos del tipo cerrado, cubierto conB. humidicolay alta infestación de especies leñosas de los génerosDuguetiayAnnona.El diseño experimental utilizado fue el de Bloques Completos al Azar con cuatro repeticiones. Durante el periodo de establecimiento (127 días desde la siembra) cada especie fue evaluada en los siguientes aspectos: emergencia de plántulas, altura de plantas, cobertura de suelo y producción forrajera al final del periodo. LaB.híbridacv. Mulato y laB.brizanthacv. Toledo presentaron mayor estabilidad en la emergencia. LaB.híbridacv. Mulato y laB.ruziziensispresentaron una tasa de cobertura de suelo diaria superior a las demás especies, de 1,2 y 1,1 %/dia, respectivamente. LaB.brizanthacv. Toledo presentó la mayor tasa de crecimiento en altura de 0,65 cm/día. LaB.híbridacv. Mulato y laB. Brizanthacv. Marandú alcanzaron una producción de materia seca similar de alrededor de 2 t MS/ha, al final del periodo de establecimiento, superiores estadísticamente a laB.ruziziensis

    Paths of Words: The political dimension of friendly conversation in Robert Guédiguian’s films

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    This article studies the political dimension of friendship in Robert Guédiguian’s cinema, delving into the crucial role that conversation plays in this relationship, and taking Stanley Cavell’s thought as a main reference. Aristotle’s concept of civic friendship, along with its contemporary readings, and Cavell’s notion of conversation provide a theoretical frame for the analysis of three recent feature films directed by Guédiguian that present a strong thematic and narrative unity (and have barely received attention in previous scholarship): Les Neiges du Kilimandjaro/The Snows of Kilimanjaro (2011), La Villa/The House by the Sea (2017) and Gloria Mundi (2019). Based on, but going beyond, Cavell’s moral theorisation of the filmic portrayal of human relationships, the analysis of these films has identified four milestones in the transformative process—both personal and political—that stems from conversation with friends: conformity, confrontation, acknowledgement and renewed community. In all three films, this process of change is not only presented as a progressive discovery of one’s own voice, but also as a progressive unmasking: both are necessary prerequisites for welcoming foreigners in need of acknowledgement and, consequently, for the renewal of community

    Diseño y validación de una Escala de Amistad de Carácter para jóvenes

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    Friendship is an important bond in the personal and social growth of an individual and plays a prominent role during youth. Most scales to measure it are aimed at children and adolescents but none measure character friendship, a type of selfless friendship with ethical traits an d Aristotelian roots. Therefore, the aim of the research is to design and validate the youth Character Friendship Scale (CFS) in a sample of 1587 young Spanish people. The final version of the CFS is composed of 35 items distributed over three dimensions: "Selfless love and intimacy" (21), "Trust" (7) and "Respect and forgiveness" (7) with ordinal reliability coefficients of 0.94, 0.79 and 0.7 respectively and good model fits (CFI = 0.986; TLI = 0.986; RMSEA = 0.043; SRMR = 0.054; GFI = 0.997). It is concluded that the CFS is a scale with good psychometric properties for measuring character friendship in young adults. The results obtained from its application will lead to a better understanding of the importance of character friendship for the socioemotional development or happiness of young adults and will enable the development of intervention programmes that enhance aspects of friendship such as trust, respect, forgiveness or mutual knowledge, which can facilitate collaborative relationships and contribute to social cohesion


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    En Escobar - Paraguari, PY, se evaluó el efecto de tres fuentes de enmiendas orgánicas en dos niveles de aplicación sobre la altura, producción de materia seca y relación hoja tallo del Pennisetum purpureum cv. camerún, durante primavera - verano y otoño-invierno del 2005/2006. Fueron utilizados 28 parcelas de 20 m2dispuestos en bloques completos al azar, con siete tratamientos (T: sin aplicación; T1: enmienda bovina (EB) 20 t/ha ; T2: EB 40 t/ha; T3: enmienda porcina (EP) 20 t/ha; T4: EP 40 t/ha; T5: enmienda aviar (EA) 20 t/ha; T6: EA 40 t/ha) y cuatro repeticiones. Los cortes se realizaron cada 60 días a 0,10 m del suelo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a análisis de Varianza y comparados por el test de Tuckey (P< 0,05). Las alturas presentaron diferencias estadísticas solo en el primer periodo y superiores en los que se utilizo EA (1,4 y 1,6 m), similares comportamientos presentaron en la producción forrajera en MS/ha en ambos periodos, correspondieron los mayores rendimientos a las EA, seguido por las EP; se constato que mas del 60 % de las producciones correspondieron al periodo estival. La mayor producción acumulada tuvo el T6 con 38,92 t MS/ha diferente estadísticamente a los demás tratamientos. En la relación hoja-tallo no se registraron diferencias estadísticas


