429 research outputs found

    Microscopic/stochastic timesteppers and coarse control: a kinetic Monte Carlo example

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    Coarse timesteppers provide a bridge between microscopic / stochastic system descriptions and macroscopic tasks such as coarse stability/bifurcation computations. Exploiting this computational enabling technology, we present a framework for designing observers and controllers based on microscopic simulations, that can be used for their coarse control. The proposed methodology provides a bridge between traditional numerical analysis and control theory on the one hand and microscopic simulation on the other

    Formation of an integrated financial regulation system of transport corporations’ economic development

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    Scientific findings of this article correspond with the fact that the development of interacting business entities is quite diverse. This affects the efficiency of corporations’ budget management. So, a need arises to adjust the financial assets applied to the development of integrated enterprises, basing on their economic compatibility evaluation. Authors suggest using the companies’ development intensity determined by the increasing qualitative business activity indicators compared to the increasing quantitative ones. Theoretical economics gives no clear definition of compatibility of developing companies. Economic practices do not pay proper attention to the development of effective financial regulation of economic development of companies integrated into a corporation. The article suggests original definitions of economic compatibility as well as the model of forming the integrated system of transport companies’ economic development on the basis of morphological approach. Theoretical and methodological findings are approved in the business activity of transport corporationspeer-reviewe

    Knaster's problem for (Z2)k(Z_2)^k-symmetric subsets of the sphere S2k1S^{2^k-1}

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    We prove a Knaster-type result for orbits of the group (Z2)k(Z_2)^k in S2k1S^{2^k-1}, calculating the Euler class obstruction. Among the consequences are: a result about inscribing skew crosspolytopes in hypersurfaces in R2k\mathbb R^{2^k}, and a result about equipartition of a measures in R2k\mathbb R^{2^k} by (Z2)k+1(Z_2)^{k+1}-symmetric convex fans

    Influence of metal structural heterogeneity on corrosion of steam boiler pipes

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    The degree of metal structural heterogeneity and its influence on intergranular and intragranular creep and processes of general and pitting pipe corrosion of steam boilers connected with them has been estimated on the basis of the roentgenophase analysis of samples taken from pipe steel 20

    Text and metatext event in the gaze behavior of impulsive and reflective readers

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    The subject of experimental studies of the authors are the factors that determine the distribution attention while reading. The study analyzes the features of constructing an event in text and metatext fragments of plays as capable of impact on changes in the oculomotor behavior of readers, reflective and impulsiv

    Continuous Monitoring of Information on Anode Current Distribution as Means of Improving the Process of Controlling and Forecasting Process Disturbances

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    За последние десятилетия система АСУТП электролиза достигла больших возможностей по улучшению сбора и обработки сигналов, которые обеспечивают основу для регулирования питания, теплового баланса и магнитогидродинамической (МГД) стабильности. Несмотря на значительное развитие, постоянно растут потребности в датчиках контроля, которые могут распознавать и реагировать на возникающие изменения. C 2008 г. на электролизерах опытного участка РА-400, расположенного в опытно-промышленном корпусе электролиза ОАО «РУСАЛ Саяногорск», эксплуатируется система непрерывного мониторинга информации о распределении тока по анодам, интегрированная в АСУТП СААТ-2. На протяжении промышленных испытаний система мониторинга постоянно совершенствовалась в части достоверности информации, обеспечения работоспособности оборудования в условиях агрессивных сред, а также при выполнении технологических и ремонтных операций на электролизере. Полученная информация о распределении тока по анодам позволила разработать алгоритмы, прогнозирующие на ранней стадии отклонения в питании глиноземом электролизера с последующим перераспределением по точкам автоматической подачи глинозема (АПГ), прогнозирование и распознавание технологических нарушений на подошве анодов («конуса»)The aluminum reduction process control system in recent decades has given great opportunities for improving the collection and processing of signals that provide the basis for the adjustment of feeding, thermal balance and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability. Despite considerable development, there is a growing need for control sensors that can detect and respond to emerging changes. Since 2008, the cells operating in the RA-400 pilot area inside the Pilot Potroom at OJSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk have been using a system for continuous monitoring of information on anode current distribution. The system has been integrated in the ‘CAAT-2’ control system. In the course of industrial tests, the monitoring system was continuously improved – in terms of information reliability, and equipment operability in aggressive environments and during pot tending & maintenance operations. The obtained information on anode current distribution allowed for developing algorithms to detect, at an early stage, variations in cell alumina feeding, including further alumina re-distribution between feed points, and forecast and detect anode bottom problems (“spike”