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    El estudio fue realizado con el objetivo de determinar el rendimiento de la res y caracterizar la calidad de carne de cuatro genotipos de bovino de carne. Fueron extraídos al azar cuatro cabezas de un total de 30 animales terminados por tratamiento, sometidos a similares condiciones de manejo, sanidad y alimentación, con edad promedio de 24 meses. Los tratamientos fueron: Criollo (Cr, Bos taurus adaptado), Indico (1, Bos indicus), Trihíbrido (Tr, Bos taurus adaptado x Bos indicus x Bos taurus continental) e Híbrido (H, Bos taurus ingles x Bos indicus). El Diseño experimental fue el de bloques completos al azar, los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a ANAVA, las diferencias fueron analizadas por el test de Tukey al 5%. Los resultados evidencian pesos superiores de los H y Tr (sin ayuno) con respecto al Cr, mientras con ayuno solamente el H fue estadísticamente superior al Cr. Los tratamientos H, Tre I fueron estadísticamente superiores en el rendimiento en peso de la res al Cr. Los rendimientos como porcentaje del peso vivo sin y con ayuno promediaron 52.3 y 56.3 %, resp. El desbaste promedio fué de 7 %. Los tratamientos H y Tr fueron superiores al Cr en relación al cuarto pistola corto y paleta+costillar, los mismos no arrojaron diferencia como porcentaje del peso vivo sin y con ayuno. El residuo blando y el residuo duro representan el 17.1 y e113.5 % del peso vivo sin ayuno. En cuanto a la calidad de carne los parámetros espesor de grasa y color de carne presentaron diferencias estadísticas, siendo el Cr superior a los demás tratamientos (6 mm y grado 5, resp.), no se encontró diferencias en los otros parámetros. El marmoreado obtenido fue pobre, aunque el color de carne y de grasa se cualificó como muy buena (Según Standard Japonés). Los pesos de cortes de lomito (Psoas mayor) y peceto (Semitendinosus) están en relación directa a los pesos vivos de los animales de cada tratamiento (H>Tr>I>Cr), encontrándose diferencia estadística solamente en el peceto entre H y Cr.

    Las emociones asociadas a la amistad cívica: una perspectiva psicoeducativa

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    The lack of social cohesion is a challenge for societies in our socio-political and cultural context. Although it is ambivalent, a way of promoting social cohesion is cultivating civic friendship. The aim of this article is twofold: to analyze the emotions associated with civic friendship, according to a hierarchical model presented by the authors; and to propose guidelines for its educational implementation, through actions that precede or goes hand in hand with the emotions. This work is theoretical and concludes that the specific emotions of civic friendship are the other-oriented emotions and that, paradoxically, being civic friendship an advantage friendship, it is educated by working on selfless emotions.La falta de cohesión social supone un reto para las sociedades de nuestro entorno sociopolítico y cultural. La amistad cívica, aunque tiene carácter ambivalente, puede ser una vía para afrontar este desafío. El objetivo del artículo es doble: analizar las emociones asociadas a la amistad cívica de acuerdo con un modelo jerárquico propio; y proponer orientaciones para su implementación educativa, mediante acciones concretas que preceden o acompañan a las emociones. Este trabajo es teórico y concluye que las emociones específicas de la amistad cívica son las emociones orientadas al otro y que, paradójicamente, siendo la amistad cívica ventajosa, se educa trabajando emociones desinteresadas

    Mortality by causes in HIV-infected adults: comparison with the general population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We compared mortality by cause of death in HIV-infected adults in the era of combined antiretroviral therapy with mortality in the general population in the same age and sex groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mortality by cause of death was analyzed for the period 1999-2006 in the cohort of persons aged 20-59 years diagnosed with HIV infection and residing in Navarre (Spain). This was compared with mortality from the same causes in the general population of the same age and sex using standardized mortality ratios (SMR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 210 deaths among 1145 persons diagnosed with HIV (29.5 per 1000 person-years). About 50% of these deaths were from AIDS. Persons diagnosed with HIV infection had exceeded all-cause mortality (SMR 14.0, 95% CI 12.2 to 16.1) and non-AIDS mortality (SMR 6.9, 5.7 to 8.5). The analysis showed excess mortality from hepatic disease (SMR 69.0, 48.1 to 78.6), drug overdose or addiction (SMR 46.0, 29.2 to 69.0), suicide (SMR 9.6, 3.8 to 19.7), cancer (SMR 3.2, 1.8 to 5.1) and cardiovascular disease (SMR 3.1, 1.3 to 6.1). Mortality in HIV-infected intravenous drug users did not change significantly between the periods 1999-2002 and 2003-2006, but it declined by 56% in non-injecting drug users (<it>P </it>= 0.007).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Persons with HIV infection continue to have considerable excess mortality despite the availability of effective antiretroviral treatments. However, excess mortality in the HIV patients has declined since these treatments were introduced, especially in persons without a history of intravenous drug use.</p

    Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in small areas of 33 Spanish cities

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    Background: In Spain, several ecological studies have analyzed trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality from all causes in urban areas over time. However, the results of these studies are quite heterogeneous finding, in general, that inequalities decreased, or remained stable. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: (1) to identify trends in geographical inequalities in all-cause mortality in the census tracts of 33 Spanish cities between the two periods 1996–1998 and 2005–2007; (2) to analyse trends in the relationship between these geographical inequalities and socioeconomic deprivation; and (3) to obtain an overall measure which summarises the relationship found in each one of the cities and to analyse its variation over time.Methods: Ecological study of trends with 2 cross-sectional cuts, corresponding to two periods of analysis: 1996–1998 and 2005–2007. Units of analysis were census tracts of the 33 Spanish cities. A deprivation index calculated for each census tracts in all cities was included as a covariate. A Bayesian hierarchical model was used to estimate smoothed Standardized Mortality Ratios (sSMR) by each census tract and period. The geographical distribution of these sSMR was represented using maps of septiles. In addition, two different Bayesian hierarchical models were used to measure the association between all-cause mortality and the deprivation index in each city and period, and by sex: (1) including the association as a fixed effect for each city; (2) including the association as random effects. In both models the data spatial structure can be controlled within each city. The association in each city was measured using relative risks (RR) and their 95 % credible intervals (95 % CI).Results: For most cities and in both sexes, mortality rates decline over time. For women, the mortality and deprivation patterns are similar in the first period, while in the second they are different for most cities. For men, RRs remain stable over time in 29 cities, in 3 diminish and in 1 increase. For women, in 30 cities, a non-significant change over time in RR is observed. However, in 4 cities RR diminishes. In overall terms, inequalities decrease (with a probability of 0.9) in both men (RR¿=¿1.13, 95 % CI¿=¿1.12–1.15 in the 1st period; RR¿=¿1.11, 95 % CI¿=¿1.09–1.13 in the 2nd period) and women (RR¿=¿1.07, 95 % CI¿=¿1.05–1.08 in the 1st period; RR¿=¿1.04, 95 % CI¿=¿1.02–1.06 in the 2nd period).Conclusions: In the future, it is important to conduct further trend studies, allowing to monitoring trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality and to identify (among other things) temporal factors that may influence these inequalities

    Treatment challenges in and outside a specialist network setting: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours

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    Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms comprise a group of rare tumours with special biology, an often indolent behaviour and particular diagnostic and therapeutic requirements. The specialized biochemical tests and radiological investigations, the complexity of surgical options and the variety of medical treatments that require individual tailoring, mandate a multidisciplinary approach that can be optimally achieved through an organized network. The present study describes currents concepts in the management of these tumours as well as an insight into the challenges of delivering the pathway in and outside a Network

    Expert Elicitation on Wind Farm Control

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    Wind farm control is an active and growing field of research in which the control actions of individual turbines in a farm are coordinated, accounting for inter-turbine aerodynamic interaction, to improve the overall performance of the wind farm and to reduce costs. The primary objectives of wind farm control include increasing power production, reducing turbine loads, and providing electricity grid support services. Additional objectives include improving reliability or reducing external impacts to the environment and communities. In 2019, a European research project (FarmConners) was started with the main goal of providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in wind farm control, identifying consensus of research findings, data sets, and best practices, providing a summary of the main research challenges, and establishing a roadmap on how to address these challenges. Complementary to the FarmConners project, an IEA Wind Topical Expert Meeting (TEM) and two rounds of surveys among experts were performed. From these events we can clearly identify an interest in more public validation campaigns. Additionally, a deeper understanding of the mechanical loads and the uncertainties concerning the effectiveness of wind farm control are considered two major research gaps