    Neotectonics and Modern Geodynamics of Verkhnekamskoe Potash Salt Deposit

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    Рассматривается новейшая структура территории Верхнекамского месторождения калийных солей (ВКМКС), которая может влиять на современное состояние соляной залежи и быть одной из причин происходящих негативных природнотехногенных процессов. На основании структурно-геодинамических исследований в пределах новейшего Соликамского поднятия выделены три неотектонические области, Северная, Центральная и Южная, отличающиеся типом новейших структур, геодинамическими условиями их формирования и степенью наследования соляных структур. Оценено происхождение новейших структур, которое связывается с латеральным СЗ-ЮВ сжатием, при котором формируются обратные соотношения разновозрастных структур и происходит активизация древних разломов. Отмечается, что для предупреждения катастрофических провалов и опасных горно-геологических явлений необходимы учет и оценка не только древних герцинских дислокаций, но и неотектонических структур и геодинамических условий их формирования

    Костные останки из могильников Перми Вычегодской (XI–XIV вв.): результаты мультидисциплинарных научных исследований и эколого-исторические реконструкции

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    Using a wide range of modern mineralogical and physicochemical methods, a representative collection of human bones from seven burial grounds of the Vychegda Permians of the 11th–14th centuries was studied. The microstructureof bones, their chemical and normative-mineral composition, the content of microelements, the nanoporosity of the organo-mineral composite, the composition and properties of bioanatite and bone collagen were analyzed. Fundamental differences in the properties of raw and so-called calcified bones are determined. Based on isotope data on bioapatite and collagen of raw bones, the climatic conditions for the existence of the Vychegda Permians and their diets were reconstructed.С применением широкого комплекса современных минералогических, физико-химических и изотопных методов исследована представительная коллекция человеческих костей из семи могильников вычегодских пермян XI–XIV вв. Проанализированы микростроение костей, их химический и нормативно-минеральный состав, содержание микроэлементов, нанопористость органо-минерального композита, состав и свойства биоапатита и костного коллагена. Определены принципиальные различия в свойствах сырых и так называемых кальцинированных костей. На основании изотопных данных по биоапатиту и коллагену сырых костей реконструированы климатические условия существования вычегодских пермян и рационы их питани

    Impact of toxicity effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles in rats within acute and subacute experiments

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    Introduction. Occupational air is contaminated with zinc oxide nanoparticles in the copper smelting industry, especially in the smelting of brass and copper. A wide range of toxic effects with varied clinical symptomatology is observed in zinc and its compounds. Competitive relations with many other metals, including calcium, copper, and iron, are the foundation of most cases of zinc intoxication. Long-term administration of zinc or its compounds to laboratory rodents affects enzymes, carbohydrates and mineral metabolism. Materials and methods. Subchronic intoxication with repeated intraperitoneal injections and acute low respiratory tract reaction to a single intratracheal injection of zinc nanoparticles were simulated in outbred white rats. Water suspensions of zinc oxide nanoparticles with a 30-80 nm diameter were applied in both experimental models. Upon completion of the exposure, the condition of the rats in all groups was evaluated in many generally accepted criteria for toxicity. The student’s t-test was applied for statistical analysis of the obtained data. Results. Moderate intoxication development in a subchronic experiment is demonstrated. Homogeneous ultrastructural changes in the spleen tissue were revealed. Mitochondrial damage with partial or complete loss of crista is the most common. The fragmentation ratio of DNA was found by a statistically significant increase. A single intratracheal injection of zinc oxide nanoparticles revealed the increase in the attraction of cells capable of their phagocytosis (mainly neutrophils) into the low respiratory tract. This shows their cytotoxicity. Conclusion. Moderate general toxic and cytotoxic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the rat body were identified. © 2021 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved